The bedazzling journal of Fazir Rafirhan.

Started by zerotje, March 12, 2025, 10:33:15 AM

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[A leather journal with a beautiful cover with intricate patterns and a slot in the center housing an amethyst gently poking out, shiny and of proper quality, lies somewhere in Fazir's possessions. He writes his idle thoughts with delicate hand, resulting in charming calligraphy.]

Amethyst is my favourite gem, everything about it is just perfect in my eyes. Wine colour, a symbol of royalty, luxury, wealth and power. Not only that, it wards off negative energies, I can sense the aura of Ephia's Well, it is like crashing waves against the seashore. Turbulent, troubling, tense... It is good that I have my spiritual protections in order, or I would be taken by these waves as so many others. I can see it in the dead eyes of the adventurers, those poor clueless souls. They strife, fight, battle and do naught else. Discuss the latest fashion, the idle politics, their enchanted gear. No thoughts to the state of their soul! It is a sad thing, their unnurtured spirits.

I'll need many more precious stones to ensure safety and prosperity for myself and those I care about. Speaking of, that's zero people at this moment. Zero. I do not care for anyone but myself. Am I an egomaniac? Definitely not! But these people are so dreadful... I'm fairly certain I'll meet some kindred spirits, but I really do wonder where and when! If I were to guess, I would probably get along well with Wheel priests. Although they aren't going to follow me along the roads to wealth and prosperity, they at least are concerned with the state of the soul! Yes... Maybe I should find an Izdur! Or a Gellemedite! If that's what you call them? Trickery and joy, a deadly mix of entertainment, sounds so fun! Fun fun fun.

And what luck I had! An *exclusive* piece of fashion was sold to me, from that store in Palm Heights, I should really know the name and it is shameful that I do not. I'll visit it later today, have it stick with me. Oh, that silly girl really put a smile to my face. What a good first impression I am making, a pauper refugee, immediately supplied with this season's f....

Wait a minute, she sold me last season's fashion. Last season.

Are you serious?


An Ashfolk lady, Lujayn al-Farisyya her name, says she's modelled for the outfit I'm wearing, that which I was cursing as being merely *Last Season's* best fashion. Furthermore she was still wearing it herself. So either that means she's a bit of a buffoon OR there are no qualms on wearing outdated fashion in this settlement. I am tasting it is the latter! It's said the Ashfolk are the masters of this Great Ash Desert and I would be silly to not defer myself to their wisdom. They are masters of diplomacy and rule by reputation.

Then there was this distinguished gentleman with the Top-Hat, a rare piece of regalia! He spoke of helping me, if I had an interest, with custom tailoring. Hm, I might have to take him up on that. My hands make art when it comes to working jewelery and gems. But tailoring? If he has talent for it and I do not, well, seems an obvious choice then doesn't it. What lovely folk, these Ephians.

Ah and I spend some coin figuring out the truth about Recluta's. Quigsby throwing loaded dice around, Olga throwing loaded dice around, Oswick taunting me. It seems somewhat obvious to 'not trust them' but people often exaggerate. It is better that I experimented and found this out myself for the cheap price of about 300 lost coin across my interactions. Strange to witness a company priding itself on longstanding contracts & adhering to them for maximized profitability, having such bird brained little grunts running around to ruin such pristine reputation. A cheap and valueable lesson! It does irk me, because I, for my future wants and needs, do need some people's goods taken from them and brought to me. Who, if not the Banda, could be trusted with such a task? Perhaps the bald and tattood men could point me in the right direction, if not carry out this work themselves.

All in all, Ephia's Well's managed to trebuchet myself into ever higher echelons of socieity. From a dusty ash wanderer, to filling a void in the Souk, several thousands dinars and a blossoming reputation. But not everything is hokie dokie... The work is dangerous and I have earned TWO mortal scars in but a week's time. It could've been this entry was never written in my gem encrusted journal, I'd just be an unnamed grave in the Ashways. I absolutely must tread on the path of caution. Let these scars be a painful and powerful lesson to prevent my demise!

Future plans ... Attain more jewelery of quality, meaning, with powerful enchantments OR mundane with the right aspects. Toss away all that is boring. Launch the Amethyst Arcanium, with a stock that places mouths agape and spawn many returning customers. Invade the Purple League and position myself as a proper politician. Have a robber steal that distinguished gentleman's Top-Hat. Purchase myself an office for storage space primarily, and for meetings. And enjoy the many luxuries of Ephia's Well. I have been enjoying pipeweed, mizzar, muffins and the best sausages, Rose wine... Oh, I should try falafels.

The future is bright, the future is radiant.