Letter to Alexandria Sayburgh

Started by Voss_, March 10, 2025, 10:22:19 PM

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QuoteLegate Sayburgh,

In accordance with my duty as Absolver, I have captured and executed the Wyrmist known as Mazeed, who scorned Ephia's mercy only to crawl once more before the Ninth Spoke.

This letter also serves to inform you of an incident within the city square. Legate Lhyrian of the Gold Seat, flanked by a contingent of janissaries, confronted me and demanded I lower my arms, claiming that, by her word, the title of Absolver holds no authority within the law and is therefore meaningless.

I am advised that her motivations stem from petty jealousy, and I expect she will soon trouble you with this matter.

Until this disruption is resolved, I will continue to fulfill my duties as they are set before me.

Should you require my words or my service, you need only summon me.

- Absolver Mansur Amun-Rezhir


Absolver Mansur,

Fret not over this little games played by my counterpart. Your brilliant work is a shining example of the Absolvers and their worth to this citadel.

-Alexandria Sayburgh



Keep your weapons low inside of the citadel walls. If there is a crime within, seek the Janissary for aid. Beyond the walls and beneath the Mother's sable cloak, bring forth your justice or absolution, as necessary.

Secondly, did you find out much from Mazeed? I did ever want some information from him.

- Alexandria