[A sealed package for Sister Amelie]

Started by Ioannes, February 24, 2025, 03:12:54 AM

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QuoteA small package is delivered to the Priory, intended for Sister Amelie. Within is a hand-copied leaf from le Jonquille's Book of Hours, and a message written upon the verso of the page.

"Sister Amelie, favored by Kula,

Our journey those days ago inspired me greatly to recall upon a time not too long after my beloved Alieanor died, while I sought Ephia's Well.

An ashstorm came upon me where there was no where to shelter. I would have surely died, but a great squall sent forth a thundering storm of rain, that cast aside the ash and spared me what certainly would have been a fate most cruel.

It reminds me of what we strive for. That we shall prevail, or else the world will drown in this age of ash...

Humbly thy friend and helper,
Denain le Jonquille"


Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

Denain le Jonquille,

You have done honor to Her name, and written truth-in-verse.

I, and mine, are grateful.

Sister Amélie