To Legate Lhyrian

Started by Walrus Warwagon, February 23, 2025, 08:10:30 PM

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Walrus Warwagon


If you truly intend to mend this breach fo trust and establish a working relationship, then consider this agreement I include with the letter.

Clockmaker Cogsworth Clockhand

Between Legate Vellyn Lhyrian and Cogsworth Clockhand, Arcane Engineer and Industrial Consultant

I. Purpose and Necessity

This document serves to formally establish the conditions under which Cogsworth Clockhand (hereafter "the Consultant") agrees to lend his expertise in matters of industrial pursuing, arcane engineering, analysis, logic, and further knowledge to Legate Vellyn Lhyrian (hereafter "the Principal"). This contract exists to prevent further ambiguity or oversight in the Consultant's professional standing and contributions.

II. Terms of Professional Engagement

1. Recognition of Expertise - The Consultant, while acting in the interest of this agreement, is to be referred to exclusively as an expert in all formal and informal settings pertaining to this collaboration. Any misrepresentation, intentional or otherwise, of his role or authority shall be considered a breach of professional courtesy.

2. Defined Obligations - The Consultant shall provide technical knowledge and advisory input within the agreed-upon parameters. Any requests beyond this scope must be submitted in writing, whereupon additional compensation or contractual amendments will be required. Assumptions of flexibility based on prior informal agreements shall not be entertained.

3. Compensation and Resources - The Consultant's remuneration shall be clearly established prior to commencement of each phase of work and included into each reached agreement. Promises of "future considerations" or vague assurances of later reward shall not constitute valid terms of payment. Furthermore, access to necessary facilities and materials, should these be available, is to be provided without unnecessary obfuscation or delay, and expenses required to do so will be compensated by the Principal.

4. Contractual Integrity - Any deviation from these terms requires formal renegotiation. Verbal agreements have proven unreliable. Thus, all commitments shall exist solely within the confines of this written document, and written agreements. The Consultant shall not be sidelined, reassigned, or otherwise diminished in role at the convenience of shifting priorities, in contradiction to written agreements.

5. Exit and Termination - Should either party determine that continued cooperation is unfeasible, dissolution of this agreement shall be conducted through formal, written notice with no fewer than ten (10) days lead time, allowing for proper closure of ongoing work. Sudden, unilateral severance of professional ties without due cause shall be noted as a breach of agreed terms and incur a debt of public acknowledgment of unprofessional conduct and public apology onto the Principal. Same rule of prior notification applies to Consultant with same consequence.

6. Obligations on termination - termination of agreement initiated by Principal without reaching an corresponding agreement does not free Principal from obligation of providing originally agreed upon compensation.

III. Authority and Permit Clause

1. Representation in Official Capacity - The Consultant, when acting within the scope of a planned or ongoing project under this agreement, shall be considered a direct representative of the Principal. Accordingly, instructions, directives, and decisions made by the Consultant in the execution of said project shall carry the same weight as if issued by the Principal themselves, subject to the agreed-upon and written project parameters.

2. Permit of Authority - To avoid unnecessary bureaucratic obstruction or questioning of the Consultant's position, the Principal shall provide a written permit confirming the Consultant's authority in all relevant matters. This permit shall explicitly state the Consultant's delegated powers, including but not limited to:
  • Unrestricted access to necessary resources, materials, and facilities;
  • The ability to coordinate with subordinate personnel without additional verification;
  • The authority to make project-critical decisions in the absence of direct oversight.

3. Permit Enforcement and Validity - The issued permit shall be considered binding for the duration of the project unless formally revoked in writing. Any attempt to undermine or disregard the Consultant's authorized status without due process shall be treated as a breach of contract and incur a debt of public acknowledgment of unprofessional conduct and public apology onto the Principal.

4. Obstruction Clause - Any individual, entity, or bureaucratic mechanism that obstructs the Consultant's ability to perform their duties in direct opposition to the permit, shall be considered to be in direct violation of the Principal's mandate. It is therefore the responsibility of the Principal to ensure that all relevant parties recognize and adhere to the Consultant's granted authority.

IV. Final Provisions

Both parties acknowledge that this agreement exists due to previous miscommunications, and therefore agree to uphold its terms with the seriousness befitting professional engagements. By signing below, the Principal commits to the integrity and reliability expected of their station, while the Consultant commits to providing the expertise for which he was engaged - on terms that ensure his time and knowledge are given the respect they warrant


[A letter is send in reply to property number 8, marked with the name "Cogsworth". The body of the text is in an elegant, well practiced script.]


Thank you for your time to pen a letter. The legate invites you to discuss the details of your proposal in person. She shall summon you after the next assembly.

In name of the legate,

Vizier, Nadiri and Principal Oracle,
