A letter for the Ser Hyram Arkaeos

Started by Poolson, February 10, 2025, 08:08:31 AM

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Ser Knight & Chronicler,

I am Katya Belyaeva, a student under the study of my master, Aeronwy Caddick.

I write you today with inquiry.

As a Student, I strive to learn how to best serve the quest of the Cinquefoil Rose, and the virtues it has inherited from the storied men of days bast.

Under my master, I have learned humility - that we are mortals, fallible and prone to err. That although perfection is an impossible ideal for those such as us, that we must strive towards it all the same.

From the Grandmaster, I have learned forgiveness - to behold her forgive all of those who have broken oaths to her, and embrace them again as kin with a second chance. How could I hope to call myself better, if I could not forgive those who would forgive in kind?

From my brothers and sisters, I have learned initiative and resolve, and it has helped me in both the pursuit of political engagement, and in battle, where I owe them my survival against the likes of Baldasare and Vinny, and against the Thousand Clans and their ambush upon that distant volcanic battlefield, both in the martial arts they taught me, and in their protection, for those who died so that I might live.

This is not a letter asking for a promotion. Only a foolish student declares to their tutor "I am ready". That is a decision you make, not one I demand you make.

I only ask: where do I continue my study from here, to be all that I can be for the Cinquefoil Rose?

Katya Belyaeva.


Earn Lyrist Domergue's approval, and you will enter the ranks of the Balladeers.

Ser Hyram Arkaeos


Ser Hyram,

I am in a strange position where the Lyrist and my own master are indisposed.

Is there anyone else that would weigh and measure me?

Katya Belyaeva.