Reduce Animal Companion Death Timer

Started by Voss_, February 08, 2025, 07:51:10 PM

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Giving this suggestion a bump. I know it's been discussed before, but I don't recall seeing any direct DM input on it.

Currently, when an animal companion dies, there's a 20-hour real-time cooldown before it can be used again. While I understand it encourages players to treat their animal as companion rather than disposable summons, the death timer feels excessive. A 20-hour lockout often means a player loses access to their companion for the rest of the day and well into the next depending on timing.

Given that companions are a core part of the Druid and ranger kit (Especially perks that require you to be near them), the timer ends up feeling overly punishing. Encounters this chapter are pretty deadly, combined with the unrelaible companion AI, makes keeping them alive pretty hard.

I'd like to suggest reducing the death timer to make it less frustrating.


+1. I've asked before, but never saw a dm response.
Forever in the Shadows, yearning for the Light.