A Earthen Brown Leather Tome with Dwarven Runes and an Open-Palm Hand

Started by CrimsonMedicine, February 08, 2025, 06:39:25 PM

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To the One Who Dares to Read

A book is a tool, like hammer or chisel. Held rightly, it builds. Held poorly, it shatters. If your hands be careless, shut these pages now, for wisdom ill-kept is wisdom wasted. Or worse, turned to ruin.

What is written here is no idle scribbling, no child's musings. These words are measured as a mason sets stone, laid firm and true. They are meant for those with the spine to bear them. Knowledge is not without cost, nor without consequence. It is an anvil—it will temper you, or it will break you.

If you read, do so with purpose. If you pry, be ready to stand by what you learn. And if you steal these words for foolish ends, know this. Truth has a weight of its own, and it will grind you down like millstone on grain.

May Izzakhar sharpen your mind as the whetstone does the blade. If you falter, that is your own doing.

So, get your hands off my bloody diary if you can not handle the thoughts of a High Kulkundian.


Iyar 8th, 7789

I managed to get my bearings after arriving at the Well yesterday, stumbling in from the Sands of the Great Ash Desert. It's a lot different here than it is up by Mount Kulkund. Dry, ashy, and the air is hot and stagnant at times. Managed to pay my way from one of the caravans leaving the Mountain. I think I am among some of the last refugees and survivors of our exiled peoples.

Though, I am beginning to understand that I need to adapt a bit. To survive here. I am constantly reminded of what my father said.

"A hand that gives freely today may come to take twice as much tomorrow. Stand on your own feet, boy. better to owe nothing and own all that you have."

I'll do my best to consider these words, how they shaped me when I was younger.


Went to the War Efforts for Ephia's Well. It felt nice to fight back against the Orcs, especially for all they've done to my people. It seems that the Ephians hold a similar rage as we Kulkundians do, at least in part.

I know I shouldn't write this, but there were a lot of people who were showing kindness to me. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. There was an incident during the raid where I had stepped in front of someone to heal their wounds. Archers caught sight of me and numerous arrows found their mark upon me. Thanks to others aid and help, I lived.

Returning to the Camp afterwards, many came up to me and asked to know me. For my bravery, met some Balladeers, met some Dwarves, and met more Wheel-folk. They can't know how happy it made me to speak with them or how appreciative I was of them. How much I wished to say thanks, and appreciate all they are doing for me, so I shall write it here. Kept in this sacred tome.

I thank you.


A recent trip to Azgal Valley. It was nice to visit home.

[Korinthus Dûngir's Painting Check Skills are Above Average.]

[Painted in various oils acquired from the Souk display a valley with clear skies and open plains where grass still grows.]

- The Valley of Azgal


News has begun to spread. A Blood Plague? I don't know what that is, but with the light of Izzakhar I will burn this away with His divinity. His divinity that he has entrusted with this Speaker. I am trying to not let this news of disease ruin my joy, my happiness, and my pride.

A Synod? What even is that?

I worry about the days yet to come. I suppose I will do what I can to get stronger to face them. To learn what I can of the Well. To stand on my own two feet, despite how wobbly and weak they are at times, and live. For Kulkund.

Wisdom, light my way.


Iyar 9th, 7789

I've gone ahead and decided to join Sandstone College. It's only been a day or so and I've already managed to acquire a tassel. Some within the halls have looked at me a bit strangely for the color I choose. Alas, there are mysteries of this world that I am interested in. So I decided to go ahead and choose the;

Black Tassel.

I'll learn delicate knowledge, and I will protect it. I've even managed to receive tutelage on some painting from one of the professors. In time what I learn might be a key of sorts in saving others. Though I might be a Kulkundian, I still care. No one needs to know how much though. I'll keep my softer feelings to myself. I have to be strong here in this foreign city. There are so few Kin around and I don't know who I can trust yet.


I attended the funeral of one, Marcellus Saenus. He was a once-Legate of Purple for Ephia's Well. Seemed a good sort, started out as a Priest of Izzakhar, but somehow fell into the clutches of the Murderer, Coordum.

It seems there's quite a lot of political strife in the Citadel too. The current Legate of Purple slapped some once-Legate of Gold. There are accusations of murder thrown around, of betrayal, grudges being brought up, physical violence, political showings and gains. It was a bit embarrassing to behold. No respect for the dead, or the sacred grounds of Kali and Gali.

Even though I never knew the man, and he turned away from the Magi, to the Murderer. I'll still give thanks to the man. Seems like a whole bunch of folks respected you. To you, Marcellus. I'll have a drink in your name.


I heard the tale of Ulfgrim and his Duunthall. It seemed to be nearing the end of its tale and he sought to revive it. Especially with the loss of the life of his 'Soul'. The leader of the Duunthall; Durgin Doomed-Oath. He seeks to do this by bringing in other Kin. It reminds me of what the Elder spoke of to me. The King of Deep Kulkund came to the Queen of High Kulkund, begging, a 'dishonourable' thing to do, for help.

~In the stories of old, High Queen Ygrotte II refused him. Thus, the civil war between those of Deep and those of High began.~

He wants to first reclaim the hold of Got Valdhazr by finding an heir to the throne. Some Prince out in the sands. It was his old Kin's Quest. - Before they passed that is. It's a sad thought, I almost teared up at the thought of it. Ulfgrim is all alone as each one, one by one, falls in battles. I wanted to hug him, but I didn't want to be too forward.

He seems a bit of a lonely man. My heart goes out to him.

But, what do I want to do? The man gives praise to the Murderer. I wonder what the Elder thinks? What would my parents do? Reclaiming the Dwarven holds of old? Is that something that we could do? Could I see the places my parents used to walk?

I'll speak to some other Kin, and get their thoughts while I think over my own.

Until then.

Wisdom, light my way.


Iyar 10th, IY 7789

From the morning to the night I feel as though I have been moving on my shaky feet. A lass named Cataline found me in the Krak. Looking for help with securing trade routes to the South of the Well. Her and I came across a bunch of bandits. She's quite the fighter. On the way out a bounty beast assailed us, and she too fought it off. She said no one would believe she did it if she told them. She's some sort of secretary for Gold.

Either way, good to make allies, friends, and trusted folks.


From there the work only continued as the sun made its way around the Disc. Ended a Goblin throng with some new folks, and something called an 'Absolver'. Bit interesting that the faith of the Wheel here in the Well needs some form of military guards. I am glad to be out in the Tablet with Kin.

I spoke to Nessia about the project I've been working on for Hashem. I feel horrible for what's going on. I'm glad he has come to me and asked for help. Whilst I can't express outwards my thanks or appreciation for most folk. I'm happy that people are kind here. Call it that Kulkund Pride if you will. Either way, Nessia is going to help me out.

From there we did some board work, investigating some Monoliths in the, so aptly named, Monolith Caves. It was nice to get to work with some friends, and some old ones. Theo, Reina, Calliope, and Kiran. Then to clear out some hives of spiders. Nasty things if you ask me. I know they are in some way related to the Wyld, but they've always given me the heebie-jeebies.


Then as evening began to set in a raid was called on the Iron Destroyer Clan, turns out we destroyed them. The citizens of Ephia's Well sure know how to handle the Orcs, and seem to have quite a bit of hatred for them. Almost as much as we Kulkundians have for them.

One thing that stood out to me though, was during the raid when people would stop and give thanks to me for tending their wounds. My mother would say it's because I am doing something nice for them, and they give thanks only so that I will do it more. Is that really true?

"Kindness from strangers is a coin too often counterfeit. Test its weight, scratch its surface, and if it gleams too bright, throw it away."

Ma was always a hardass though. I miss her.

[Korinthus Dûngir's Painting Check Skills are Above Average.]

[A painted image of a Titan of Dawning based on memory. Memory of a healer looking down, instead of up at the construct. Any who looked in the diary and had seen a Titan, most would say that the face/head is not quite right.]

- A Titan of Dawning

Today was also my first time seeing a Titan. It was massive, I took a few liberties with my work as I wasn't really looking up. More at the folks standing by its feet taking the hits. The prayers and utterances of Izzakhar helped me keep folks standing up.

For a brief moment, I saw Ulfgrim again. He was still donning his all-black armor. Mourning for the lost. I'd give him a hug if it wouldn't shatter my reputation and hurt the pride of my ancestors. If he asks again, I think I will join him in his group. His goal seems worthy, even though he follows the Murderer.

All in all, a good day. Smiles, laughs, and minimal pains. I am eager for the kindness that tomorrow might bring.

Wisdom, light my way.


Iyar 12th, IY 7789

It's been a busy few days. Board work upon board work. However, I can't say that it hasn't been fun, especially when you are in good company. Reina, a spellblade, has been a great source of joy to be around. Theo, a smith in training, has some hilarious quips from time to time. Together with Nessia, the four of us rebound off each other with silly comments, jokes, and good times.

It helps, helps forget about all the troubles of the Deserts for a time, until the Ash comes pouring back in that is. I make my way home, wiping smiles from my face as I walk into the Hovel. The Elder's eyes upon me were so sad. It hurts to look at him sometimes, reminded of my parent's hatred for things that maybe we should leave in the past.

I know Coordum betrayed us, but how long can we go around hating a god? A spoke of the Wheel? With one missing that makes a poor wheel after all, bumping along on the Firmament as it traces its way through the sky and time.

Maybe in time, all wounds can heal. Never forgotten, but healed. Scars.


My studies have slowed a bit whilst I wait for Baublium to find its way to me. I theorize that with the usage it has for the Shade that protects the Well from Ash. Maybe it can be used to protect something else in another way. Someone's mind from outsiders perhaps? That's the theory at least. I'll likely need someone to forge some kind of crown that can hold the Baublium within. A sort of catalyst for it that the wearer can then use to hide their mind from those that might be looking to find it.

It's a working theory. Perhaps I should speak with some others about it, but as a black tassel the things we look into can be a bit odd, strange, and fear-inducing. I'll inquire with a few fellow students and get their thoughts.


Gideon was really nice to me today, heck, a lot of people were and have been. I won't lie, it's nice to be thought of and handed things that would help. People are kind here, I know my Ma and Pa would frown at almost every conversation I have, but I'm making friends.

We were returning from fighting some Scorpioids when we came across a beetle. A real rare-looking one too! We were able to slay it easily as Katya, Cian, Theo, Reina, and Gideon are quite formidable in battle. Afterwards, he gave me the exoskeleton. How romantic.

Though, sadly, the Professor said he already had a bunch of those ones so he didn't even take it. Oh well, the most important thing is that Gideon's a great guy. I should see what I can do to bring him into our little friend group. He's got a good heart too. Wonder if he


I'll see what tomorrow brings, but so far, I am feeling good. Happy. Content. I still seek to find my place in this Citadel. Find ways to restore glory to my people of Kulkund. I could look to call the raids against the Orc and get some revenge for my people.

Maybe there is a place for me here too, a home?

I'll see what Izzakhar has in store for me.

Wisdom, light my way.


Iyar 13th, IY 7789

The Black Tassel.

Some look at me with an eyebrow raised, others take a wide stance to avoid me, and some have even come up to me inquiring as to what it is that I am doing with such. Truth be told, I don't know. I have some things I am researching. Protecting the mind of someone afflicted with entities that seek them out. I want to understand and know more about the Blood Plague and how to fight it. Things like that. The strange. The unknown.

I want to learn more though about the dark magics that the Deep Dwarves called upon. The Elder was so afraid of it. He didn't want to tell me. I know exploring the unknown is dangerous, walking into dark places and things can get attached. Entities. Shadows. Shadows that lurk amidst one's own shadow.

A Nadiri, Manos Cosmatos, spoke to me while doing some board work. Inquiring and warning me that most people don't take kindly to my tassel. Or at least, that it has a history and a reputation. That's fine with me. I am a bit of an unconventional man, but I'll do what I can to spin a positive light going forward. Finding the truth as Izzakhar would demand of me.

Not only that, but Manos is interested in strengthening the connection between the College and the Tower. Something that I too am interested in creating a stronger link with.


From there I, along with many others, were invited to go out and slay a Titan. This makes two now. I wonder where they come from? They say that they are forged from the times of old, the creation of the Gods. Yet, they act so young at times. Who is to say for certain? The pursuit of this question might be answered upon our arrival at the end of this war end goal; Bet Nappahi.

Speaking of war, there was an attack and we had to rush to the war camps' defence, then a raid was called against The Bonechewer clan. I guess they won't be chewing on any more bones now. As previously observed it seems that the Ephians really are learning how to fight the Orcs well. On both tasks, people nearly fell, but none were injured too badly. I think I was able to save a few lives as well. That feels nice, and the thanks one gets afterwards is incredible.

It's like a warm fuzzy feeling inside of me is growing. I think it would make my Pa sick to hear me gushing on about these things. But, he doesn't have to know. Not like he could...

Perhaps some people fear me, but I believe that some people are beginning to see who I am despite the tassel I wear.

Tomorrow is a new day, and we shall see what challenges it brings.

Wisdom, light my way.


Iyar 14th, IY 7789

By now it has become like the cycles of the moon and sun, board work upon board work, over and over I continue.

Defeating strange fish folk inside caves on the isles of Harrowden, to aid the Accord to the South of the Well. At least it is often completed in good company. Alongside those I consider my friends and allies, it is a nice thing. There is a quiet joy in shared struggle, in knowing that even in the depths of some forgotten cave, there are others beside me.

The flickering of torchlight upon wet stone, the echo of battle cries through narrow tunnels, the steady rhythm of my own breath as I speak words of healing. It is all becoming familiar, even comforting in a strange way. Perhaps that is what it means to walk this path, to find solace in the cycles of conflict and resolution, as one would find comfort in the predictability of the stars, or of truth.

[Korinthus Dûngir's Painting Check Skills are Above Average.]

- The Sea of Pearls at night.


Then, it was to war. The Mur Adkodh clan stood in our path towards Bet Nappahi. With a large showing of Ephia's forces gathered, we were able to defeat them. It is a privilege to bring the wisdom of Izdu to these battles. To weave forth healing words and delicate touches to close the wounds of those who fight. To know that my presence means others may rise again when they would have otherwise fallen.

In all the fighting, it has made me come to realize something. My Ma and Pa taught me to be closed off, to not show the soft side of who I am to others. To refrain from giving thanks, and to always scrutinize those who would seek to offer things with hands outstretched. To wonder what secrets or ill-intent they concealed behind their back, waiting for the moment one's own back was turned. Then, the knife could plunge in so easily.

But I find I like to give thanks. I like to speak of pleasantries, to trust those that stand by my side. I have seen the strength in kindness, the way a simple word of gratitude can reinforce a bond stronger than steel. I am beginning to understand that trust is not the absence of caution, but a choice to walk forward despite it.

I will walk a bit of a path in between then, what I know and have learned, and what I was taught from a young age. Perhaps in doing so, I will find something greater than either alone.

I'll find the truth of it all.

Wisdom, light my way.


Iyar 15th, IY 7789

Sometimes, I am not sure I even know who I am anymore.

I was raised to be tough, to hide what I truly felt. To repress emotions and wear a hardened mask. It was always safer that way. No one could tell what I was passionate about if I did not show it. No one could see sorrow, find weakness, or exploit what I held dear.

Yet, I do not want to be like that.

For over seven decades, I have walked this Disc. I have hidden in caves, survived in shadows, and lived with the weight of solitude. Only recently have I found the Well, and in my short time here, I have met kind people. People who show that trust is not always misplaced. That not all kindness masks hidden motives.

So today, I smiled at those who showed me kindness. I said thank you and apologies where they were due. I did not hide my feelings. And for the first time in a long time, I felt like me.


[Korinthus Dûngir's Painting Check Skills are Above Average.]

- A continuous flame out by the First Wheel for those who were lost at Abulmahhu.


I was with Nela, Reina, Nessia, Ulfgrim, and Theo today. Nela wished to hold a sermon for those who perished at the battle of the Abulmahhu. They bid farewell to a kind, compassionate, and caring soul. A Witness of the Martyrs. A man named Noxieos Adalsteinn. He sounded wise based on the stories they told. How he would charge fearlessly into battle, mourning the loss of allies and friends, all the while tending the wounds of those he fought alongside.

Maybe I too can be that someday, somehow. A hero to those they come across, someone who fights for others, and keeps them safe. That's what we want in life: to be safe and cared for. Whether it is by our own hand, or by someone that we can trust.

I never knew a Priest of Kali and Gali, but I was always told that the Shepherd Priests were kind and caring souls. Often looked a bit strangely upon in some societies, but in Kulkund, they are were given the utmost respect.

Ulfgrim then spoke of Durgin Doomed-Oath. A name I had heard once before, a man from Got Valdhazr, a simple guard, who had risen up to be a hero of Ephia's Well. He too fell in battle where the Shepherd Priest fell too. I heard his story, his origin. His beginnings were one of hardship and strife, and yet even in these dark moments, this awful opening to a tale, he made something beautiful.

The truth often hurts. It is heavy. It can be sharp at times. But, it is most valuable. Eventually, our scars allow us to wield it, hold it, without being burned by it.

It gets easier.

Wisdom, light my way.


Iyar 16th, IY 7789

So far I am enjoying who I am. This once tucked away and repressed version of myself.

It feels good. Like I have shed a vast weight that has been with me this entire time. The Elder would frown and scold me if he knew of what I do. Whilst I have the utmost respect for him, he can be so closed off to the wonders that still remain in the Disc. It feels like he has given up whereas I feel renewed. I laugh with people, I smile with people. I am giving thanks, pleases, and your welcomes. I mean every one of them.


It was another busy day besides the self-reflective revelations. Dealing with these goblinoid brooker creatures with some people I have not met before. Josua, Remi, Able, Mau. There was a Sister there too, but I did not learn of her name, despite my attempts to.

After that, we fought the Dalzoc. I was able to go with someone of whom I have had my eye on for some time. Kazadun. It's a shame that he worships the Murderer Warrior. But, that seems to be his choice and path for who he worships. Agasian. Yet, even though the god can be cruel, it seems the followers can choose differently. He cast a spell on me.

Not romantically, I think, but literally. We were leaving the Sibilant, we did that too, and he protected me with an abjurative spell. Things like that are noted, seen, known, and they are not forgotten.


One of the grander moments for me though, despite being in another raid against The Quick Legion, and a defence against the Orcs attempting to destroy the War Camp, was speaking with Evanderall. He is of the Fourth Legion. A band of guards and soldiers for the Sultan. He asked me about the tenets of Izzakhar, or Izdu, in the human tongue. About how to bring honor to them and uphold them, what they meant. Things like that.

At one point we were talking about deception and truth. Galmok and Izzakhar. He said something that made me believe that he would be an incredible Izdur.

"Deceit is a weapon that divides people, but truth is a unifier." - Evanderall Ristar.

It's been a good day, met many faces of the Well, went to war in the name of the Well, and spoke of Izzakhar to another. I can finally put a name to many of them now, and in turn people are getting to know me. The real me. I remember how closed off and jaded I was when I arrived. Things are good, but I know that things will not remain good for long.

Where there is light, there is also darkness. In that, there is truth and wisdom.

Will I still feel this way when the darkness comes?

Wisdom, light my way.


Iyar 18th, IY 7789

It has been a bit of time before I could rest, sit down once more and open my diary to write my feelings. The ongoing of my life.

This morning was more eventful than I expected it to be. Two bodies were reported to be murdered in the Gutters. I visited them in the Hope where they were pulled from the depths. A Stonefolk who I was standing next to just the day before, and a man I had never seen before in the Well. On top of that, the Court of Earth and Flesh had made another appearance, this time inside the charity center; Hasheema's Hope.

Worse yet, they keep calling out Nessia's name. Why are they so fascinated by her? What do they want with her? I just hope the lass is careful as she often goes out exploring on her own. There are very few truly safe places. It isn't very reasonable to think that the Well is always safe too...


It is nice though to do board work with trusted friends. Sadly, we had to exclude Kazadun. The handsome Dwarf. The Pyramid puts strict rules on the contracts available to adventurers. No more than six or they'll dock your pay, or something like that. Either way we helped the Accord to the south. They are always in need of aid of being overrun, there are many forces out by the way of Nusrum that would seek to do the Well harm.

Then it was to defeat the Dalzoc as during our defence of the Accord we faced off against Hobgoblins. We figured something must have roused them to battle. Movement of the clans, or tribes. One of the two seems likely. I tended the wounds of those I stood behind, making sure they did not fall. I think people are now learning of my true nature.

This is good of course. I like people to know that I care, but I shouldn't let them know I care too much. A look here, a smile there, a soft word uttered to a friend's ear. Things like that seem to be a new addition. I've gotten pretty decent at saying 'Thank you'.


[Korinthus Dûngir's Painting Check Skills are Above Average.]

[A rather bleak, but hopeful painting of Pra'raj in it's fleetful moments of beauty adorns the page next to the diary entry. During the hours of dusk does the sun become only ever slightly cooled by the Mothers Sable Cloak, and with it, for a time it becomes something else. The image tries to evoke a glimmer of hope in dark times, hence the achromatic sands around.]

- Pra'raj, the demon, at dusk.

It was a holiday of Coordum today. The Uncensured Coals. I couldn't go, I'm not ready to face the Murd Warrior just yet. I can't. Not yet...

We will see what tomorrow brings.

Wisdom, light my way.


Iyar 20th, IY 7789

It feels like so much has happened in such a short time frame.

I can say this though without a doubt. I hate the politics of this Well. Choosing who you vote for isn't the worst thing in the world, but when people come snooping around asking for things or get mad at you because you didn't vote the way they wanted. It can be so irritating.

It's only one day into the election period and I'm already so exhausted by it. I managed to host a debate the day before. It was a fun experiment of social norms, some people did a good job at following the rules, others I was less impressed with. Overall though, I was informed by the three candidates that it was a success, and that my efforts were appreciated. I hope that it was at least a learning experience for the many who came.

Izzakhar hopefully appreciated it.


The Dark Despoilers.

That was the clan that we faced today, and it was a disaster. It began with the Sukaitza wishing to test out their new ammunition. Which in and of itself was not a bad idea, for the most part. Raining down shrapnel and flames from the sky.

What made it go horribly awry was that there was no telescope at the Command Post, meaning the artillery that was fired was always firing blind. Many, MANY were wounded in this battle. Not just from the artillery but from the forces that were swarming from the Orc'ah Citadel. It reminded me of the stories that my Ma and Pa would tell me. How the Orc'ah would come swarming out, and among their horrors were those that wielded the powers of darkness.

The Voidcallers.

I saw many people that I cared for fall. Among them were Tharrik and Kazadun. I cannot describe the feeling I felt when I saw the monstrous Ogre standing over Kazadun's unconscious body, or when the artillery rained down and shrapnel flew into Tharrik. I felt bad for Tharrik, but seeing Kazadun hurt. It felt like my heart leapt into my throat and I could barely breathe. I'm not used to these feelings. I'm not sure what these feelings mean yet either. Perhaps nothing, or perhaps he has cursed me from my proximity to a follower of Coordum.

That has to be it. I'm cursed now. No other explanation.


[Korinthus Dûngir's Painting Check Skills are Above Average.]

- The red sands that water Bel-Ishûn after the raid upon the Dark Despoilers.

The work does not seem to cease, nor do the things I learn.

Wisdom, light my way.


Iyar 22nd, IY 7789

More war, more battle.

I took fight to the Nazaru, half of us were hurt in the ensuing battles. Beasts crafted from flesh and stone, burbling snakes of boiling water, clay-like beings rushing forth, shadows come to life. I dare not write much more for perhaps even writing of such entities may draw them closer. Kazadun, we know naught if he has made it back, or if he has perished out in the sand. I searched for him this morning. To the Fortress first thing, then the canyons, but I found naught.

I can only pray he is alright, or that he has passed before those things got their hands on him.

They are worthy of fear. That of fire is violent, unrelenting, and unworrisome of its own form to bring havoc. They of water are scarce, but tricksy and deceptive as they use their light to draw others in. Those of the earth are ever below our feet, waiting, patient as they claw forth to mold flesh.

But, to me there is one that is worthy of more fear than the others. That which is all around us and inescapable. For we carry them wherever we go, and they are in most the places we stand. Our own shadows that cling to our backs.

[The writing becomes shaky.]

Air and Shadow.

Their shadows haunt me in my dreams at night. Is it bad to wonder what sorts of magics they hold? That of fear. That of dread.

[Korinthus Dûngir's Painting Check Skills are Above Average.]

- A Shadow.

Beyond that, there are good moments. The Rathgan continues to grow with a potential new addition to our legion of the last. Grungar is his name. I'd met him a few times before Ulfgrim approached me. He's a good man. I've inquired with the other Rathgan and asked them to speak with him a bit, get to know him, determine if he too is a good fit for our goals.

To reclaim what was lost, and aid in winning this war. We will bring an end to the Orc'ah who took our homes, then our sights turn back to the mountains. Should we live that is. Even I know this task is as monumental as the mountains themselves, but to even scale a mountain, one must take that first step. This is mine.

The Rathgan will grow upon the ashes of the Duunthall. In respect we continue on in their place. A shrine to them remains in our Hall. Etched in stone


The Black Bone, The Cruel Bleeders, The Sharpspike.

More names of clans were erased from this Disc. How many of them slaughtered my kin, my ancestors on their quest for pilgrimage? No more. They feed and water Bel-Ishûn now.

The War Council states that we are ever closer to the end of this war. Soon we will walk upon the stones and silver works of Bet Nappahi. The works of Coordum before he put down his hammer and lifted the axe. I suppose it will be nice to see the place and learn what I can. I am keen on discovering all the knowledge that will be available to me.

It would be nice to ride around on a camel. If I can outpace the warriors and fighters, I can catch up to them and place a healing hand upon them.


A lot is happening. Sometimes, I feel that people are afraid to place a hand on my shoulder. By the Wheel, I'd even be fine if someone rubbed my bald head. It's been a long time since I've been held by my Ma or Pa.

Whatever. Tomorrow is another day, and comfort is a rarity in these trying times.

Wisdom, light my way.


Iyar 23rd, IY 7789

The Bloody Skull.

Another name crossed off the list of clans. How many more? How many more names remain of the Orc'ah who have killed my kin for centuries? It was a tough fight. Lead by Aurelio's Squire; Dandrik. There were fewer forces than usual as the raid was called earlier, but some managed to gather and we struck out against the Orc'ah.

It was a gruelling battle, many, many were injured. One of those Chosen of the Axe. The Murderer. We entered the battlefield, striking our allies with ease. I saw many wounded. Cort fell somewhere, I didn't even notice until I saw Selwyn place him down near the walls. Aurelio got struck too by the Chosen. A small halfling I've seen a few times, named Drin, and many more.

At the mount of our victory, a necromantic Orc'ah appeared. Some kind of Fossoris that spoke words to Aurelio. Taunting him for his survival in this war and how many have fallen at his side in pursuit of victory. That it would all be for naught, and that the greenery would grow over his ashes and bones. Intimidating, to say the least...

But, we'll win. We have to.


Grungar joined me today in the War. I had never seen him there before, but he said he fought alongside the Doomed-Oath, Durgin, when he was living. I knew he was a strong warrior from when the pair of us hunted for beasts stalking the sands.

I've spoken to Ulfgrim and Tharrik about bringing him into the Rathgan. I believe he would make a fine addition to our legion. Now I know that he is battle-tested too, he is also a caring person under all that gruff. He did something that partially dispelled the curse that Kazadun had upon me. When we returned from the war, he was worried about me. Ensuring that I had made it back to camp unharmed from the shadow Orc'ah that prowl unseen.

It's not common that I've seen someone worry about me before, it's a nice feeling when it does happen.

I'll be keeping a really close eye on him.


Now, I need to amass some coins. Who knew furnishing an entire Hall would be so expensive? I imagine the Duunthall wasn't too worried about making the place look like a home, but I think it's important to at least be comfortable whilst fighting for our people. Time to try and sell a few wands, potions, or scrolls to those in need.

Ulfgrim stirs, he is slowly walking towards me now. Guess it's time for a bit more work with him before I rest. He's a good man, but he hides it well.

Wisdom, light my way.


Iyar 24th, IY 7789

I was able to purchase a bit of furniture for the Hall. I had to pull some savings from the Coinchangers. I guess there are some uses to being Voiced, one of which is that you get access to a bank account. I had forgotten until I didn't. Yes, I know how that sounds. Regardless, I've etched some of the Duunthall's history into the furniture.

I think Ulfgrim will appreciate that, the history of his friends and loved ones around him, but also the beginning of something else. The beginning of the Rathgan. It took a lot of work to do it, so he better.


Luther is an idiot.

If the man stood in a pitch-black room, holding aloft the torch of his wisdom, he'd still be fumbling in the dark. He thought it would be such a great idea to lead a small group into an Orc'ah fortress and attempt to clear it out. There's a reason we rally the forces of Ephia to take them down, they are not a simple task. I feel as though he does these things so that later on he can boast about his accomplishments.

"I did this." or "I did that."

It's really exhausting. I, alongside Narwen, Cort, and Raven were going to go in and rescue him, Cordelia, and some new arrival to the Well, but of course, he just wanted to press on further. Of course more people were injured in the process too. Miss Ward and the newcomer fell to the Chosen of the Axe. Which Luther promptly ran away from. Not even a 'Thank you Korin for coming to my dumb idea.'

I think I am just frustrated by the man's need to galavant and peacock himself to others. I think I just need a bit of time alone, and far away from him, and then I'll be okay again.

[Various scribbles of frustration line this section of the entry.]


[Korinthus Dûngir's Painting Check Skills are Above Average.]

- Mount Kulkund. Home.


Today marks the day of my graduation from the Sandstone College. I will likely keep it 'hush-hush' unless asked of course. "Why are you not wearing your robes"? Then, I will answer.

I tried to research the Esoteric Artes within the College. There were a few books of interest. The Ash being one of them, its power to raise the undead is fascinating, and it also gives them some sort of resistance to the positive energies most Speakers and some Oathsworn are able to conjure.

However, it lacked any knowledge or information about the dark magics that the Deep Dwarves may have called upon. The Edler is too afraid to speak on it, but I am curious. The school of Necromancy has many applications, and it is a perfectly valid school of study. I am not interested in raising the dead, more so bringing dread and fear to my enemies.

I can only hope my allies and friends do not think lesser of me for it.

Izzakhar entrusts those worthy of such things with knowledge, for he knows they will use and safeguard such responsibly.

I will seek this knowledge, to better assist others. This I swear.

Wisdom, light my way.


Iyar 26th, IY 7789

The war is worsening. This I can guarantee. Not only are the Bronze-Beasts a burden on their own, but Mupps have become an issue. With fewer and fewer people rallying to the call for defence, I don't blame them. Especially when Luther is the one to lead. Now, in addition to all these wonderful Orc'ah, we must worry about Yr'kel, a powerful dark mage who animates all those who fall in the battles to rise again.

So, now we face hordes of undead that work alongside the Orc'ah. Today was example of that.

The raid was a disaster, for a time it was working. Throwing out artillery far ahead and blindly firing, I will admit that did have some merit to it. However, the lack of rallied forces was easily toppled when we began to pass through narrow quarters. The casters of their forces were unassailed and with abjurative magics stripped away the wards we had so carefully placed upon the warriors.

There were some very intense moments. I had to run through a collapsing void to reach Ulfgrim during the raid, then during the defence he was bleeding out again. I had to sip upon a vial of quickening and vanish to move beneath the Orc'ah who charged forth. I was able to make it to him in time and shield him from a shadowy ball of death with my back. I'm still recovering from that fight, and I likely will for a bit of time. But, at least he's alright.

One thing is for sure, this war is only going to get worse and worse.


Yr'kel spoke to us today. When The Drurd Kelbrun were defeated he appeared again using some form of Mislead. A potent illusory spell. He chastised Luther, which was completely fair and warranted. He said that Luther was losing respect, and it was only a matter of time before people began to doubt him. I already do. The man has very few redeemable qualities. I thought I knew him, but I fear I don't at all.

Yr'kel said more things of interest. I wonder what other knowledge he knows of. What potent spells he has in his arsenal? Would he be willing to teach someone? To know is to protect. Regardless, there are some things to keep in mind.

"In the Rage's Heart, he will Awake. In the Hands of God, you will be crushed." - Yr'kel.

Does he speak of Coordum? It's hard to say, Ulfgrim states that he faced off against the god himself for the Flamebringer. The gods so rarely show themselves to others. Grenth must have been a potent Speaker for such to occur.

I need some time to destress. Perhaps a painting will do. I'll get some materials and paints from the Souk and see what I can make.


[Korinthus Dûngir's Painting Check Skills are Above Average.]

- Life amidst the Ash.

I am grateful for the knowledge blessed to me by Izzakhar. I am grateful that Ulfgrim, Tharrik, and I still draw breath. I am grateful for the moments of peace between the Rathgans duties.

Wisdom, light my way.