Legates Komemnos and Sayburgh--Writ of Arrest

Started by Blue41, February 04, 2025, 04:40:08 PM

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Under the terms of the Springtime Promise, the Fourth Legion submits a warrant to the current sitting Legates of Ephia's Well for their signatures.

QuoteTO: The Fourth Legion of his Majesty Osman VI,

You are authorized to arrest and bring before this court the following:

Antonia Allegrande
Dante Moretti
Manos Cosmatos
Mirielle Rousseau
Frederico Mezzizeni

for the crime of APOSTASY in the capital degree.

You are further commanded to detain these individuals until they are judged before a Magistrate in the Hall of Jurisprudence.

Iyar 4th



Your prompt reply will be appreciated.

Lt. R. Colmes


Authorized, but apostasy legally requires the individual to have left the Domain of the Wheel -
or to have facilitated apostasy in another.
These individuals by and large do not appear to be superficially guilty of this crime.

But I will hear your arguments on trial.



This request is denied for the members of the Cinquefoil Rose. I will approve your request for Dante and Manos if you so desire to pursue it.

- Alexandria
