[A letter for Legate Alexandria Sayburgh]

Started by cmenden, February 01, 2025, 08:31:39 PM

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Dear Legate Alexandria,

Abolish the Voiced system. Find out what Achaeus would require to see it done.

Estellise Azimi


Dear Legate Alexandria,

You are but half-way there. Keep going.

Estellise Azimi


Dear Estellise,

I would share with the good people of this well and the beloved who continue to arrive daily your motivational words and great support for their plight. You are ever a shining example of prosperity and symbol of hope for those who arrive.

-Legate Alexandria


Dear Legate Alexandria,

As many before you, you have made the foolish error of assuming that the Sisters are my enemies.

You currently possess a useless Co-Legate who will agree to anything and rather than dismantle the Voiced system and benefit refugees forevermore, you have attempted to give the Banda Rossa free reign to police crimes in the Krak, South Gate, and the Almshouse.

For free, no less. You have sorely misjudged the priorities of La Capitana and her true Condottieros.

As a seer, I urge you not to squander this time available to you with such nonsense. It will be over sooner than you think.

Estellise Azimi


Beloved Apothar Azimi,

I am sorry to hear that you believed I considered you an enemy of the Priory, for I never did. Surely some whisperer in your ear mislead your thoughts. I consider the tower our primary center for advancement in knowledge and for breaking through barriers otherwise considered sealed. It is by your hands that Ephia's Well shall become an advanced society, after all.

As for your second matter, I do greatly appreciate your advice and shall ever consider these words while I remain Legate of our citadel.

-Alexandria Saybrugh