A letter to Aubrey, Tasnim, Edmund, Mirielle

Started by VanillaPudding, January 31, 2025, 09:05:53 AM

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Dear Aubrey / Tasnim / Edmund / Mirielle,

Below is a rough draft of my proposed laws. Please review them for mistakes and let me know what I have missed.

Lesser offenses - These lesser crimes will hold a 500 dinari fine or equivalent in wares.  There is a chance for the criminal to make amends by volunteered labor to the victim or their respective banner. amends by volunteered labor, if accepted. May be subjected to public jailing and humiliation for up to thirty minutes.

Unlicensed activity: Alchemy, Archaeology, Divination
Pickpocketing, purse cutting, unarmed assault, trespassing, vandalism
Public Narcotics usage - Scorch, Slice, Marvel
Wielding a weapon without authority from a sitting Legate
Public annoyence with pets, familiars, companions, or other terms for magical and animal servants.

Serious charges - These charges will hold a 1500 dinari fine or equivalent in wares. There is a chance for the criminal to make amends by volunteered labor to the victim or their respective banner, if accepted. May be subjected to public jailing and humiliation for up to an hour. Trials may take place should the accused proclaim their innocense on the matter.

Armed or Magical assault

Holding, smuggling and trading of artifacts empowered with or by Djinn, Wyrmists, Qa'im, or Necromancers.
A lesser offense committed against a Legate or Officer of the accorded factions.

Theft or vandalism  in the amount greater than 500 dinari or equivalent in value of items.

Capital Charges - Mandatory trial - Punishments may be up to and including exile, death within the bloodsands, execution. Voices may be stripped.  There is chance for the criminal to make amends by volunteered labor to the victim or their respective banner, if accepted.

Brooking, Animating the dead, utilizing relics of Qa'im or the Wyrm cult. Partaking in rituals of the aforementioned partie.

Treason - Working with the proclaimed enemies of Ephia's Well, including spying, trading information, exposing tactics or military movements, or other things that benefit our enemies of war and state while harming our beloved home.

Serious crimes against a Legate may be elevated to Capital

Usage of Dretch

Lesser and serious offenses, such as theft of vandalism, that result in damages greater than 10,000 dinari.

Slavery or forced conscription

Circumstantial affairs

Repeating offenses - The third offense in the rolling period of a month will see the charges elevated from their respective and proclaimed punishments at the desire of the charging party and the sitting Legate or Magistrate.

Right of judgment - The sitting Legate or Magistrate reserves the right to alternative aligned punishments for unique situations, should they arise. They will be accepted by the charging party and the Magistrate or Legate in place of fines that cannot be paid or punishments that cannot be fulfilled.

Criminal behavior is handled by the Janissary of the fourth legion within the claimed territory of Ephia's Well. The Astronomer's of Q'tolip and Cinquefoil Rose are authorized to oversee the handling of lesser and serious crimes committed within their respective territories of the accord, not to spill out beyond said territories.

- Legate Alexnadria Sayburgh


Dear Alexandria,

I see the removal of punishments dictated by separation of Voiced and Voiceless, the punishment of slavery and forced conscription and the beginnings of reform in Jurisprudence to allow some leeway in the place of the Cinquefoil Rose and the legal management of their own establishment, that are all welcome changes from Dante Moretti's proposals.

The only detail I would alter is the stripping of Voices, and let it be known that Exile shall mean the very same thing. To be Exiled from one's City, should in turn mean the removal of their privilege's and membership in our city's Assembly.

I will nearly be finished my own proposal soon and will leave it by your office once ready.

Truth through action!

Best regards,
