Book of the Dead

Started by CrimsonMedicine, January 22, 2025, 05:47:02 PM

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The Book of the Dead

Within the hallowed pages of this tome lies the remembrance of those who have crossed the veil, their names inscribed so they might never be forgotten. To mourn is to honor; to remember is to sanctify. Let this be a testament to their deeds and a record for the living, as guided by the wisdom of the Martyrs, Kalim and Gamil. May their judgments be just, and their repose eternal.


"Kalim and Gamil, bearers of the burden of Death and Law, grant me clarity as I pen these words. Through your wisdom, I honor the fallen; through your sacrifice, I uphold the memory of the lost. Let this book be a light in the darkness, a shield for the forgotten, and a balm for the grieving."

To my fellow Twindari, the keepers of life and death, and those who knew the departed, I extend a hand and a plea: find me, Noxieos Adalsteinn, and contribute the names of those who have touched your life, who have left their mark upon this world. Let us remember them here, together, so they may be carried forward through time.



Of those who have passed, I will be following a template going forward to record them. It is as follows:

Name: (Their full name, or the name they were most known by.)
Age at Passing: (How many years they lived before crossing the veil.)
Race: (Their heritage or lineage.)
Cause of Death: (Optional. A brief note of how they passed, if known.)
Biography: (Their life story, deeds, or defining traits. What will they be remembered for?)
Final Words or Wishes: (If they left any parting words, wishes, or wisdom to the living.)
Resting Place: (Where they were laid to rest, or if their body is lost, where they are spiritually honored.)
Legacy: (What they left behind—a family, a tradition, a lesson, or something they built or sacrificed for.)


Grenth Flamebringer

'May his name endure as a light to guide the living and the dead alike with his flames.'

Age at Passing: 66

Race: Dwarf

Cause of Death: Murdered before their time.

Biography: A Dwarven Priest of Agaslakku, the Warrior. They carried with them the warmth and compassion of their god, bringing it to those they met. He was the light in many lives. A bright flame in a dark world. A man who held the favor of the Warrior himself. The heart of the Duunthall. Remember him as strong in conviction, bravery, courage, and care. A talented healer and man of faith.

Final Words or Wishes: ---

Resting Place: Resides with the Duunthall. - Brought to final rest in a funeral pyre before the gates of Got Valdhazr by his loved ones and friends.

Legacy: The flame that resides in all of us can be stoked to do great things if only we have faith in ourselves.


Manta Wholt

'The ever-resourceful chef and fearless protector, nourished both body and spirit.'

Age at Passing: Around 44

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Vae Mojem, defending the world against a Djinn, those who walked with him, and aiding in slaying it before he fell to it.
Biography: Manta was a Chef, feeding the Well was one of his passions. A clerk at the emporium run by a Zina. Not only was he a great chef, but he was also an incredible fisherman, a skilled merchant, and adventurer. He would leap to save those who needed saving, who needed protecting, for that is the man Manta Wholt was.
Final Words or Wishes: "The best ingredients are found in the most dangerous places."
Resting Place: The Maq'bara of Ephia's Well.
Legacy: A restaurant in Palm Heights, the Casa Manta. Those he taught his recipes to, his Sous Chef, Ritz Orton, who carries some of his works. Maker of first class whiskey. 


Anilia Antipode

'In altered states, she sought truth. Her brilliance now a whisper in the currents, her questions left for the stars to answer.'

Age at Passing: 20-30's.

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Descended into the depths of Lake Rayyan in pursuit of victory for the war efforts.

Biography: A budding Evoker, Anilia had yet to dedicate herself to a teacher or a specific field of study in the Tower of Q'tolip. Brimming with potential, she was preparing a study on spellcasting under altering effects—examining how evocation could be performed under physical limitations, narcotic influence, or extreme duress. She sought to understand the true source of magical energies and where they are drawn from.

Final Words or Wishes: Called for her allies to remain by her side as she cast her final evocations.

Resting Place: Body lost.

Legacy: ---