A Silver Gilded Leather Tome with the Symbol of the Martyrs

Started by CrimsonMedicine, January 22, 2025, 01:06:28 AM

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Nisah 21st, IY 7789

I arrived in the Well yesterday from beyond the Wastes. The verdance of the Edutu is like a distant memory now. I can barely feel its foliage upon my skin, yet I still carry with me the song in my heart. The Twins brought me here, ushered forward by the sounds of weeping souls. It is my sacred duty to guide those through this mourning.

Yet I too am carried away in this storm. I can feel the absence of warmth here. I mourn, I sing my dirge for those to hear. A prayer upon the wind to be carried forth across the banks. We will heal this pain. The Scales will righten again.

[A few teardrops stain the page.]


On this day, the holiest of days, it was the Calibration. I was able to meet a brother in faith, Tariq Salah. He and I are going to be working together these coming days. He will be my mentor, my teacher, my guide, and my friend whilst I find my foothold in the Well.

It was an honor to call forth the holy pyres of the Calibration. To sweep the steps of the Pyramid. To burn away the old to make way for the new. A part of me always believed that in sacred places to the Twins, there should be two speakers to represent the Twins. We will be that. Though, I confess, we are much the same in our forms of worship. Leaning towards Kalim, he who holds the scales of death. We will make it work.


Already I have met some wonderful people in the Well. Ritz, a woman holding on to grief, pain, suffering. She states that she has lost a light, a warmth. Of what exactly, I know not.

I've overheard people distraught and upset at the loss of an individual. It pains me, and I mourn the loss of life. May they find rest as their soul is ferried down the Edutu. Perhaps they will be the first work in my book.

I was able to work alongside a Stonefolk. His name is Gor. I felt transfixed by his energy, bringing peace to the world through war, fighting, and violence. An interesting notion, but he led me to a place where I could perform my work. I have no idea what it is about him, but I wish to see more of him.

Necromancy most foul-filled the air, when we entered the ghouls created by these works surged forth. I was able to sing and let loose my prayers of light and life. Gamil would have been proud of me. My laments were a requiem to the dead, and they drifted off to eternal sleep, as they should be. I thanked Gor for the honor of letting me bring them to rest. I will be watching this man, and soon he will become my dear friend. He always held out his arm to protect me from the ghouls' claws. I will remember him, and look for him in the coming days.

For now, though, I should rest. On this day of Calibrations, I will try to leave my past behind me, I move forward and make my way on. The spirits of the past cry out to me, whisper, speak, and scream for my attention. I will lull them with a song. Though, I will need to find the paper to begin my 'Book of the Dead.' Death seems a common thing in this place. Thus, my work shall soon begin recording the souls that pass.

Fruit, bear my works.


Nisah 22nd, IY 7789

Another day was completed. I am thankful for the bed within the Maq'bara. Though to some it may be odd to sleep so close to the dead, I find it comforting. I am able to hum and sing to them whenever I wish. The stone walls of the chambers here provide excellent acoustics. I can bring comfort to the other side as they make their way towards the banks of the Edutu.

I nearly found my way there this morning. Joining a group of adventurers on their works to the Vaults. I believe it was with a man named Jan, a woman named Melody, and an Acolyte by the name of Narwen. I find it oddly fitting that I merely met my end at the hands of the undead. Struck with countless arrows in a hallway by skeletal archers, then stomped upon by some strange amalgamation of war.

There was a strange reverence in them though. They weren't entirely like all other undead, they seemed to have purpose and retain it even without a master around. It was like they had some duty, and I wonder if the grounds we walked upon were sacred. A part of me hopes it wasn't, for then I would have broken a tenet of the Twindari.

Tonight, I will pray hard before bed. Sing louder so the Twins can hear me and feel my remorse.


It brought joy to my heart to see Gor again. His talents with his weapon is unmatched, and I've never seen someone cleave through enemies as fast as he does. I feel safe with him, like the two of us can take on any foe. I stand in his shadow and wield the hand of Gamil. Tending his wounds, and should they get too close, my other hand, that of Kalim will bring them closer to their demise.

After our works were completed, and we brought rest to some of the 'dead that walk'. We joined up with some new allies, Dandrik and Anilia. It was nice to work with more people, yet I found myself gravitating towards Gor at all times. He is quite a man.


[Teardrops stain the page here.]

I began my sacred task, the recording of those who have passed. The most recent loss was a well-known Priest of the Warrior, a Dwarven man by the name of Grenth Flamebringer. The Book of the Dead begins, a task that I am bound to do, but one that still fills me with sadness. At least those within it will be remembered. Loved. Cherished.

I will mourn for the harpies, I will mourn for the brigands, I will mourn for the dwarves, but most of all I will mourn for the Warrior. He who lost a faithful servant. Tonight, my song will echo in these halls for them. For the lost.

Fruit, bear my works.


Nisah 23rd, IY 7789

More death, more mourning.

A spirit came to me last night, whispering of regrets, wants, and desires they could not complete before their life had ebbed away. It struck me hard, and I mourned for them. Singing songs of comfort, trying to appease their wants. They were simple things such as feeling loved, singing to, and running their hands across the waters. Simple, yet profoundly beautiful.

I helped them cross to the other side, learning of things only the dead could know.


A trial, one for the vigilantes of the Well who struck out at an Assassin. The man who killed the Priest of Agaslakku, Grenth Flamebringer. Afterwards, I felt odd. It seemed that the laws were...used to further the agenda of the legates. Is that right? Is that wrong? Gamil will have to guide me. Though, one other question did arise that I must ask my mentor about.

Is an assassin of a priest worthy of being remembered in the Book of the Dead?


I was able to Witness some board work with some of the veterans of the Well. I seem to enjoy when jobs are relaxed, it allows conversations and the opportunity for me to get to know people of the Well. I learned a bit about them, who they were, things that mattered to them. It was nice. Nice to witness life. Though, my feelings were hurt.

I was told that my singing, my lamenting, my prayers of song are...off putting. That they discomfort the living. I'm not sure how to feel about that. Appreciative for the honesty? What do I do, simply cease the song because the living don't like it? What about the dead? Those lost, beyond the curtain who are lost and need guidance to the banks? They deserve to hear it, and to find it, granting them rest.

Maybe, I could sing a slightly happier tune. One day. That day isn't for a while. It seems sadness is all around the Well.


I went to the War. Witnessed it. So much death, pain, and hurting. It was as though I were a silent reaper. Flowing past corpses scattered all around, witnessing their deaths, singing the lullabies for them as their souls faded off to the other bank. My other hand, the one blessed my Gamil tended the wounds of the living, whilst the hand of Kalim closed the eyes of the Orcs who passed.

[You guessed it, more tears stain the page.]

I stood next to my companion, the man who had begun to mean much to me. Gor. A tall Stonefolk man, he was injured rushing forth in the final chambers. I was able to staunch the bleeding, but he will likely be feeling that wound for a time. He was mere steps away from the banks of the Edutu, pulled into Kalim's domain. And so few return from those shores.

Is it wrong to mourn their deaths too? I hope not, for I will. Again these halls will echo with my pain. I'll pray for them. They find the place they are destined for at the end of the Edutu.

Fruit, bear my works.


Nisah 24th, IY 7789

Today was a busy day. I was able to meet a pair of elves, Inanna and Vellyn. Inanna seems to study omens, and we discussed for a time things that could mean and be. I know that not all omens are bad, just that most think they are.

I learned that if a butterfly enters your home, then you shall receive good news from an important guest.

Or if the earth shakes in Ephia's Well, the Tormented monsters are on the prowl beneath it. What are the Tormented?

I told her an omen I knew, that when a pure white animal crosses your path, it means that you are on your path and that the divine is protecting you.


From there, I was invited to go on an archaeological expedition, which was a wonderful adventure to witness. I learned of Bel and Bor, the children of Erugi. Perhaps the Colossi's forms of Kalim and Gamil? I'd like to learn more of these figures.

I met with my mentor, my guide, Preparator Tariq Salah. He gave me a few tasks, to study the obelisk within the Maq'bara. In addition, I am to write a letter to the Sepulchre in Baz'eel. Inform them of my arrival to Ephia's Well for an official title, and to build a connection to the representatives of the Twindari, the Elders.

[Tears begins to dot the page.]

I aided and witnessed war. It still fills me with pain to watch life ebb and fade away from the Orcs, but I understand it is necessary. Marcellus, the running up Purple Legate aided in outfitting me with better equipment for my time in the Scald. I am most appreciative of him, and he learned of my service to the Martyrs.

Then, it was the toil of board work, where I grew the bonds of friendship with those I worked with. We went to a place of shadow and mirage. Bringing rest to the shadows that haunted that place, a sad melancholic song to bring them peace.


As we toiled, tensions boiled over in the Well it seems. The Accord is at each other's throats. Seems that there is a disagreement, a fight, that is only growing between the Rose and the Fourth.

I was allowed to bear witness to their attempts at reparations. The Fourth and Rose lashing out at each other with words, all the while the Legates, Dante Moretti and Achaeus Komemnos, were trying to find ways to righten the scales. They try to find things that they can agree on, making small progress. We shall see what comes of this in the days to come.


I think I'll rest now. I have sent a letter to the Sepulchre. Worked upon the board. Brought rest to the spirits. Now, I sing my songs to the Maqam, in hopes that the spirits here find rest to this night. For tomorrow is yet another day.

Fruit, bear my works.