The Diary of a Chef

Started by knifey, January 09, 2025, 07:50:50 AM

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Iyar 8, 7789

The War Council convened today. I don't know why I go.

There was news of a creature - a great beast - tortured and experimented upon by the Clans. It's cries heard in the night. Bronze grafting of the flesh - like the blasphemy of Qa'im. This poor beast - flesh rend from body, springing forth dogs of molten bronze and muscle.

Talk of freeing it, exploiting it - using it against the Clans. But there's only one solution - the Wyld's mercy - an end to it's suffering.

I couldn't bother staying for the rest.


[Some manic penmanship.]

Deep. Resonate.

It keeps me awake.

Is that what I'm hearing?




Iyar 9, 7789

A funeral. Is it a funeral if there's no body?

Marcellus Saenus - Unifier, Legate, Warrior, Librarian. The man had many titles, but through and through he truly was Ephian.

I didn't know him well but we fought alongside in work and War. An inspiration, and a leader. Rest his soul, if not his remains.

A bizarre speech from the Legate Komemnos. Claims of inheritance - the calling of sons and fathers. Marcellus's "dying words" apparently. Curious inconsistencies.

Dante spoke up against this - Zina whispered the same. That Marcellus hated the man and despised everything Achaeus stood for. Komemnos delivered an open hand in response - which Dante took with some grace.


Another new face. Calliope.

I saw her slinking around the stones during the funeral. Like a curious fennec. She looked [A pause, a consideration.] injured. Long ago perhaps.

Then the meeting was called. Most of the League showed up, the election was announced recently - Dante and Vellyn are running. Cogs put his name down, but all part of the plan I suppose. I need to edit my notes and send them to Zina. Vellyn claims a lot of support, and most of the league seems behind her. Dante seems willing to concede if that support can be confirmed with certainty. He's wary of her experience and tenure within the League.

I admit, I have my apprehensions too. After all, how did she receive custody of the Emporium. And I thought the Tower was in support of the White's goals.



[The penmanship is messy, inebriated.]

I can't believe we're in the midst of the Iyar election. Where did Nisah go.

Still so many things to accomplish, so many questions left unanswered. The restaurant to open, the conspirators in Grenth's murder.

Still so many new ideas. The kitchen needs work, and the refugees still need to be fed.

And I remember Manta talking about some coffee machine in the depths. Perhaps even a machine for my beans. I should talk to Cogs about it again. And that Caliope - she had tools about herself too.

Soon. The restaurant will open soon. A week from now.


[The penmanship is sloppy, intoxicated.]


Dreams of fire.

Cooking the flesh.
Boiling the water.
Smoke in the air.

My hair's on fire.




Iyar 10, 7789

I couldn't sleep again. I'm up early. Or is it still late?

A little bit of work. Orcs in the Nusrum. Edmund joined. He had his eyes set on a "hovel" near our target. It was no hovel. Some Orc shrine to Agaslakku, to the Bloodwyrm - The Murderer. A wonder why it caught Edmund's eye.


Once we returned, I ran into Idrees at the Souk again. Sayburgh showed up, she lingered outside the Emporium Trade Hall, brushing at the sign. Maybe she didn't know who. I think she was trying to- [A pensive thought.] reassure me? "The Gold can continue to pursue their dreams."

Maybe I'm not in her sights. Maybe I'm just collateral damage. We'll see.

A little more work with Cort - another goblin throng. Calliope joined us too, quick and easy work. She was able to keep up and I was able to keep her safe. After that, I gave her a little tour of the Well. I'm surprised no one had given her one proper yet. That, or she's taking me for a ride. I'd let-


I'm tired of the politics. Luther asked me to sign a contract to vote with the Banda regarding the Gold primary. Fuck it. It'll probably be Vellyn anyways, unless they just want to waste my vote. I didn't think my vote had much leverage in whatever negotiations the Banda want to make. Five hundred dinar for my primary vote? I might've been short changed, but I'll get an idea of the Banda's schemes, and I just don't think Dante has the support. Luther tried to slip in a general election clause, but I'm not taking any amount of money for that. I'm voting Gold no matter what.


Calli helped me with the oven. She's really quite handy. She wouldn't take my coin, so I fed her and gave her a pair of boots - something a little more comfortable.

Remember - you can't get close. [A star reminder is scribbled with some extra fervor.]

The kitchens all organized now, the wine should be finished by then, and all the final preparations are made. I'm nervous excited.


[Some sleepy penmanship slinks across the page.]

They're nothing like her.

They never will be.

You can try.
They'll just die.

They're nothing like her.




Iyar 11, 7789

I ran into Korin, he was lingering outside Marcellus's library. It still hasn't been opened to the public. He's an interesting dwarf. Calli was on a little walk too - we chatted for a bit. Then Cogs showed up and did another demonstration of his boots for someone that wanted to buy a pair. An elf? I can't remember, but Korin didn't seem to like them.

Later I ran into the Musafir, Antethe. It had been some time since I'd seen her. She'd been wandering the desert. She asked if I ever walk the path of Warad - and what keeps me here. Hard to answer, I'd travelled along the caravans for many years, and now [Some amount of hesitation.] this is my home - and there's nothing left for me out there.


A busy day. Idrees had a gift for me, I returned the favor and then left him with some merchandise on commission. He seemed confident they'd sell well. Then I ran into Dudley and Theo, we walked over to the new Smith's Guild office. Dudley's hoping we can grow the guild to have some semblance of influence around the Well. And then Yogi asked me to make some food for him to feed the refugees - he's planning to pay and feed the ones that are willing to clean and repair the Stockades with him. I'm glad someone else is willing to help them. I only charged him the ingredient costs, he said it might be an ongoing thing.


Something terrible lurks in the gutters. I had heard some rumors, whispers, of some kind of disease - a plague? Something about blood.

But the rats. There are more of them than I've seen since my arrival. It doesn't take a doctor to see that these rats are diseased. A maleficent oozing, pus and blood, from the eyes and sores. I'm certainly aware that diseased rats in the gutters is not an uncommon sight. But- [The pen lingers.] something is different here.

The worms flee, they hide. And the worms aren't one to cede their territory, let alone to the rats. They must know something. As soon as I killed the two that I had found - the worms were all too excited to return.

And the dreams. No, of course they're not.

I'm not sure anyone believes me. Theo said he'd heard similar rumors, said Korin was looking into this plague. I should need to talk to him.


[The penmanship is loose again.]

It's the perfect little addition - I didn't even know it was missing. It's done. Complete. The restaurant is ready! The wine's ready - and it's good. Now I just need to cook.

[A burgundy stain splashes at the bottom of the page.]


[Manic scribbles make their way through the page.]

I heard them. Their little claws,
scratching and

They're in my oven.
They're in my oven.

What did she do?
Did she let them in?

There's only one way.


Purifying flames.

Plague burnt to ash.
Blood boiled to ash.

Everything turns to ash.

[Cigarette ash is swept across, staining the page.]




Iyar 12, 7789

I must have slept all day. I woke up to my name over the bellows. It was Idrees - someone wanted to talk to me about the rats.

Turns out it was Lieutenant Colmes, but he was still in a meeting with the Legate - and then they made their way to Vellyn's in the Souk. They left a warrant for brooking.

It smells like bullshit. Sayburgh was with them. I don't know what to think, there's already too few I can trust.


A little work in the meantime. Defending the southern camp, it was orcs again. They seem emboldened, more frequent in their attacks. It was a short skirmish before they retreated though, I think I'm pretty good at killing orcs now.

Sister Jamei came with us, which was welcome. Idrees had made a donation to hire me to cater their next charity auction. How exciting! But boy- [A brief moment of respite.] I have a lot of cooking to do in these coming days.


I left it out in the sands. As much as it was a fascinating antique - it's not safe to have around. Milo saw it as he was perusing some of the merchandise. He warned me about it, even if it wasn't something I could wield. I trust Milo though, and it's gone now.

There weren't any rats today - which is good I suppose. But- [A moment of hesitation.] it doesn't make me feel any less crazy. People seem more concerned though, so maybe I'm not.

I got plenty of worms for the broth though.




Iyar 13, 7789

I actually slept through the night. No dreams, no nightmares. I slept through most of the day too, but I slept. Maybe that old saif really was cursed.

Then it was time for work - the orcs continued to assault the southern camp. There was another group headed to Harrowden for the priority contract. But there are more important things than dinar.

It was a nice surprise to see Calli when we returned. We keep bumping into each other. I spent some time with her down at the bar - she doesn't drink, but she bought me a glass of wine. I really enjoy spending time with her. It's a terrible thing, the injuries she sustained. She claims she's used to it, that it's bearable - but I see the pain she's in. I wish there were something that I could do.

I have to be careful. I can't get close - but I can't help it.




Iyar 14, 7789

The orcs are relentless, they continue to throw themselves against our southern defenses. A desperate attempt perhaps, as the War marches closer and closer to Bet Nappahi.

When we returned I was able to speak with Kazadun about Agaslakku - a brief history of the Dwarves of Kulkund, the Orcs, and The Murderers betrayal. But perhaps The God of Victory merely favored the victors. After all, the Orcs have been waging war and worshiping The Axe their entire existence. I'm sure there's a lesson in arrogance and assumptions somewhere there. The Warrior's favor is earned in War - and much like the tides of battle, so too can favor shift.

Look what happened to Grenth.


The Sister- [The pen takes a moment to ponder.] Selsi came and found Calli and I. She wanted to talk to both of us. Finding ways to continue feeding the refugees. I'll admit - I was entirely wrong about the Sisters, and they seem to have given me grace in my naivety. Haoma is- [Another pondering moment.] magic bread. Nutritionally void, in my opinion, but energy dense and filling.

That's where my soup comes in. The answer has always been here - under the Well, under everyone's nose. By the Wheel they're already doing it. The worms are, and always have been - the solution! All I've done is applied the most efficient cooking method - soup - to the most abundant source of protein - worm - to create a novel solution - worm broth.

I've been adding chunked worm to the broth - a surprisingly similar substitute to beans. Thus creating my bean soup. The Haoma would absorb the broth - keeping them full and providing sustainable nutrition. The Pyramid already pays for worms, and the refugees already eat them - it's just a matter of building a machine that can make the soup efficiently.

That's where Calliope comes in. She's been talking to the Sisters a lot. I saw her reading something of theirs. But the Sisters think she might be able to build this machine, and I believe she can too! 

Hand in hand, we can feed the refugees world.


Some final errands and preparations and I'm all set. It's been almost two months - but it's finally here. It seems the buzz around the restaurant is catching wind, I've received several catering orders since I've made my announcement. But I'm all caught up and ready to open.




Iyar 15, 7789

It's late early. There was a call to rally a defense against the clans. Something fierce and nothing like I've seen from the orcs before. The hounds, and two false dragons! Their magic grows stronger.

I found the strangest book on an orc, there was something sinister about it. I gave it to Aurelio, I didn't want to hold onto it. It gave me- [A hesitation in the ink.] the creeps. I asked Cort if he'd ever seen anything like it - he said it's rather sought after by the Tower, that it wasn't wicked like Aurelio said. But they both said it was rare.

I'm not sure I buy that first part though. I'm sure that's what the Tower wants people to think, but it sure felt evil to me.


I poked my nose into the Assembly briefly. There was a new notice enforcing the toga law - I left mine in the room, so I just listened. Nothing too exciting, so I decided to get some rest.

And then- [A hesitation, contemplating.] I woke up in front of the Coin Gate. I was wearing- [More hesitation, the penmanship is unsure.] The Darkhelm, my knuckles bruised, blood all over my War leathers - when did I even change? I ran back to my room hoping nobody would see me. I hope nobody saw me.


[The penmanship is loose, the page is dusted in cigarette ash.]

Calliope found me. She's going to become an Acolyte. An Acolyte of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine.

Good. It's better this way. It's easier this way. Now I can't get too close and now she won't die because of me.

She'll be safe with the Sisters.
And I'll be alone.

It's better this way.

[A near illegible scribble.]
She has such soft lips.


[Sleepy, distressed penmanship follows.]


made of clay.

Formless no more,
made from clay.

Spun and shaped.
made into clay.

The clay must be fired.




Iyar 16, 7789

I've prepped the salad and bottled the wine, I'm all but ready to open the doors! I don't think I've ever been this nervous excited before. Not since- [The ponders on the page.] we took that job.

I remember watching her while he explained the job, the pay. The feigned attention she gave him. The way she smiled, when he said where and how much. A glance my way - out of the corner of her eye. We both knew. A quiet, relatively secluded trek across the open desert and then through the canyons. We'd gone that route dozens of times on dozens of jobs, but he was paying triple. Something about sensitive cargo, but we didn't care. It wasn't our job to worry about the cargo.

Cook. Dance. Keep the mercenaries fed and happy. Keep them from asking questions.

We should have asked more questions.


I got a delivery from Calliope, on behalf of Theo. Some more meat. I'm running out of room to store it all, but he's been a pretty reliable supplier. Once the restaurant is open, I'll have more opportunity to experiment!

I had half expected her to already be in those robes, that perpetual shroud - obscuring that bright and fiery hair that frames her face so well. I'm glad I got to see her one last time.


A new job - one I hadn't signed to before. The Nazaru. Terrible brooking- [A moment of consideration.] goblins?

As we cut them down - vile djinn beings sprung forth from their corpses. Then we delved deeper, into some long forgotten temple, where some sinister obelisks and ancient beings awaited.

But they were no match. Between Cort, Luther, Hans and I at the front - and Alice and Nigel with their magic. They didn't stand a chance.

And when we returned, the board teller told me they wouldn't take my signature on even more jobs. Now, only a select few are available to me. What a racket.


[The manic penmanship returns to the page.]

What is she doing here?

How did she get into the kitchen?

Why is everything on fire?




Iyar 17, 7789

Just need to finish making copies of the menu, then to pick up the Bouza, and finally a talk with Luther - he said he's bringing Kazadun. That's more than enough security.

It's almost time.

I ran into Calliope on my errands. She looks- [A brief pause, a gathering of thoughts.] good - in the robes. I could still catch a glimpse of that fire under the shroud. She said she'd be there for me the opening. I hope so.


It's time.

[The rest of the page is blank.]


What a day! I couldn't have asked for a better turnout. A full house! It's great to know that I'm not alone in my dreams.

It's quite the ordeal, trying to run a restaurant on my own. I really ought to hire some help, but I need people I can trust. All in all, I managed well enough. Bashir had wonderful things to say about the food, but he's right - I need music!

[A few doodles of musical notes.]

Calliope showed up, just as she promised. She didn't stay long - maybe that was a good thing. I couldn't keep my eyes off her found myself a little distracted, but I don't think anyone noticed.

Even Luther had nice things to say about the food - though he had other things to say about the furniture. Good interior design and practical security concerns are rarely in agreement.

It was nice to see everyone together, enjoying a meal in each other's company. But then there was a call for War. Perhaps, for now, Casa Manta can be a reminder of what we fight for.


[Some sleepy penmanship scribbles across the page.]

A dream.
But it's not her.

The flames.
They surround me.

She cries out as I burn.
I reach through the fire.

But it's not her.
So she burns.




Iyar 18, 7789

An explosion. Of all things to be woken to - an explosion. Murder and brooking, at least that's what they're saying. I hope it doesn't have anything to do with that book I found. I gave it to Aurelio after all, and he's sworn to see to its destruction. I hope.

I saw Calliope again. She had some gifts for me. Some guts and candy! I need to bake something for her. They're letting anyone sign to clear out that old mine again. I should be able to get enough guts for my dough to hold me over for some time.

Voting starts soon. I just want it to be over already.


[A curiously blank page.]




Iyar 19, 7789

She knows now. [The pen lingers on the page, contemplating the repercussions.] She knows, and she still stayed. I don't know how she can help, she's an engineer not a Djinn hunter - and she has her own secrets too. She urged that I talk to Sister Selsi. I promised I would talk to Sister Selsi.

I told her what happens. What happens when people get close, when I get close. She's not afraid though. "Stay safe" she tells me. She should listen to her own advice.

But she knows now - not everything, but enough to get me killed - and she's still here.  That has to be worth something right? It has to be.

I haven't slept like that since- [The thought is left alone.]


What a strange evening. A crowd out in the plaza - Argent was there, so it's no surprise. There is something magnetic about him, despite everything else. He asked, or I suppose he proposed, that I be his third wife~ [A little scribble as the pen fails to lift from the page, some laughter perhaps.] he needs someone who can cook. I'm flattered, but no thank you. I politely declined - and he didn't push the topic, which I respect.

Dandrik on the other hand. I- [Some contemplation as the pen lingers against the page.] don't even want to recall it, I'd rather just forget the whole thing. Just remember not to go to his room again. [A big star reminder and some extra circles and scribbles for emphasis.]

It does look like Faith though.


I went to cast my vote. The Sisters were there, as always, with their poll and their stickers. Calliope was manning the desk. What a pleasant coincidence, I think she was happy to see me too. Even after- [The thought is cut short.] I thanked her for last night, for listening.

She told me about her day - she was there when they caught that bandit that's been harassing the Well. A Wyrmist. It was quite the day, I'm glad she's safe. She had a long shift at the polls ahead, and the voters kept coming - I didn't want to be a distraction and get her in trouble with the Sisters. I had some errands to do anyways.

I managed to run into Gideon in the plaza - he had wrote to me asking about hosting a private dinner at Casa Manta. I was headed to the restaurant anyways, so I brought him along. A simple enough evening - two guests, four courses, some wine.

I whipped up a small meal for Calliope, just a little salad and a pretzel. I know she said she wasn't hungry, but I could tell she could use something to eat. She mentioned craving a salad the other day, I hope she likes it. I should go give this to her, I wonder if her shift is over.


[Frustrated and distressed scribbling follows.]

I knew it was a bad idea.
I knew it.

Now she's hurt.
She almost died.

It's your fault Ritz - you knew better.
You knew not to get close.
You can't keep her safe.
Not when you're this close.

She almost died.
Because of you-

[The ink bleeds as a teardrop splashes against the page.]




Iyar 20, 7789

I'm relieved that she was up and about. "Still a little sore" she said, but up and about nonetheless. I'm glad because I had a few things I wanted to give her. I hope she liked the flowers.

She insists it's not my fault. I want to believe her but- [A moment of contemplation lingers on the page.] how can I when everyone else died. Just the thought of losing her too.

I can't.


I met the cutest puppy today - and quite an interesting dwarf. Norska was her name, and together we named her pup - Pip! I thought it'd be fun considering Haknar has a dog named Dug. Norska Awoke not too long ago, she seems pressed to remember her past - and how she ended up here.

She asked me about what I might remember. It's been 4 5? or so years since I Awoke here. I don't remember much anymore, the memories slipping as time passes in this desert - harder and harder to recall, until eventually it's all Ash.

Oranges though. The smell of oranges - that's all that's left. I hadn't thought about it in years, but as I stood there trying to answer Norska, all I could remember was the smell of oranges. Was I strolling through a grove? Maybe I was baking a cake. Whatever it was - there was the smell of oranges.


Calliope owns the library now - Marcellus's library and museum, The Saenus Institute or whatever they're calling it now. Though I suppose the Sister's own it in truth, but she's the custodian and it's her responsibility. She's very excited about it, and I'm excited for her too.

I'd never actually seen inside myself. She gave me a little tour. It was nice spending time alone with her seeing all the books and antiques. I think she'll do a great job preserving the history.


[Some sleepy scribbles appear.]

She was standing there.
Not her. Not anyone.

A hooded shadow,
beyond the flames.

She cast them away.

No more fire.
No more pain.

There I stood,
in the darkness,




Iyar 21, 7789

Gideon's dinner is today - I had misunderstood what time at first, but I made it work. It gave me a little time to open the restaurant and get some cooking done. I have some new desserts ready- [The thought is interrupted] I should write a cook book - tales and techniques from the desert.

I met the new Scarab - Len. He was- [Some contemplation as the pen rests against the page.] eager. He came rushing down the steps, just as I was locking up. "Len has to check the food," he urged, I could hear the rumble of his stomach. He was almost there, he just needed a little nudge - "Of course! Gotta check for poison and make sure everything is safe to eat right?"

He was very grateful for the meal - he thanked me in the name of the Zephyr. It was nice talking to someone so- [Another moment of thought.] genuine. I reminded him - "I hope my food passed the inspection, and that you have a good report for your officers."


I was in the Krak when I saw her, followed by a procession of the Sisters. They're really bringing her into their fold - quickly. Custodian for the library-museum, the many chores and responsibilities. Soon enough she won't have the time for me. I have to make the most of it It's better this way.


What a disaster! It was going so well, even with a few unexpected guests. Cort and Inanna showed up alongside them. It was nice to see Cort though, he missed the Grand Opening, but I still had food left to serve him from the menu. And then Selwyn snuck in - that was nice too. They apologized for something, being unfair. But I get it - I know how it is. They were just being protective.

But the oven - the damned oven. Smoke everywhere - I had to rush everyone out before a fire started. I can't imagine what might have happened if Calliope hadn't already fixed it up a bit, a blockage like that and there could have been an explosion. Luckily I was able to run back in and turn it all off before any real damage was done.


[The penmanship is distressed. Soot and ash smudges streak across the page, clay residue stains the margins.]

It doesn't matter
It doesn't matter

What I do.
What she thinks.

It always ends the same.

In the Darkness
And Alone




Iyar 24, 7789

The last two days - alone.

Dreamless, restless sleep. It's better than the nightmares. At least I have my kitchen - here, I can be alone.

I was cooking up a batch of liquorice when there was a call for War. There have been so many lately. We must be getting closer. I decided I needed to feel something. So I went to War.

The Scalding, the indignant flames - I'm practically numb to it. The violence of the Clans, the wounds of battle - there's so much enspellment, I couldn't feel it if I wanted to. But the blood spilt, the smell of wet sand - something.

I return - alone.


It's late again, or early. I prefer late.

There was a crowd in the Krak. I just knew she was going to be there. Calliope, Katya, Tharrik, Du-Yanyu?, Nela and I. A swim through one of those Fingers of Muud. Nothing terrible in this one - who's Muud anyway and why does he have so many fingers?

Afterwards, some prism work in the Krak. Poor Katya - no luck on her belt. I even sold her the prism I had and worked it for her. The Nadiri though - first attempt, Scholar on a beautiful crystal necklace! He wanted a ring too, and I'm not one to turn away business.

It was nice catching up with Calliope, she's brewing potions now - she's offered to make some for me, which is nice of her too. It's nice to see her in good spirits.
