The Chasm; or, The Road to Bet Napphai

Started by Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi, December 30, 2024, 02:22:29 AM

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Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[This relatively short work appears about the Krak des Roses, most commonly circulated among the Balladeers,  in the form of a small pamphlet. On one side is the image of a great tree amid a forest, with the moon rising high overhead, with the words "BEL-ISHÛN" above it and "BET NAPPHAI AWAITS THE FAITHFUL" below it. On the other side is the poem itself.

It is included in a collection of the author's works.]


Or, The Road to Bet Napphai

Sister Amélie of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine
Speaker for Kula

First Editiion
Pub. Adar 30, IY 7788.

Cast off the weight of leaden chains; That bind your limbs from reaching up;
To Paradise's lim'nal shore; And gird thy arm to draw without:

That nascent sword you've crafted true; Alight by flame that passes on;
Abiding in the storied sight; Of virtue's long awaiting hall.

Unburdened stand before the ghost; Of you, long past, what Ages know;
And see the chasm 'twixt you now; That courage spans by labors won.