[DM] Great Serdar Tughril Yataghan

Started by BigCook, October 23, 2024, 08:28:54 PM

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The supposed Grand Tutors of Arslan have arrived, and you are aware of the tendencies of Ephia's Well. I suggest we talk soon and make confirmations. If everything is satisfactory, then you may leave their mollification to me, leaving your relationships here none the worse.



Attend me at your leisure, dread magus.

i walked one morning to the fair


On such a broad question, I have taken the time to consider my answer well. I present four options for your archivists to seek:

1. The works of Vesim al-Pesh.

2. Contemporary first histories of the Sisters of the Sybilline Vine.

3. Works relevant and materially revelatory to what we now consider myths; the Spear, the Well, the Immolation, or similar.

4. Any text making detailed mention of a "Central Cognition Core".

I look forward to hearing what they discover, and that it shall satisfy me.



A copy of this letter is sent to Argent Argyris. Most of it has been underlined aggressively.