Minutes of the War Council

Started by Sunburst, Today at 04:28:07 AM

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Kanon Hray 22, 7788

On We March

The war camp of the Great Serdar stirs, and the march will begin soon. The journey shall be long and arduous. More shall die in the in "the Scalding," a miserable struggle across the continent's most brutal desert, than shall die in the battle of Bet Nappahi.

Although our combined armies shall set out with the Great Serdar, the special forces of Ephia's Well (read: its many adventurers) shall principally remain here at home, on call to assist the campaign by fulfilling brief, high-intensity operations. Perhaps the most important and urgent of these operations shall be the gathering of "Titan Shards" for use in the Kusatma, the super-heavy artillery devised by Tenth Legion.

Shards of Old Morning

It is of paramount importance to our victory in the war that every possible "Titan Shard" is contributed to the Kusatma. Even one shard can make the difference of hundreds of lives. Recognizing this, the government of Ephia's Well has declared it a capital crime, Treason, to attempt to steal, withhold, or otherwise divert one of these "Titan Shards."

Capital crimes are so named because they are punished with death; a swift, pitiless execution.

Thus far, eight (8) shards are currently accounted for, and the Warmaster has set a minimum quota of fifteen (15) shards for success on the battlefield. Exceeding the quota is only for the better, and could save countless soldiers.

The Marishyen

The much-feared Marishyen, whose name is never to be spoken aloud, have come to Ephia's Well. They claim to know the secrets needed to break the scepter of Iakmes, that powerful and poorly understood artifact with which the orcs have laid low even the Golden Vizier of Kha'esh.

They asked, in return, to be granted two boons:

  • To take part in the Scalding and march alongside our troops, that they may record the events within their "God Pillar."

  • To be allowed citizenship within Ephia's Well, and property upon which to construct one of their "God Pillars" within our city.

These figures are much-feared for their legacy of bringing pestilent doom and misfortune with them, wherever they go. As of this Kanon Hray, the Legates have decided to allow the Marishyen to accompany our united armies into the Scald, but deny them any place on the streets of Ephia's Well. Beyond their rightful distrust and dread over the harm they might deliver upon our city, our Legates have discovered that the Marishyen have already established a secret priory and "God Pillar" in the gutters below us, and thus an unauthorized presence within our walls.


The grain silos of the Fourth Legion have suffered a catastrophic explosion. More than 50,000 dinars in dry rations have been destroyed, and shall not be easily replaced; hunger and suffering loom over the soldiers, as caravan logistics are strained to bursting with emergency shipments.

Preliminary investigations conclude that the fire was a deliberate act of terrorism. Although the Fourth Legion has refrained from pointing fingers at any particular suspect, they assure us that this was no freak accident; an unidentified saboteur smuggled in a barrel of alchemist's fire, with meticulous care and malicious purpose, to cause this disaster.

The Sibylline Sisterhood has repeatedly, persistently offered their mysterious "Haoma," to feed the Janissaries amid this crisis. The officers of the Fourth Legion have courteously and adamantly refused these offers, uncertain of its providence, and unwilling to order their men to eat something they wouldn't. Stubbornly hoping to persuade the Fourth Legion to accept the Haoma, the Sisterhood has promised to provide samples of this esoteric manna to the Warmaster.

Vacancies of the War Council

With several ministers retiring, or recently deceased, many citizens are uncertain of who holds what position upon the War Council.

The roster, as of this evening...

Warmaster: Rennik Colmes

Field Commander: Mirielle Rosseau

Chief Scout: Amelie Terrois

Head of Research: Narwen Alendiel

Arcane Counsel: Zol Nur

Champion of Ephia's Well: Rhuk Nor

Logistics Coordinator: VACANT