Zina Zizzo

Started by Moonlighter, October 21, 2024, 12:23:34 PM

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A letter, and contract, delivered to Zina's Shoppe...

Sweet mademoiselle,

For your reading pleasure.

Just need to fill in a date, and signatures from a company representative and yourself!


QuoteThe Banda Rossa hereby agrees to provide protection to the merchant, Zina Zizzo, and her Trade Hall during operational hours. Upon receipt of notification of the commencement of her business activities, available recruits of the Banda Rossa Recluta will be dispatched to her location if not otherwise on assignment.

Said Recluta shall be encouraged to obtain an Arms-Bearing License, enabling them to employ necessary force in defense of Zina Zizzo's property and person.

Furthermore, the Banda Rossa shall act as a Guarantor for Zina Zizzo's loans, exercising its authority over the Krak des Roses as leverage against debtors. Any individual found to be in default of a loan contract duly executed by both parties shall be prohibited from entering the Krak des Roses until full repayment is made. The Banda Rossa shall be authorized to collect such debts, with recovered funds to be allocated in equal shares (50/50) between the Banda Rossa and Zina Zizzo.

In the event that Zina Zizzo is harmed, her property is unlawfully damaged or seized, or her contractual agreements are violated by any third party, the Banda Rossa shall exact retribution against the offending party. This retribution may include, but is not limited to, the use of force, confiscation of assets, or other acts "above and beyond" deemed necessary by the Banda Rossa to restore justice and protect the interests and good name of Zina Zizzo, or avenge her death.

The Banda Rossa will make a public announcement of this agreement, and make sure that it will be public knowledge that aggression against Zina Zizzo is seen internally as aggression against them.

In consideration for these services, Zina Zizzo agrees to remit to the Banda Rossa the sum of four thousand dinari (4,000 dinari) per month, payable on the ____ of each month. The terms of this agreement shall be subject to renegotiation at renewal, and lack of renewal will be seen as an end of contract rather than a breach of it's terms.




[A reply is promptly penned]

Cara signora condottiera,

Wonderful, much obliged. I request only one small amendment: the wording 'will be dispatched' could be interpreted to mean that without a particular order from a ranking officer, a recluta would not necessarily be obliged to report to the Emporium. We want reclutas to understand that, in the absence of anything more pressing, they are to report there whenever I open business – without any prompting or ordering needed. Si?

Naturally, I do not request the presence of each and every recluta during opening hours, just one is enough, but if a recluta does not know whether someone is already on duty, they should still report there and ask if a guard is needed. That is the crux of the matter. Could you re-phrase that part accordingly?

Otherwise, I am well pleased, my thanks again.

Cordiali saluti
Z. Z.
Zina Zizzo