Letter to the Legates

Started by NeedForGreed, October 18, 2024, 10:31:08 PM

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QuoteTo the Legates,

To the Legates,

Enclosed is a preliminary report on the preparedness of Ephia's Well against plague and disease, measures to be taken, and the potential for another outbreak of the Blood Plague.

Of greatest concern to me are signs that an outbreak of disease or plague may be on our horizon. The best time to prepare for an outbreak is always yesterday, the second best time is today. There are signs such a time may be upon us soon, and for this reason the following measures are being worked on.

  • Training of medical apprentices, sharing of medical knowledge with fellow physicians.
  • Standardization of protocols, such as quarantine and handling of infected patients (which may differ between diseases).
  • Preparation of a quarantine facility. For this, I would request the Pyramid's assistance or at least blessings.
  • Stocking medical supplies in great quantities. Medicines, plague masks, aprons, restoration potions, etcetera.

A properly prepared Ephia's Well has a ready supply of medical equipment in storage, proper quarantine protocols and plans in place, and physicians already armed with knowledge and the spirit of cooperation.

Progress on each matter:
  • In progress.
  • I am currently collecting information on the Blood Plague, from those who have experienced it firsthand. This effort will take time, but based on the previous Palatial Physician's documents and my interviews thus far (of primarily the Priory and past victims), I will have a preliminary set of protocols ready for review among my fellow physicians soon. This would include both suggested Blood Plague protocols with the kind help of the Priory, and my own general protocols which may apply to any disease or plague.
  • Ephia's Well currently has no facility set up for quarantine. The Ignis Vitae Medical Center can be converted into a quarantine facility, though it is dangerously close to the center of town. Similarly, my House of Healing could be converted but this would be equally non-optimal. I will be outlining a few solutions below.
  • The stocking of medical supplies is currently fine, however I am making a push to drastically increase our supplies (including plague masks), store them in a secure facility (supplies disappear from public facilities as expected), and once this push has completed, make a full inventory and list of all supplies. Merchant Master Zina Zizzo has been helpful in this matter, and I have reached out to her to assist me with ensuring proper medical protective equipment can be provided to healers when needed. At this time my remaining budget is about 2,000 dinar.

On the topic of a quarantine facility:

It is ideal to plan for and arrange a quarantine facility in advance, even if it is only set up once it is needed. Space should be made in advance, supplies already available, protocols decided and distributed.

At this time, location is the greatest difficulty.

  • A quarantine facility ideally must be:
  • Outside of population centers (including away from refugee camps, which are prime areas for disease and plague spread). Enclosed buildings, and ideally a moderate distance from water supplies to prevent contamination but still allow access to clean water.
  • Able to limit entry to prevent spread of disease, unauthorized persons, etc.
  • Enough room to segregate patients based on severity of disease and care needs. Enough enclosed, separate space for disposal and burning of tainted clothing and supplies, for healers to change in and out of protective gear.
  • Ventilation, if possible - windows, air flow, to prevent buildup of miasma.
  • And finally, the blessings and cooperation of the local government.

The first two points are the most crucial. The buildings located directly outside the Rose Gate are not enforceable in terms of entry, any could simply come in, pick up a disease and leave. Though if absolutely necessary, it could work. I include this now so you understand the challenges in maintaining such a facility, and to give you the opportunity to raise concerns, questions, or perhaps knowledge of past solutions.

Transparency and communication is my goal.

May the Mercystar shine gently on you,


The above letter is sent to the new Legate Myl, along with the following addendum:

QuoteLegate Myl,

We have already discussed the plague briefly, but you will find enclosed a copy of my letters to Legates Ahmet and Argent. I am collaborating with the Priest Grenth on preparations, as you know.

I have been communicating with the Priory - through Sister Selsi - with some success on the matter of the Plague's Cure. For the Well to be protected from another outbreak, prevention and research are as important as simply "having a Cure".

For this reason I am requesting from Selsi to receive more complete and concrete information. At this time I am hopeful she will continue to expand on what she has already turned over, however, it is crucial that the Priory cooperate with the Pyramid in sharing information.

I understand you have much on your plate, but I ask you to consider discussing with Argent a joint order from the Legates that information be shared with the Pyramid/Palatial Physician on this. Delay is dangerous, and even if an outbreak is not on the horizon, my office should still be fully informed in order to do its job.

Specifically, I seek from them a full explanation of the cure, as well as records on any research or observations of the plague. In particular, any observed changes over time.

The cure is of the utmost importance. While I need not try to make my own Cure if the original works, understanding what it is and why it works could potentially help in developing preventative measures.

Please give this some consideration, and speak to Legate Argent if you can. If you have any questions or concerns, you need only write.

Fiordelise Foscari
Palatial Physician