To the Dervish

Started by Runic, October 11, 2024, 02:26:22 PM

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[A letter slipped under the door of a home in the tablet bearing the name of the Dervish Bajica. It is stamped with a wax seal denoting having come from the Palatial Pyramid.]

Dervish Bajica,

Apologies that I have been unable to answer your calls. The works and wonders of bureaucracy will oft keep one sequestered.

As I understand, it is the Soldier Zoturu who has been destroying the braziers at the shrine. I will draw my ire upon him, and the arm of the law brandished. However, that is not the reason I write to you. It is by tenet of faith, both mine and yours, that I must write this sorrowful tale.

As an Izdur, to lose pieces of history is a grave crime, for we must chronicle the past to learn for the future. As a Waradim, it is said to spurn the bandit and deny the thief. Thus I write of troubling news that has reached me about two members of the Synod. The Kulamet; Ash-Talker and Ashur. I have heard that recently they have been assailing archaeologists over their 'disturbance of the ash'. They demanded of these archaeologists a 'tax', and when they were not paid such, they assailed and robbed these individuals.

Later, when the archaeologists returned, they questioned a Nadiri on this. These men had completed the task of becoming licensed and performing of their duties in accordance with their licensing. When the Nadiri said they would look into the matter, Ash-Talker did threaten the Nadiri, stating that they should quote; "Watch where they walk".

I ask you, as a sitting member of the Synod, to raise these concerns and if necessary to spurn these men should they continue these practises. It looks poorly of the Synod to not address this.

Lamp light your way.

Le Clercq.



[The response is delivered.]

Dervish Bajica,

I shall do as the second tenet of my faith dictates and shine the lamp where the dim fosters.

The men accosted were not soldiers. They were simply men of the Sandstone College. Once refugees, accepted into Ephia's welcome embrace. Lusting after shelter from the ash, and a trade to earn enough to slake their thirst.

The Nadiri whose life was threatened was not a soldier. They are simply an esoteric. Doing their duty in investigating the assault on individuals who followed the law of the archaeology writ their Tower proscribed.

I am not a Soldier. I wrote in good faith. On the works I am undertaking to see punishments rendered for the desecration of your shrine. Hoping you might see past the mire and view the acts of banditry committed by those that fly beneath the banner of the Synod.

Instead, you act as the Janissary whose ire I assume has soured the words you put to paper. You claim ignorance and refuse the charges levied, and seek instead to shelter those who would rob and maim under the guise of 'taxing the ash'. If you embrace the banditry committed by the Synod's members, then I pity you.

The Wheel is not simply above all, but below all also. It is the foundation of our society. Its turning; is our direction. Its support; is our safety. Its guidance; is our raising from a dying and desolate land. It lifts us from out of a place of ignorance, and places us on the road to a better future. Do not forget this.

May the lamp shed clearly. If this letter sheds a dimness over our pleasantries, know I shall always be there to shine it for you, despite our differences. For the ways must be lit, always.

Jaecop of Clercq.