Melody Stearwood

Started by Random_White_Guy, October 09, 2024, 09:14:50 PM

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Per our discussion a few expanded options come to mind.

Option 1: Tipshard
Though it will require more a smith's focus than an engineer's works the notion of altering the physical balance of the Shard into a hand-held weapon should be workable. The silver composite's softness is reinforced by the Bronze allowing a relative sturdy foundation for a blade despite the innate magics within it.

A spear would be my suggestion, allowing the most metal to volume capability. Simple wooden shafts with fragments of the shard fitter upon the head. A bit primitive of make but it would allow, if my measurements not mistaken, a number of them to be made and used as needed.

Option 2: Manasorptive Shield
Inlaying the Shard within a wooden shield would potentially allow the mimicing of the absorption magics utilized by the Titans based upon the magical composition of the shard as a fueling source. The Orc'ah are no strangers to the utilization of a robust collection of magics, and in such it may allow the wielder of said shield to absorb their forces' works.

Option 3: Arcanocamoflauge
As we discussed it would be a more magically-focused project but the design of a small, portable generator - ideally personally mounted within a leather harness of armor. The shifting of absorption of magic to the absorption of light would lend in essence a means of magical camouflage for the non-magical wielder. Volatile but not without its uses.

Option 4: Lockflint Charge
Utilizing the barest schematics of a Flintlock a means by which smaller but more propelled shards may be utilized. Either as barebone ammunition of the pellets or if one wished to move beyond such towards a direct use of the shard as fuel, a small fragment embedded within the handle of the contraption allowing a magical-blast. It has been said raw magic is one of the most effective means to combat the Titan. Food for thought.

Dependent upon which path chosen, differing options available. A more magically focused matter such as the Second or Third would require alchemical reagents. The Fourth, Engineering Schematic and bundle. The First, merely smithworks.

Celybuin Hui'nalyw
Apothar of Q'tolip
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips



As discussed the pieces given should lend of aid:

QuoteThe Ioun Stones - Red and Green, countering of polarity and divergent energies. One of drawing in, one of repulsion. Forced into close proximity this friction creates heat. Necessary for artifice to spark the fuel of the shard.

The Alchemic Metals - Iron and Silver, one for stability of the outer shell in Iron, one for the interior workings of Mage Silver, allowing transference of magic along the more traditional wires and iron bands and whatever is provided by your engineer.

The Magical Bag - Caliphal Coffee is traditionally filtered, mimicking the process allowing the device to see it poured into the bag, inevitably filling it, but the seepings dripping through will leave a metaphysical planar-twinge to the concoction.

Hook Horror Powder - Lacing the magical bag with the Hook Horror Powder will lend a further metaphysical aspect enhanced by the latent cosmic energies, facilitating the desired transmutative effect in smallest quantities.

Best of luck in your engineerworks.

Celybuin Hui'nalyw
Apothar of Q'tolip
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips