Political Alchemy

Started by Random_White_Guy, October 05, 2024, 01:01:11 PM

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Political Alchemy: Turning Lead to Gold
By Celebyuin Hui'nalyw

Apothar of Q'tolip

Preface: The Asterbadian dream, while sweet narcotic to the Refugee, is a hollowed promise to instill a yoke. Come forth ye filthy and downtrod, ye hungry, ye starved, ye Ring Lost. Come forth and if you work hard enough, if you pray fierce enough, if you shed enough blood and tears the world to be yours.

Gaze to Ibn Ghalish, son of robust propserity who seeks only to burn it all down in spite. Gaze to the rest of the White League who have gifted over eleven years an unfathomable sum of Dinar to become Voiced and become Legate and engage in the discourse of "Shaping" this city.

My name was made in this city in public debate with the Deputy Chief Scribe of Ephia's Well. how the promise of Baz'eelan Charity was a hoax. Wealth accrued pre-infaction, as proven by numerous economic tables and the works of Mariavicci in my work Numismatic Hieroglyphs. Though the day was lost to a fair tale by former legate Gloamingdaith, I caught eye. The mixture of policy, research, and brazen approach to discredit Baz'eel itself before one of its most ardent supporters. It impressed upon my first master, Zol Nur Apothar, to take me on as his apprentice and began my rising star.

In this compendium I will share political thought and consideration. Primarily with the thesis as such:

While the Purple League craves colonialism, the Refugee have misread Baz'eel's intentions to a comic degree -
Ensuring Purple the weakest of the three Leagues and diminishing Baz'eel's influence in Ephia.
While the White League craves equality, they have created the single greatest broaching of disparity in eleven years-
Treating Boardwork as honest labor.
While the Gold League craves independence, they entangle themselves -
Co-Opting rather than Creating, a common Merchant dilemma.

In this - I would hope as Astronomer to lend navigational tip, that the Gold League may right its ship using the most efficacious tool: The abject missteps of their alleged peers of Purple and White.

Proving beyond doubt their merit above the other leagues, and why a Refugee new to Ephia should take up the Gold Pin.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


The Plight of Purple

At its core the fundamental aim of the Purple League, if one reads the placard raised in their Hall, is an ideology of Colonialism. Though Baz'eel has sealed itself behind the Epicrasis will Ephia serve as its first and brightest satrapy in resurgence of the Imperial Sultanate. That the Culture of Baz'eel, the faiths, the artistry, the superiority spread across the land as dotting the landscape a proliferation of Baz'eelan interests. Lovely poetry, but in prose it has been failed time and again by the League.

The dilemma presented is the nascent Refugee, despite adoption of much of the Baz'eelan way of life and aspirations, are afraid of the commitment towards the full ideals as espoused by the Purple League. A number of case-studies exist from the recent histories to the modern day. A cursory look at the political landscape of the Purple League and its efforts at Assembly, its workings throughout the region, and more paint a bleak outlook of Ideology.

Though they revere the Sultan's name, though they genuflect in the presence of his pristine daughters, though they welcome the Scribes, adhere to the Janissaries requests and undertakings, on a fundamental level the Refugees of Ephia's Well do not take the full step required to consider themselves as members of the Sultanate of Osman.

Legal Upheaval and over-reach
One of the most glaring steps was the recodification of Ephia's legal protocols and the Hall of Jurisprudence. Be it reaction to the White League's rebellious intent or the Gold League's perceived predations a great many of the Legates of Purple have espoused a rhetoric of Legal reform. Each time the Law reformed however it is with a swath of laws that do not strengthen the legal efforts of Baz'eel, but hinder them.

Autocracy thrives under the vaguest of terms. It allows a degree of interpretation by the Courts and servitors of the Martyrs, it allows the Wrothans a wider breadth, it allows the Scribes and Janissaries many liberties, and it allows Baz'eel's superiority to sit immeasurably. In response to the actions of the last 11 years however, but heavily pushed in 7787, the reformation and alteration of Ephia's Legal processes upon the Stele of Law have produced a number of off-shoots actively hindering the interests of Baz'eel.

Explicitly verbose and all encompassing legal jargon was a plague set upon the city by many of the Purple, over-explanation of protocols, the codification of matters which were accepted as common sense or common practice upon the Stele, the failed attempt to co-opt or consume the legal workings of the White or Gold League's practices, and further. For example the Restrictions upon conduct in the Assembly, a popular favorite arrow in the quiver of rivals, turned many to believe the Purple League were not the resolute and monolithic power of old but a degree more petty.

Stewardship and Spoiling
The notion of Stewardship is a most ancient one when it comes to colonial practice and Satrapy. The colony exists as a funneling of resource, interest, suzerainty, and political proxy. The exchange of such is security, leadership, cultural seeding, and the notion of educating the masses.

That in exchange of bent knee and bowed head the treasures and wonders of civilization bestowed upon the foreign presence. A foothold and growing hub of prosperity by extension of the main metropolis housing the Imperial Seat. Adopting its cultural presence as the assimilation of laws, culture, currency, academic theory, personal ethos, and the societal pressures involved in cultivating a citizen's influence.

Throughout the teachings of the Purple Leagues political bureaus though and the cults of personality that would arise this promise was not carried through. One need look no further than the early efforts of Jamileh and the Competition who so ardently and eagerly wished to serve of Sandstone College only to develop independent streaks. The works of the Torchbearers who were so adamantly servant to the Purple Legate Zarat before her disappearance. The early workings of Scribe Marcellus Saenus of Izdu.

This core trio of powers would lend the initial foundation of the modern Purple League as we see it now and presently - Overly mired in appearances of benevolence over governance, robustly favoring the support and salvation of the faceless throngs of refugees and those who need to be tended and cared for, chipping away at Baz'eelan influence in favor of an Ephian national identity and independence.

Ultimately they would go forth to pick and choose their favored practices of their rivals in the White and Gold league. It would create this notion that if they out-maneuvered the political operations of the Gold League and could wrangle them and hinder them through legal precedent and entangling it would stymie their ambitions. If they could out-sympathize, out empathize, outrun the narrative of the White League's support and caring for the Refugee it would shift the political scales and ensure the Purple League an enduring legacy.

In each of these steps though they would embody the adage to spare the rod and spoil the child. That with a benevolent hand and an understanding mien the Purple League could reign - which is categorically false and has time and again showcased the abject failure of the Purple and the active decay of Baz'eelan influence within Ephia's Well. For even the Janissaries themselves hold reservation of alliance with the Purple League. Which is perhaps the most baffling self-sabotage imaginable, all things considered.

Ephian Nationalism
As spoken of in the previous example the coddling hand of stewardship co-opted many policies, but the most dangerous was the notion of Ephian Nationalism. A proponent raised first by the White League and Gold League would go on to become a rallying cry of the Purple League which created a cognitive dissonance in the minds and politic of a great many men and women of Ephia's Well. It created the practice of meager lip service to the Sultanate, it created the vaguest acceptance of religious doctrine raised as Legal precedent, it created an avalanche of pyrrhic victories in which the Purple League could claim they held watered-down success, the fool's gold of political aspiration.

The fact that in the proverbial wound the notion of "The Heron" propagated by White League members was not killed in the womb by a knife the moment the Purple League regained power will forever be a noted and damning failure of the politic. This errant rhetoric spewed of independence was co-opted by many of the Purple League with the notion that Ephia's Well, the shining jewel of the Satrapy, would grow not to be a productive and functioning colonial first step - but that it would rise as a Sister-State. It inherently hinders Baz'eel to have an independent identity, wholly and fully.

Furthermore the notion of "The Heron" creates a duality of loyalty. The aspiration to serve Baz'eel while growing Ephia - often sets political interests against one another. Furthermore one need only look to Ka'esh, to Qa'im, Qadira, and other powers-that-be. The notion of an INDEPENDENT Ally of Ba'zeel is a singular pathway to rebellious purpose and path.

In essence the Purple League have eaten a poisoned meal. Allowing this ideological trap by the White League to fester in the minds and spirits of the Refugee and Boardworking Caste. It is not the austere and glorious dreams of Baz'eel that are held - it is of a strong and capable Ephia.

The first thing a strong and capable power does?

Rebukes the Yoke.

While I could spend well over a year I imagine expounding upon the mis-steps and failings of the Purple League in these actions the distillation of these three points present the clearest picture. The Purple League, whatever its roots and origins, have become as seen among the Roster today. A twisted and enfeebled homunculus, an atrophied parody of what once was and what could be, in favor of a depleted and dwindling influence.

Over-stepping legal practices and entangling codification of matters which were common sense and more have turned the once glorious Assembly into a laughing stock of institutional failure as the Law of Ephia's Well has never been more easily manipulated by its White and Gold rivals. Time and Again the specter of the Purple Wanderer evoked, the Purple League of Baz'eel afraid of angering a faceless populace sacrificing pieces of itself in hopes of some pyrrhic victory. You cannot out manipulate the Gold League. And yet they try.

An overly soft hand in the face of rising threats and Refugee practice, coddling rather than assimilating, has lead to a propagation of what may be called Torchbearer Doctrine. Rather than a protectorate of Tlonsiyya and Crippled Banafsi, the notion of coddling the weaker powers and allowing them to grow independently as allies. Espousing the rhetoric of Baz'eel and the attempted moral superiority while following through in the fundamentally most robust shortcoming. These abstract notions of acceptance by weaker powers, a backwards and fundamentally anti-imperialist approach, resulting in a chipping away at the Imperial aspirations of the Sultanate. You cannot out empathy the White League. And yet they try.

And lastly, and most egregiously, The Ephian State. In what may be qualified as Sandstone Syndrome and the brash independent streak of what compared to the Grand Academy of Baz'eel is a handful of children playing in the mud and digging in the sand. The Grand Academy to Sandstone, Baz'eel to Ephia. A heavy handed metaphorical and rhetorical tool perhaps but gaze upon the Scholar Jamileh and her coterie, how much she has fallen from an ardent supporter of the Purple League's practices to now parrot the works of Balstan Gloamingdaith and others in pursuit of independence. She is not the only one however as more and more the Purple League's supporters become disinfranchized, moving instead to peck and pluck and chip away at the desiccating Corpse of Baz'eel for their own edification.

That Baz'eel's Eagle grows weaker, that Ephia's Heron grows stronger, and while they proclaim Ephia "Cannot stand on its own" - it is ever predicated by a non-spokent "Yet".

As the Purple League has lost reigns on matters time, and again, as the growing influence of the White and Gold Leagues flourish and foster new ideas, new efforts, and a number of protocol and practices that actively slit the throat of Baz'eelan interests in Ephia's Well. And the Purple League merely gawps, bogged and buried in protocol and propriety. Too afeared to be seen as a heavy hand. To awoed of what would be to pass if the Refugee and Boardworkers saw them as a stronger steward and guiding hand - the folly and impossibility of the Benevolent Empire.

And so they fall crippled, atrophied, and descend into obscurity.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


The Woes of White

At its core the White League is built upon singular premise - That in all things, large and small, top to bottom, each man and woman is entitled to hold say and sway in the political landscape. They speak of a utopian effort of the Philosopher Asterbadi who constructed the single most effective tool of Baz'eelan politic since the Dinar. At its core Asterbadianism is a dream in which the refugee and suffering are able to control their fate and future. That they may aspire to improve matters and grow robustly. This core though is singularly rotted based on single premise: It is a shackled ambition.

In the pursuit of their political equality their greatest achievement is indentured servitude. For Asterbadi was not some grand liberator - the opposite. He is the quintessential and perfect oppressor. Time, effort, energy, fortunes of wealth, liters of blood, buckets of sweat, and a Well full of tears have been poured for eleven long and miserable years into the political machinery of Ephia. A Machine designed so effortlessly perfect it would make the Qa'immish blush.

For no matter how robust their demands for equality, when the name of Hasheema is mentioned, when any of the Sultan's daughters raised, when the Sultan himself is broached, when the Major-Domo walks into the room, eyes cast down and knees grow weak. For in their fight of equality they rail and howl and demand fair treatment aspiring no higher than to be Legate. The instilled Colonial Governor and puppet of the Accord and Sultanate. For such is the true equality - 'Neath Baz'eel all are colonial.

 The Rancor of the Rose
I have had the pleasure to know many of the Cinquefoil Rose in my time among Ephia's Well. As Scholar of Sandstone College they welcomed me with open arms allowing me to engage in discourse with La Banda Rossa's recluta upon Boardwork, with the Students of the Balladeers refining their skills for their much lauded but never seeming to manifest Quest, to partake of the Sister's proclaimed Charitable works.

Time and again though it all circled back to a singular motivation: "The Sultan promised us this land if we won it from the Orentid. And after our victory, proceeded to lay claim. He refused to recognize that claim and contested it. Leading to the Accord Unrest, for long and while.".

It is a deep and trying thing, rooted in the source of many of the Refugees. But of the Cinquefoil Rose they have constructed institution to firmly keep what is theirs.

The first year of time the Sisters of the Sybaline Vine were a robust charitable organization winning the hearts and minds of a great many. Overtime however there has been an increase of realization of the naked political aspirations, the magical influence, the robust thumb upon the White League, and the amalgamation of twenty, thirty, or more voiced to the whims of the Cinquefoil Banner. Ensuring ever a hand in the coffer regardless of if matters fare their way or not.

Of La Banda Rossa it was a quieter endeavor but beneath the works of Balestriere Laurentis it would grow more pronounced. The Veteran's Vanguard, and a litany of other mercenaries companies that had organized while taking board contracts and more would be summoned very publicly about their time and place and efforts among the Krak de Rose. Those groups that would start as novices among the lowerboard, expanding outwards and beyond - recouped of funds or efforts or more to the Banda Rossa as the largest company in the city. That something was owed of the success earned under their auspices.

And the Balladeers? They proclaimed themselves the Heroes of the downtrod as the Orentid were massacred and driven away, their quest for the Cup and their self-proclaimed Heroics echoing far and wide in a concerted effort of every artisan, bard, sculptor, and more who could craft a cultural impact forward. Yet they too showed cracks in their facade. As the Storyteller Alejandro would reveal much upon his abdication, as the continued political turmoils surrounding Aubrey Domergue and the entrenched status of the White League by the Cinquefoil, the Murder of a Banda Rossa on the orders of Lyrist Aurelio who famously spat at the Grandmaster's feet and retired his commission, and more.

Each step of the way a spite, a fury against the Baz'eelan presence. And each time the Dream of the White League tapped as vein of ore to enact their will.

Built upon Shifting Sands
Be it misguided understanding of the political landscape by the Refugees who arrive, be it the influence of the Cinquefoil Rose, be it the machinations of the Union of Glaziers, be it the influence of the Fatespinner Azimi, be it the tumult sown by the Religious of the Wheel the White League is a contentious force by design.

For decade did Constantin Diakos of the Wyrm and others utilize the populist rhetoric and "Heated debates" of hope, of dreams, of aspirations, and more to prey upon the downtrodden and the Refugee. Beating the Cinquefoil Rose at its own games well before Sister Selsi arrived with the Tonsured Caravan and well before Lyrist Domergue was raised as Syter's Sly.

To offer hope to those who lack it, to offer chance to those who may never see it, is a powerful and robust tool. Time and again any who read the records of election results can see first hand the rhetoric sowed and the outcomes as if they were preordained:

"The Purple League was incompetent or antiquated in deference to Baz'eel, the Gold League was apathetic and corrupt and selfish, if you are tired of their ways seek of us."

The poetry of campaign gripping the hearts and spirits of the neglected, backed by the considerable influence of the Cinquefoil who held their own machinations, raising up a new Voice to be sent forth to the political stage. Statistically speaking over half the time this resulted in a lamb sent to slaughter, with the swearing that next time hope shall prevail.

For in their search for puppet, in their hopes of an individual that could truly contend with the politics of the realm the Entrenched party members of the League of White - The Rose, the Religious who ply benign, and more never deviated from their driven efforts. Rather than building upon what was present they would romanticize the mythological "Huddled Refugee Mass".  Making sweeping promise to the abstract while ignoring or allowing infighting to create schisms with the White League Members who had already grown to political maturity and would if compromised with likely lead to the creation of a true political machine.

The hazard however is when your messianic figure lays awaiting to come off the next caravan, and the spiteful and bitter Cinquefoil Rose ever eager to prop up the next, best, "Finally arisen" hero - it leaves the failed candidate or the current Voiced to feel embittered.

It creates deeper lines, a wider schism, and an echo chamber in which what should be a spirited debate of Asterbadian Practice into a vengeful and petty howling of the wronged, the depleted, the weary, and the punch-drunk manic.

The Claim of Righteousness
You may ask any Modini Refugee what occurs when those who claim Righteousness find themselves feeling umbrage. Gaze now to the election of Kanon Hray in which many said it would be a "Quiet" election - only to turnabout face as religious overtones and the robust and terrible specter of civil strife looms once more - not of accord politic but of religious fanaticism.

Gaze to the once beloved Wheel House of the White League, existing on the predication of charity for any and all - yet raised by a White League Voiced Citizen and Failed Candidate who fell by the wayside of multiple religious movements - Khalid. Ever preaching of nebulous vagueries and promises to the huddled Refugee Masses, in what would become a tent-pole of the White League's religious leanings.  A Religious man who himself a Voiced, himself a Candidate for Legate, himself a figurehead of much supported by the Cinquefoil - until it ceased to be convenient. When it was shown he could not crack through. When, piece by piece, support shifted and changed towards another Candidate who was deemed "Likely to win".

Through the machinations of the Cinquefoil Rose the White League has been heralded as the "Heroes" of the Downtrodden. The "Champions" of the refugee. Of the meek. Of those who could be more if only it was not for the spectre of Baz'eelan influence from Purple and the depredations of the Gold. What though is the Wheel, if not yet another cultural lodestone upon Ephia. How can a political organization that seeks equality for all - pivot so firmly into religious fanaticism in the pursuit of strife with the Modini Dome Heresy?

For the same reason every other step of the way the White League has faltered. It is by design meant to be a failing.  You cannot place next to the likes of Hrothgar Childkiller of the Glaziers, the Pious Clergy of Baz'eel, and the spiteful Cinquefoil Rose, and the confused and aspiring Refugee, and the political firebrands of the White League and anticipate success.

Nothing highlights this more however than the Wheel Faith's presence in the White League. The poisoned chalice of Righteousness and tending the unwashed masses, a veritable opiate to the young and aspiring clergy. They come forth, they drink liberally, and unknowingly does the influence of Baz'eel grow and grow within the League. For despite the proclamations of many of the Wheel Faith at its core Baz'eel and the Ashfolk stand dominate in such a faith.

And with these considerations lain bare it becomes painfully apparent the path forward:

Ibn Ghalish, son of wealthy mine owners and one of the most profitable families in Baz'eelan history, shaking his fists and spewing spittle and howling that it "All must be destroyed".

While the Professional Boardworker of the Rose who sits fat in their castle moving pieces around the table to "Get what they are owed". As the Acolytes and Sisters ply their magical craft stepping far and away from their long held ruse of charity instead accumulating power. As the Balladeers infighting grows tumultuous. As La Banda Rossa - ever honest of their intent, merely make dinar as the best bravos money can buy.

While the Politico of the White League sits cozy with his Voice and his Business within the Glazier's union hall playing cards or in the League's Hall awaiting the next wagon-full of rubes to push towards political failure and a few dinars more.

While the Baz'eelan Clergy satiate themselves attending the meek while vilifying the different from their modest homes echoing the same immodest claims and demands of Baz'eel herself - Conform, believe as we believe, act as we act, place the Wheel above all, who place the Sultan above all, in this equality we are all subservient.

All chant in unison, all roll their eyes, all espouse the folly of Ibn Ghalish as a fool or madman! That we cannot resort to violence, that we cannot abide hatred, that we cannot infringe upon the so tenuous peace held among the Accord, that we cannot rattle the walls of the Assembly with sweeping change. That it must be gradual, that it must be purposeful, that it must be with care we make each step forward - lest our rivals capitalize.

As they pour another 70,000 or more Dinar into the next election, promised this would be "The one" that gets the White League back on Top.

As they pour stories and tales from the Balladeers, who are poured addictive and numbing Drink from the Sisters, to soothe over the woes and worries that they merely fight an uphill battle against the entrenched Sultanate.

As they pour B'aara's sacred water onto the wounds of the maligned, only to turn around and malign so many others who refuse to adhere to their doctrine and faith.

Either willfully ignorant or maliciously compliant realizing if they play the part that the Governance and Baz'eel wish them to play - That of upstart, that of firebrand, that of foil...

A rich life awaits them in the Colony as Voiced Boardworkers who have their fortunes, their homes, and can "Get theirs" off the promises sold to the unaware and weary Refugee who arrives craving something more.

...And "The Wheel Turns."

How different, had two years ago, more listened to Ibn Ghalish - what would the landscape be?

Would it be so, with the prominent fortunes of the Gold League robust?

Would it be so, with the entrenched political bureau of the Purple League Office atrophied but still dominant power in the region?

Would it be so, with the addled Guivarchist, the deemed "Failed" followers of the milquetoast Ahmet, enfeebled Akna, and the litany of White League candidates who were thrown into the proverbial grinder of meat that the entrenched politicos, voiced, and Rose could profit off their misery?

Only a fatespinner may know.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips