[A sealed letter for Legate Ahmet]

Started by cmenden, September 17, 2024, 04:11:29 AM

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Dear Legate Ahmet,

Your aid with the Allotment was appreciated and the Tower is pleased that there will be no interruption to our expenses at this time.

That said, I have another matter I wish to discuss.

As a result of destroying the Gold League's chances this election, we lost our Magistrate and require a new one.

Could you see fit to raise Nadiri Manos Cosmatos to the position of Magistrate? I think it would do much to make clear to the people that you are not part of this rising "Anti-Modini" sentiment, especially given your curt words to Fiordelise at the Assembly.

Presmir seems somewhat hostile to certain Apothars and Nadiri, so perhaps he could be replaced.

I care little, in any case. Just so long as we have someone.

Apothar Estellise Azimi


Dear Legate Ahmet,

A chaotic night of violence and murder, easily avoided had you heeded me here.

Conscription to the Janissaries is either the choice of a coward or the choice of one who wishes to fan the flames of hostiles between those who defend our Well.

Neither is particularly better than the other.

Apothar Estellise Azimi


Apothar Azimi,

I greatly respect your wisdom and advice, as you are well aware, however, I must stand by my man's decision on this day and justify it. I must face cowardice and so, I bravely proclaim that his choice was the right one. It was the right decision, and moreover, a clever one, regrettably spoiled by the disobedience of the Fourth. He didn't do this by my command, request, or suggestion, but I still applaud him for his ingenious judgement.

Indeed, I applaud him, I exalt him, and I laud him! What would you have had your man do in turn? Let her off scot-free, because of her status as a "made-woman" in the Banda Rossa? Would your man have had the gall to sentence her, or would he have made the "reasonable", the "sensible" decision and let her off with a scolding? I wonder the looks on everyone's faces if that'd happened.

Conscripting her would have both humbled her and cleared her name. Conscripting her was the only way to not undermine the state, the Janissaries, and to not terribly damn the Banda (as would have been the case in an execution). It's a shame both her pride, and the soldiers' passions (and flagrant disregard for procedure) led to this. She was not meant to die. Rest assured that everything will be taken care of.

Respectfully yours,
Legate Ahmet Yildirim


Dear Legate Ahmet,

I would have sentenced her to a swift death, perhaps a painless one as reward for her prior service to the Well.

In my homeland, the rule of law was executed with unerring precision and swiftness and one could walk the entire breadth of the Empire unaccosted.

The Empress would never have suffered the cocksure swagger or repeated and flagrant flouting of the laws we see time and again from the Banda Rossa.

Perhaps their recent losses will teach them some humility for a change. I doubt it, however.

I will continue to "let you cook" but if you agree that a soft touch was needed with the Balestriere, I am highly skeptical that you will take care of anything, let alone everything.

Apothar Estellise Azimi


Apothar Azimi,

Yes, I agree with your assessment.

Regardless, my Magistrate made his decision, and I will stand by it. I may have personally chosen a different path had I presided over the case, but I was not there, and so, I can only stand behind him. I hope you can respect that.

Respectfully yours,
Legate Ahmet Yildirim


Dear Legate Ahmet,

Your absenteeism has reached a critical mass. Had you been present, Asherias would have won the seat.

I believe it only right that you step down immediately and see her raised in your stead. For the benefit of the Well and our League.

You claim to uphold the will of the people then you're not even around and pass no laws or see anything done to benefit our League's desires! At least if Asherias had won her election, we could have seen the price of Voices lowered below this 15,000 dinar insanity.

What reason do you even have to remain Legate at this point other than to cling to power and relevance like a mad despot?

Apothar Estellise Azimi


Dear Legate Ahmet,

Not a word of response save for a panicked and desperate bellows claiming that the Dragon obstructs your works.

I doubt you even voted. The Pyramid had no reason to lie about such, after all.

You do not represent the People. The People voted for a Legate, not a pile of excuses wearing the flesh of a man.

You have the opportunity to do one good thing with the power we vested in you, to give the people one gift after such an anemic term.

Let us of the White League have the Legate we voted for.

You have accomplished nothing and you aren't even around enough for us to give you the proper tongue lashing you deserve.

You and your cronies will continue to accomplish nothing in the month to come and will merely run out the sands of a month-long hour glass at this rate.

Did you even wish to be Legate? Was your victory a surprise to you?

Even that wretch Marcellus would have been better than a do-nothing coward. The Dragon currently is a tyrant who rules the Well alone.

Great work! You wretch!

Apothar Estellise Azimi


Apothar Azimi,

If you wanted Asherias to be a Legate, you would have voted for her. My absence is one flaw; your vacillation and opportunism, your tendency to latch onto the next-best option to better your own personal interests is another. Why did you support the Gold League? Why did you try to cow Asherias into dropping the race and being "mentored" under the same tyrant you condemn here? Why do you pretend to care about the White League, when you never did?

You don't have to put up pretenses in our letters.

Go ask Argent for another crooked title assigned to your understudies to bleed the treasury dry, go ask for more licenses to rip out of the Scribes' hands, go ask for more, and more, and more.

You'll get nothing from me.

Ahmet Yildirim


Dear Legate Ahmet,

I did vote for Asherias, you wretch.

Your words prove once more how little attention you pay to the Well and its goings-on. I petitioned the government to strip Arymathras and Ashley of their ill-gotten titles because a Nadiri should only be a Nadiri. I do not desire our students to think of themselves above their station.

Your naked opportunism is on full display here. You crave nothing more than to cling to the seat of power until you are forced from it by the natural end of your term. Out of professional courtesy, I gave you the opportunity to do one meager thing to be seen more favorably than you currently are.

If you choose not to do it, then so be it. You will be mocked forevermore. You will not even become infamous as the Most Terrible Legate to ever serve in Ephian history. You will merely be forgotten as a rather milquetoast example of a poor Legate.

But of course, such is not where your interests lie. You wish the destruction of Ephia's Well. You said so with your very own foul mouth.

I will never allow such to pass, however. I will protect the Well from pathetic men such as yourself who believe themselves larger and more impressive than they are, who believe themselves greater than our Well.

Enjoy the war. Perhaps you will die there.

If not, then I suppose it's ignominy for you.

I will ensure that Domhnall Guivarch writes a particularly scathing criticism of your lack of accomplishments upon his return from the Wormlands.

Apothar Estellise Azimi


Dear Legate Ahmet,

Wow, you really showed me.

Apothar Estellise Azimi