General Correspondence of the Gold League

Started by Sunburst, September 12, 2024, 06:42:58 PM

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Esteemed members of the Gold League,

All glory to Princess Shaimela!
Bronze Spear in the Heart of Darkness!
Brightest Ruby in the Sands!
Builder of a Thousand Minarets!

May her star rise high and glorious above all the Ash!

Although our party has been met with defeat in the recent election, we remain the strongest and most organized political movement within Ephias's Well. This shall not change. We shall make every effort to support each other, strengthen each other, and prepare our next play for the next election cycle. We shall circle wagons in protection of our people and our interests. We shall build political war chests to endorse the next generation of Voices. We shall never bow our heads, to meekly go into the night; we shall only ready ourselves to strike again.

To further marshal ourselves and improve internal communication, beginning this Tesrin Hray, 7788, we shall exchange open letters within the Gold League. Each message and every reply in this folder will be available to all party members, accessed at the main desk of the League office.

You are asked to respond to this letter with a confirmation of your readiness and commitment, further, to vote in the next election. Do not hesitate to ask after anything you might need or want from the party, or what concerns might be close to your heart; we are here to support you, come whatever may.



Esteemed members of the Gold League,

The League has graciously selected myself, Dante Moretti, to serve as an administrative official within the League of Gold.

Those who know me should be well-aware that honor and loyalty are of the greatest importance to me. It is no less than my desire to make a modern aristocracy out of you, the voting elite, to bring you into the status, privilege, and wealth that you each deserve. I promise you, if you are faithful to this League, then I shall ensure that the League remains faithful to you.

Regretfully, while the other officials and I were going over the voting record, we found that a small number of traitors voted against the League. We have been taking the time to censure, fine, and divest these individuals as part of our post-mortem investigation. One bad actor in particular, however, was found to be especially egregious.

Zoe Tzimiska has been expelled from the League, and all Acolytes and Sisters shall be similarly prohibited from joining for the indefinite future. Going far beyond just voting against the party, the Sisterhood has been engaged in proactive operations of espionage and sabotage against us. Such blatant affronts against the Gold League, acting as brokers and agents of the White League, shall not be fearfully ignored. They are unwelcome among our ranks.

On the other side of the table, however, we were quite flattered to see extraordinary dedication to the Gold League, going so far as to defy the Grandmaster Elizabetha d'Auvergne herself...

Aeronwy Caddick and Katya Belyaeve have been made Magistrates of Ephia's Well.

If there are any other members you would like to highlight for outstanding contributions to the Gold League, please feel warmly encouraged to write of them.

Know also that we are still providing loans (on very generous margins!) to up-and-coming arrivals who are interested in becoming Voiced citizens. It is our express pleasure to provide this opportunity to up-and-coming members of the party. Reach out to Zina Zizzo if you believe that you have a worthy candidate in mind.



Dear fellow members of the League of Gold!

I am proud and humbled to know so many upright and talented people dedicated to the ideals of our esteemed league. You represent the very best of Ephia's Well, the cream of the cream. You are the men and women who will lead this ship of the desert to a glorious, prosperous future.

The Voiced Citizens among you voted according to those ideals in this last election, for which I commend you. The same cannot be said of many of our political opponents, some of whom had no ideals at all but were led by mere fear or opportunism. Although our best efforts were not enough to overcome the combined paranoia of so many factions – this time –, know that we managed to achieve something greater, something lasting, something that provides a solid foundation for the future.

We built a strong and loyal support base that is independent of the Accord.

Think about it, my friends. Twenty-seven votes – twenty-seven! – with the backing of just one faction of the Accord. Just one out of five. We achieved this because you believe in Gold and Gold believes in you. And now that subversive and traitorous elements have been purged from our league, we will be that much stronger in the next election.

And of course, our work continues between elections, too. We continue to promote trade and talent, wealth and merit. We continue to oppose the machinations of seditious radicalists and religious fanatics who would see you and your loved ones robbed, exiled or murdered for their twisted sense of justice or their myopic view of piety. We will not have such a Well. We want a Well where everyone gets what they deserve, not what screaming demagogues promise them. Let us all do our part in this work!

Work. Hard work. That is perhaps what most separates you, my friends, from the rest – and what separates our league from the other leagues. You are willing to work for a better future instead of demanding that someone hand it to you on a platter. If everyone in Ephia's Well realised that, the future would already be here.

In one month, we will be ready, and we will be stronger than ever. This league has my vote and the support of my Emporium.

Ever yours
Zina Zizzo
Zina Zizzo


Dear Golden League,

I, Crowbell of the Spelldelver line, communicate that I have received this message. I communicate my readiness, per my contract, to work with the League of Gold and to help it strenghten itself. I shall be scrutinizing you all with the help of our two new Magistrates, so that we may shine our metallic appearance into radiant gold and not one dirtied with Blood and Mud.

big metal rod

My League,

An anticipated loss.  We will redouble our efforts to win over those elements of the Accord which can be won.  We will win in our next election.  Hateful xenophobic spittle cost us greatly this time around. 

We will bring the people around to our way of thinking.  A unified polity of states, from Kha'esh to Qadira, the streets will be paved in Gold.

Legate Argent Argyris,


To those of the League of Gold,

Those that I would call friends, who welcomed me as I found myself a refugee in this beautiful Well.

I offer myself, my skills, and my services to see that we prosper together. May our shining radiance illuminate those dark corners that seek to divide our people and bring ruin to our home.

Olivia Lascari


I will be voting gold next election, do not fear.

- Willow Thistlethorn


Let us not forget the bonds we forged this season.

Signores Durgin and Crowbell, I hope to speak with you both soon on how your people might be helped - once I return from my rest.

This election was driven more than anything by hate and by greed, by threats and by force. We must do right by Aeronwy and Katya, and I at least will never, ever forget that those who so proudly championed "Voices for Veterans" and for "the People" then sought to threaten their own veterans. I will never forget how conveniently calls for riots, treason and military betrayals were ignored. None of those things are good for the Well, whether Voiceless or Voiced.

The success and joy of the Voiced need never be at the expense of the Voiceless.

As time marches on and more refugees arrive, the Well will only become more multicultural, more multifaith. So I urge us, too, to be a leader in ensuring the Well is a place of peace between peoples. This benefits the trade and wealth so many of you value, for myself, it benefits the downtrodden. We need not fall into the White trap of thinking that any of these things are enemies, are mutually exclusive.

Fiordelise Foscari



Many of you I have come to know in my time. Others not.

Having served this city first as Scholar, then as Scribe, then as Chronicler of the Divan, now as Nadiri I am no stranger to the workings of the settlement. My involvement with the Gold League began two elections prior, as my business with Maestra Zina and others was booming and fortunes made for us each.

Though such business has slowed my research and works for the Accord have yielded ample fruit. Lacking as I am not Voiced I am not much use in eleciton themselves however I am ever willing to assist in matters large or small, despite my new limitations of physical presence.

You may seek me at the Tower of Q'tolip at your leisure, atop the Eagle's Mount. Numerous services I may provide. I shall do my best to be available. As well private missives ever welcome.

Celybuin Hui'nalyw
Nadiri the Second of Isaac Naught
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Greetings, Dante.

I am returning correspondence, and you can depend on me in the next election.

Please contact me when you have need of me.





We cannot afford to lose the coming election.

Without the League of Gold to safeguard the value and privileges of a Voice, the Purples - or, Gods forbid, the League of White, would reduce all that we have worked for to rubble. Imagine, over the past few months, how many have spent what great sums of dinars or worked and bled to earn their Voices. All of their diligent efforts would be squandered and cheapened should our stewardship over the value of a Voice end. As is clear from the influx of Voiced citizens, it is plain that even 15,000 dinars is not so high a bar as to be prohibitive.

The Balladeers have been painted staunchly White, and the Janissaries are largely Purple (though I understand that they voted in droves for Ahmet this election out of, as Argent puts it, hateful xenophobia). Accordingly, whomever candidate we nominate would have little choice but to make overtures to the Astronomers and/or the Sisterhood, and strive to obtain at least the support of one or the either. In this regard, I would caution against alienating either the Astronomers or the Sisterhood, lest we irreparably damage our electoral prospects in the future.

Professor Balstan Gloamingdaith


My fellows of the Gold,

It is a shame we lost our election by the sheer spite and paranoia of the Accorded, yes? But do not be dismayed! Our league shows clearly that we stand far more united than the rabble of the White and the Purple. Let us focus our attention now on the future, so this city might be kept from crumbling away under the empty leadership of the White.

Speaking of the White, do keep a close eye on our new legate. The man strikes me as suspiciously sympathetic to the plight of our enemy, namely the Seekers-after-death.

As ever, feel free to seek me should any of your require assistance...

Champion Karim of Ishal

big metal rod

My League,

I take personal responsibility for the loss in the last election.  I put too much trust in the ability of our candidate to secure alliances that he was under equipped to strengthen.  I neglected my duties as our leader, and sought in my own way to allow the League's candidate to prove his mettle by "sinking or swimming" so to speak.

When we lost the Astronomers, the writing was plain on the wall. 

Be assured that this lapse will not be repeated in the coming election season.  I will stand in the Pyramid, immutable.  As I ever have and as I ever must. 

I will be relying on your loyalty in the days to come, and your trust in our mission.  Qari Alriyh - Wheel rest his soul - would now urge us all to redouble our polity, and clasp hands together in unity. 

Karim: Legate Yildirim has curious ties to the Second Legion and Asterabadan sympathies.  That he commands the respect of Rennik Colmes should be of great interest to us.  Find out what you can. 

Mrs. Zizzo: I understand you made quite considerable contributions to Mr. Moretti's campaign.  Send along an invoice, kindly.

Argent Argyris

big metal rod

My League,

Alright people.  You all know your roles here.  If anyone has yet to secure a promise or an investment from me, now is the time to come calling.

I want prospects uplifted and togas thrown on, and full out and out flags flying for the League this time. 

We stand to lose far too much if the bloody Whites or Purples seize control.   All of our long standing plans will fall to ruin, we will lose the high price of the Voice, the treasury will bleed and our endeavors abroad will be sabotaged, and we're likely to lose three cities worth of income.   The League's comptrollers will be most displeased.

So regardless of personal feelings of enmity or otherwise, it's time to lock shields, close ranks, and win one for the Gold.

-Legate Argyris


Honored Legate,

Your Prelate has informed me you wish to speak. I shall endeavor to make myself available to you both this evening or on the morrow.

Celybuin Hui'nalyw
Apothar of Q'tolip
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips