General Correspondence of the Gold League

Started by Sunburst, September 12, 2024, 06:42:58 PM

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In speaking with the fair Legate, Master Merchant, and Prelate Moretti a prevailing consideration is had that after so long in service of the League and profitable business with many, I should sit among the Voiced of Ephia's Gold League.

The Master Merchant has graciously offered a portion depending upon her liquidity in other electoral affairs, but if any hold a desire to match or exceed her charity in a showcasing of their robust wealth I welcome discussion.

Enclosed I offer a documentation of my Merits and works on behalf of the Gold League.

Of Finance
As Scholar of Sandstone my works in numismatic hieroglyphics set a tone for further undertakings of commerce in relations to the influx of Modini reufgee, the business practices of the Ashfolk, and the Refugees of Ephia's Well. This enabled new considerations of the potion market, and more which will be highlighted in further workings of business, the next section.

As Scribe of the Sublime Garden I arrived to assist the Legates fair amidst the conclusion of the New District Deal with Gohari Heavy Industries. A privilege and pleasure it was to partake of the final meeting of authorization.

With discussion in the wake of such with the Chief Scribe it was revealed Ephia's Well on a teetering of Financial Collapse. Through my audit work with Legate Argent, Legate Balstan, and Legate Marcellus we were able to identify key measures in which we would see the fortunes turned around despite the best efforts of the Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar and others to politicize matter.

As Nadiri of Q'tolip I was able to self-finance a preponderance of my research, allowing me to judiciously invest and reap the rewards resulting in leaps-and-bounds progress over my peers, ensuring my rise to Apothar in a fraction of the time undertaken by others.

Of War
As Scholar of Sandstone College I became teaching assistant to Professor  Flint and an integral part of work with the Warmaster and our short lived dwarven allies in the pursuit of the Queen Kanzuzu, documented well in the Sandstone College for any who wish to visit the admission's office. The research involved lead to a great deal of headway made in the use of the Kan'zuzu in war time application stripped of the control of the Melek.

As Chronicler of the Divan for months I served as archivist and archaeologist digging up fragments and tales, stories, rumor, myth, and folk-heroics of the march of Iakmes. Though my collection may be found in the Krak de Rose's library, it has from the beginning served as a robust tool of showcasing the Gold League's rhetoric of Victory at Any Cost, the many machinations and workings of Legate Argent and others of our League, and the successes of Ephia's Well.

As Nadiri of Q'tolip, I partook in the Battle of Lover's Gap - Facing the forces of General Zthae'ikos, The Spear. While arguably more casualties accrued than Arslan, and it laid the groundwork for our allies of Ka'esh to join in sortie with our main forces, I was awarded medal, treasure, and prize from both the Ephian Government and Tower of Q'tolip for my distinguished works.

Of Business
Based upon my workings of Numismatic Hieroglyphs I was able to delineate the profit margins of the Boardworker Caste and with the arrival of Zina of Il Modo we were able to deftly overtake the magical artifice market on behalf of the Gold League. Producing goods and wares at price well beneath market price ensuring every vial sold remained competitive for the boardworking populace while ensuring we each found ourselves profit. Though our business shifted with my focus of Nadiri, she and many others of the League profited for much of the war on our creative accounting.

Of further business - with La Banda Rossa, from Recluta Banducci to fair Proppaea, to the Balestrieres, to the Condotteri Herself I have a great many months served both publicly and privately as an artificer to bolster their many contracts and works. Potion, Wand, Scroll, and more throughout the contests and challenges faced.

Lastly my own fortunes secured, funneled into my greater research and works on behalf of the Government and Accord, by offering services to the Wild Brothers, Veteran's Vanguard during their nascent days, and a number of waxing and waning outfits affiliated with the League of Gold.

Of Politic
As Scribe of the Sublime Garden I was given no shortage of insight into the workings of both the Leagues and the Pyramids, and on more than one occasion have been sought by many of the Voiced of Ephia's Well for their counsel on matters large and small, Prelates, Magistrate, Legate, Vizier, and more.

Since my departure from the Scribes for the Tower of Q'tolip that has not abated as many visitors to the Tower from the Gold League remains commonplace, as well as balancing the needs of the League against the many arms of the Accord.

To this end I say simply my fortunes have been better focused upon research, development, and advancement. Projects large and small, from thwarting threats to the region to now pursuing research efforts to hinder Orc'ah utilization of plague in the Scald.

Yet Of Merit, of Ambition, of Independence, you would he hard pressed to find one moreso than I.

Speak amongst yourselves, or if so desired, a League Meeting may be called and I would gladly defend my position before any in open debate.

Celybuin Hui'nalyw
Apothar of Q'tolip
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


QuoteApothar Hui'nalyw,

You have been kind to me, and I have much I hope to collaborate on soon. I will contribute what I can, a few thousand. Let us speak soon.


big metal rod


Get this man his money.  I've a feeling that some of my investments this time are going to go sour on me. 



If your personal faction is unwilling to provide the expected capital, Fiordelise, Zina, and I will jointly take care of Celybuin. We will split the burden three ways. I am sure that you will compensate us expediently.

I've already paid for a Recluta's Voice, one Luther Donisthrope. Zina has recently invested in non-liquid assets. Fiordelise has many expenses she is obligated to.

I expect that Celybuin will be the last voter we can boost this season.