[A sealed letter for Deputy Chief Scribe Bashir]

Started by cmenden, September 10, 2024, 01:26:01 PM

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Dear Deputy Chief Scribe Bashir,

You approached me with your special friend Selwyn and I ensured that they received a place in this Tower.

Now I require something from you.

Estellise Azimi

P.S. Selwyn has been a delightful Nadiri and I love their glasses.

Fabulous Secret Powers

Apothar or Potentially-Already-Zenithar Azimi,

I tend to keep much earlier hours than you, lately, so we'll have to see if a meeting regarding your request can be arranged.

All of my friends are special in many ways! However, one of the Junior Scribes informs me that some folk say "special friend" when they mean partner or partner-to-be, and Selwyn's not like that! I like guys.

By the way, someone should cheer Selwyn up! They're sad about the death of their friend, Sharkboy, and won't talk to me.

Deputy Chief Scribe Bashir Khatara