DCS Bashir Khatara

Started by Blue41, September 04, 2024, 03:58:22 PM

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[A letter is sent to the Pyramid]

Deputy Chief Scribe,

The Fourth Legion would request a list of all citizens, Voiced or Voiceless, who identify as Modini or hail from the isle of il Modo in relation to a matter of state security. Please provide such to the best of your ability; my men will follow up to fill in the gaps as necessary.

Lt. R. Colmes

Fabulous Secret Powers

Warmaster Colmes,

Here is a list of confirmed or suspected Modini! There most likely are far more than this. I hope they can be protected from whatever it is that threatens state security!

Quote from: The Modini ListAngelica Illydo
Angelique d'Armant (?)
Antonia Alegrande
Caratrieste Carbonostro (?)
Cashano Ashald
Dante Moretti
Elise La Cour
Emilia Laurentis (?)
Enrico della Tore
Fabio de Avalore
Fiordelise Foscari
Frederico Mezzizeni
Giotto Falchonieri (left the Well?)
Grizoni di Griz
Jahan Gilbarad (left the Well?)
Lorana di Tritoni
Manos Cosmatos (?)
Mario di Pebble, the "Stonefolk Modini"
Mirielle Rousseau (?)
Olivia Lascari (?)
Tressa Lucchese (?)
Tuno Pescecane (left the Well?)
Zina Zizzo

Deputy Chief Scribe Bashir Khatara