
Started by Random_White_Guy, September 04, 2024, 03:59:16 AM

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Forgive the delay in our meeting as matters have kept me. Though I've raised call and you may yet come, your better half has been insisting I write more letters. As a means of retaining some communication with peoples but also as an exercise in focus when I find myself adrift.

And well and far adrift do I find myself this evening. It is a curious sentiment considering all I have done and given to Ephia's Well, but I feel never less connected to it as a whole. There is a tendency amongst my people to begin to drift from time to time, and I begin to feel indeed in such a drift. Would two months, two years, change everything dramatically in Ephia's Well? I never often found myself feeling a sense of community. But there is a small and poignant thought.

If I took to simply wheezing and groaning in my chair in the Krak de Rose, rather than in my chair in the Tower, would I find myself once more visited by friend? I do not deny the walk up the tower is a lengthy one - for one must have no torchlight to see the stars. But it is indeed, in fact the simplest truth. Only yourself and Foscari have taken any earnest effort to visit of outsiders beyond the tower.

But - you have my sympathies as well. As we both have faced the wrath of Azimi over sleight. And I'm certain those visits shall grow less frequent. As I'd not wish to force either of you into hostile territory nor the uncomfortable position of so many feuds awaiting to erupt in passing. A luxury I suppose of being voiceless. The prohibition means little when one doesn't meet the criteria.

Foscari has told me you and she met here in Ephia, along with Manos in a small sort of camaraderie. among exiles among exiles so to speak. Do you believe that has that shaped your works in Ephia?

The oddities of Spring's Gift, the far and wide wanderings of the other elven people, they've never much cared for or welcomed me. The Tower the same. It is a... curious sort of thing. No unpleasant. Simply different.

Celybuin Hui'nalyw
Nadiri the Second of Isaac Naught
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


My friend,

I am sorry that I was not able to answer your summons. It is less that things are tense with the Astronomers, and more that I was pressingly busy at the time you asked for me. I have dropped by the Tower of Q'tolip during this or that moment of free time, you know, looking to sit down with you. In these occasions, the severity of your condition did not permit visitors.

Estellise remains a very loud problem. If there is anything you can do to convince the other Apothars and Nadiri to hold fast to the outstanding agreement with the Gold League, I would be grateful.

Yes. Fiordelise and I met by happenchance, on the bar floor of the Krak des Roses. It was quite lifechanging, in no small part because she was the one who delivered me from the humiliating curse that trapped me in the form of a dog; she called upon her connections in the church of Sage Santina to book a ship for us, back to Il Modo, then successfully beseeched for divine intervention on my behalf.

She has had my ear ever since.

More generally, it is true that Modini immigrants tend to flock together, easily bonding over our shared culture and similar backgrounds. Most of my closest, fondest friends in Ephia's Well have been Modini. Ottavio. Proppaea. Domenico. Giotto. Other names that might have even less meaning to you. But all of them were dear to me, and forged with me fine memories in the short time I had to know them.

I am sorry that you have found it more difficult to find similar connections. I would hope that you are at least close to your master, the honorable Isaac Naught.





It is unfortunate that we're unable to meet of any substance but I do not begrudge you given the situation as it stands. In so far as your talk of the Modini customs it does sound a pleasant reprieve. A degree of familiarity in a strange place. It lends I imagine some footing to find one's self.

As for the Apothar - In truth, no. That is not a bad thing mind you, his works are many and they keep him busy and he holds obligations to the Tower. But what unfurled this evening was perhaps the longest time I have ever actually been in proximity to the man. And as you saw there was not much of actual engagement while so many other matters swirled.

I am familiar with the myths and rumors of Humanity of course, but now having encountered them moving to Ephia it is true what is said. The veracity for life is a winding and waving and roiling road.

It was nice to have some excitement in the tower, but in re-reading your missive, I confess a degree of melancholy. Shared culture, similar backgrounds, even among the Nadiri I am in a fluctuation.

To Manos and the others who were Foundlings without Apothar I was able to assist them in becoming familiar until such passed on to an Apothar once their methods up to snuff. There's a quiet pride to be had in seeing the progress made in such a thing. I should hope, even if it is delusional given my inability to do much to continue my research or take to field work, such a feeling proves a progression. That in time sooner than later perhaps I can take to cultivating my own Nadiri.

But in the moment I feel without peer or community. I am less than Apothar, more than Nadiri, Less than alive in my crippled state but nowhere near dead.

So I drift on. Trying to devise new methodology for my work with a less taxing consideration. Though resources dwindle and external interest dwindles to match.

Celybuin Hui'nalyw
Nadiri the Second of Isaac Naught
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips



For the love I hold for you, I will make four clarifying remarks.

I am not threatening you. I am telling you that I've received a competing offer that doesn't require me to beg to be called a wretched dog. Now that the Sisters have approached me for a voting contract, I have set out the facts of the situation and offered you one last chance to join my table. If Estellise wants to see me humbled before her, then the Astronomers can bid for it. We'll see how much that bid is worth.

I am beholden to my supporters, not to my opponents. That is what is at stake here. I have no interest in the Drink. The Sisterhood asked for many things, but they have not even once insinuated a desire for me to participate in the cups; they have accomodatingly understood that I've made prior commitments to never partake, on pain of death. They've already seen that this substance is a poor guarantor of friendship, anyway.

If your masters do not respect you enough to heed you, to talk to you, to trust and consider you, after all you have sacrificed for them, they are poor masters.

When the polls close, I'll be looking to the ballots to decide who belongs in my court.



Forgive the delay in your letter as you may imagine the Apothar was giving us many orders. With the election's conclusion there is no reason we may not resume correspondence free of their oversight. And I imagine it is none too soon. I confess your words have sat with me. I am reminded of our conversation in Zina's shop so many months ago. How your path and mine, so oddly parallel one another aside from a few diverting points.

The situation of Masters though is a precarious one. I began my works with Zol Nur as a curious study, most Stonefolk do not pay me much heed or second glance. But with Zol Nur I was able to glean some very curious insights into the non-human denizens of the Great Ash Desert we have all taken to call home. The insights, interests, even a few unanticipated means of survival gleaned whole under his tutelage.

As for Isaac his tastes are...eclectic, as you would imagine an Artisan to be. His mind lends a curious perspective and gleans in a way differing than most humans I have encountered in my time here, aside from perhaps yourself and the Dragon. Not unlikely to learn why you had all taken so fiercely to the Gold League. My own time in the Gold League has been rather uneventful as the League rallied behind your personage and no Voice held to much care for the politics of the day.

A luxury though is that it has allowed me to focus in earnest upon my research. I have made a breakthrough in a most unexpected fashion with resounding success. I have been bade by my Apothar to begin preparing my Defense, which I am told is an omen most fair among the portents and workings of the Tower. Though I have also been told I am not the first in the Tower's history to be told such for one reason or another, and merely left to consider the future.

If though it should come to pass and I am so chosen for advancement, I am curious. Is a return something you may consider? Your political acumen and talents for the populace mirrors well with Manos' robust curiosity and desire for discovery, and far more grounded than my own aloof focuses as I pierce the proverbial veil. Though he has assisted in many of my projects, the three of us given our areas of magical expertise could work proverbial wonders while those of the Tower sit drawn in many, unfocused directions.

As well, it could provide a degree of separation from the Apothars who gave you such woe during your last tenure among the Tower.

While Legate had its opportunities undoubtedly it would have left you pulled in many direction. There are other ways to influence, and to leave your mark, if it is so desired.

Celybuin Hui'nalyw
Nadiri the Second of Isaac Naught
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips



Manos had come to me in a pale sweat and wildly disconcerted. I had never seen him so visibly shaken and out of sorts. He informed me it was based upon a meeting had with yourself and others. The Azimoid duo in two, likewise, endeavoring to berate him publicly before the Cinquefoil Rose for not understanding the hyperbole spoken and appearing so visibly shaken by what were called by him to be "Grievous threats".

I do trust it was hyperbole, but to soothe him I have offered clarifying remark wherever the flyers so found around. You may seek them at Hasheema's Hope.

Though I am disconcerted you chose to speak with a great many individuals who were not me in an exchange for what would have been a very simple conversation if you came to speak with me at the tower. I am willing to chalk such up to the trying election and multiple works underway that no doubt call your attention.

Of Fiordelise -

One Apothar has abstained from the matter, two lay for. A majority is required so the others will need be pursued. Inform her at your leisure to seek out any Apothar she is able to plead her case and request they voice in favor.

When she has done such, if majority of the active Apothar agree, I can see her papers issued and the Accorded protection levied, as well as begin pursuing her requested tutoring and your requested work upon the Plague.

As ever, you are both welcome to seek me at the Tower.

Celybuin Hui'nalyw
Apothar of Q'tolip
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


My friend,

If Manos is unable to maintain a sensible composure after sitting in on meetings, then he shall be unwelcome to attend in the future. I neither need nor want herds of witless Nadiri running their mouths in witless panic. I have indulged his stunted situational awareness long enough. I accepted Manos tagging along behind Estellise as she arrived to yell at us about the title granted to Marcellus Saenus, as a courtesy to a potential Apothar. But it is clear now that I should have sent him out of the Chamber of Rule.

Myself, Mirielle, and Argent, while discussing many other plans to secure the future of the Gold League, gave Estellise a copy of the original advertisement and suggested a redecoration before the Sisterhood used it for a propaganda offensive against the Astronomers of Q'tolip. We value the Astronomers as a pillar of the Gold League and we are directly concerned for your institutional reputation. Immediately after those words left my mouth, however, Estellise flashed her White League badge, refuted that the Astronomers had anything to do with or in common with the Gold League, broke off on eight unrelated tangents, then circled back to asking us once again to remove Marcellus Saenus. And then she scurried off to meet with Aeronwy, before we could even begin talking about Marcellus.

That is where the matter stood, if it can be said to stand at all.

The situation wasn't, and still isn't, urgent. I saw no pressing need to seek you out for an isolated conversation. I spoke, briefly, with the first Apothar to encounter us.

Nor do we desire to put any kind of pressure on this; at most, the Gold League wanted to give a gentle notice of concern for the public relations of our important ally, but between Estellise and Manos that notice has been completely lost in the psychic noise.

I'm aware that Estellise threatened to kill Manos if he didn't uphold his secrecy about her plans, but as far as I am aware, those plans and that secrecy had nothing to do with you. Rather, she went into an animal panic when I pointed out that Manos is the registered apprentice of Mae Stern.

Fiordelise is taking this week off for secluded, cloistered prayer; she has been overwhelmed by the continual harassment from so many fundamentalists and needs some time to rebalance herself. I will advise her of the upcoming interview circuit, in our first conversation after she returns from seclusion.





With the Bloodplague's resurgence, patient Willow of the Banda, it appears the concerns were proven true. Though it has not been disclosed to me how she came into contact with the samples, nor the circumstance by which she returned infected to Ephia to secure the Sister's cure. It is very possible this is not a singular occurence. Only the one that got reported.

Regrettably the Tower has made no headway thanks to Apothar Stern's interference coupled with the reticence of seeing Fiordelise forward. However there are still efforts underway that shall see her brought forward once her prayers and meditations have concluded.

Furthermore with the rise of the Wyrmists and Titans and Synod Schism, and preparations for the Scald and more I have been unable to secure meeting with Lieutenant Colmes or any Sergeant to discuss protocols and possible operations.

It may be more prudent for the League of Gold to begin considering expeditions southward for study, if there are any sellswords trusted and companies you believe would be up to snuff for a truly dangerous challenge, potentially fatal even.  Where governance fails, private enterprise thrives.

It may be possible to see created a container for the safe storage and transport of samples, I shall weigh this and other considerations until our next meeting.
Celybuin Hui'nalyw
Apothar of Q'tolip
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Some part of my attention is focused on our petty political conflict with the Synod.

I'll find out more about Willow's situation for you.

It may take a few days for me to organize an appropriate team for a specimen expedition, but I'll start scheduling meetings.




She grows swiftly accustomed, Manos is doing well to aid her orientation and guide her along. With the additional level of protection it is hoped those of the Synod are wise enough to know what actions against her shall draw forth - An Apprentice of Apothar Azimi is not so easily targeted. Lest her considerable wroth inspired.

However as she sits the Apothar's Nadiri, she would be the one to speak to regarding patronage and sponsorship for pursuits of the Bloodplague. I hold such bonds more sacred than my peers and would not overstep my bounds. Counsel I have offered her none the less, but this now her overture.

Of other business, what may I do to assist in the upcoming election? This shall be my first as Voiced. I can only presume it shall be a wholly different affair than while Voiceless.

Celybuin Hui'nalyw
Apothar of Q'tolip
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Although we expect the support of the Astronomers of Q'tolip in the coming election, we do not take it for granted.

The most important thing you can do is motivate and organize the support of the Astronomers in the coming election. Every vote will count. Every Nadiri will be important. Beginning internal discussions on what the Astronomers would want from a Gold League government, and putting forward your institutional requests, would also be of great value to us.