A Schedule Posited - League Offices

Started by Zambition, September 03, 2024, 05:15:24 PM

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Live and Drink, respective Leagues of Ephia's Well. As per my announcement, and due to overwhelming public request, the Sandstone College will once again be hosting a series of debates to keep the momentum of your campaigns up to par. The proposed schedule is this;

First Debate - Regarding platforms, introductions, promises.

Second Debate
- The Arslan Question, wherein the candidates will debate the matter of Arslan's fate.

Third Debate - The Two Month Plan, wherein the candidates will discuss their to-be Seat's policy such as economics, diplomacy, warfare (cold as it has become) and the Accord. The matter of the refugee crisis relates to this, as well, and the inclusion of a new district.

Keep in mind this is merely a proposal, and I encourage the candidates to reach out if they have proposals of their own or should like to decline their invitation.

Speediness is very much required in order to fulfill these commitments, and if it must occur, this student shall strive to merge all three into one. Albeit this is not ideal, and so I hope to hear whether these dates are amicable;

First Debate - Tesrin Hray the 6th

Second Debate - Tesrin Hray the 8th

Third Debate - Tesrin Hray the 10th

Thank you for your consideration and I wish you all the best of fortune upon the campaign trail.

Mekonnen Aristides
Student of the Sandstone College