Message to Eyuchiskol [DM/NPC]

Started by Son of Zehir, August 31, 2024, 09:14:37 AM

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Son of Zehir

A letter was delivered to a certain place, scented with two drops of Dragon's Bile.

QuotePure-Blooded One,

This wretch seeks your wisdom on a matter of the Ninth Spoke, so feared by the Ashfolk. I beseech you to share knowledge of an old rite known to the serpentfolk, knowledge incomplete to a thinblood such as I.

This and a favor I would ask.

In return I offer a favor of my own, befitting of a being of your ambition. Name your desire, and I shall see it done.

I shall seek you at your dwelling upon invitation, should this letter intrigue you.

~ A Bastard Son of Zehir