Missive For Manos

Started by A Mind Reborn, August 27, 2024, 11:42:57 PM

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A Mind Reborn

A carefully written parchment

Document: Report
Intended Viewer: Nadiri Manos

--Beginning of Report--
Contributors: Alexium Gorvult
Subject: Dunes of R/R
Objective: Detailed accounting

Route: Ease dictates preparation near the Gate of Sand. The road rides high from there. Passing the budding quarry garrison and the whispers brings you to the steps of a capable escort. While a path is not possible for the lone traveler, a suitable number likely could forge their own with one, or preferably more, adept navigators.

If a path is braved, find a fairly non-descript town bordered by a reprieve from the sands in the form of palm trees and their sup.

On arrival, the rusted gears of an age near forgotten readily greet you. Opposing structures of impressive size sleeked in black with innumerable pipes framing their entirety jut from the sands. Each bound by significant arcana. The surface sands have thus far been relatively void of living presence. What little remains of those interested in the works there are scattered about- ironically, just near an engraved proclamation from Osman, the Second of his name, condemning all the neighboring works as Pra'raj's corruption. For those with curious eyes and an inclination towards various forms of art, there is an expression to be found that I will not lessen with a copied recital.

Opportunity to delve presented. Limited insight secondary to mission specifications. Entry below the aforementioned structures variably possible according to the most recent sandstorm. An ever-expansive network filled with, and perhaps guarded by, machines seen in the gutters, larger horned-machinations, and even massive arachnids displaying crystalline features.

Vital information:
Proper levitation means required
Arcane primary, one foot soldier minimum
--End of Report--

A Mind Reborn

Document: Report
Intended Viewer(s): Nadiri Manos; Apothar Zol

--Beginning of Report--
Contributors: Alexium Gorvult
Subject: Shade Rift
Objective: Chronicle Field Report

The scholar Jamileh of the Sandstone College began to accumulate a number for rumors of flickering shades in the Monolith. As preparations were underway, a dwarven arrived in distress. His tale was of kobolds of a shadow variant that overpowered his companions. Upon entering the caverns, the sound of combat and digging alike were heard.

Normal variant lizards were engaged but upon closer inspection that were simply at their genesis of being enveloped in the impending shade. As we went deeper, the lizards were more fully into their shadow development. Wings and darkness abound. Further, barriers of pure shadow had made their way throughout the maze that presented itself. Tunnels were dug deep and the numbers vast.

Final encounter presented with the source of the incursion. Two obelisks with a void that was clearly portal to another realm. After a concerted effort to magically seal this passage, the paired obelisk were sundered.

Vital information:
Those with skilled eyes did report a disturbing revelation. Something/somethings made an escape prior to closure. Further investigation needed.

Need to formalize a magical seal from such incursions that can be modified by the skilled Astronomers on a situational basis depending upon the specific source. This should be a simple if not time consuming endeavor.

Conclusion: We should suspect more incursions at an exponentially increasing manner as the true living of this world.
--End of Report--