Letter to Legate Argent and Legate Marcellus

Started by TheAbyssalSight, August 18, 2024, 01:18:34 AM

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[A small poster tucked away in the letter.]

Bonjour Legates,

Perhaps you might of heard or not heard, I am hosting a small tourney in the Krak within three days time. Why would this interest you, you wonder? A return to a respectable sport, profession and entertainment to the Ephia's Well for gladiators, spectators, and those looking to endorse their own warriors.

However a point that Madame Helerath is that these people, they will fight for the carrot in front of them, but not for the glory. I do believe with the support, advertising from both Purple and Gold guilds that we can change this. No longer will the sands run dry without blood being spilt, no longer will the citizens find themselves bored drinking the Krak with nothing to look forward. I wish to see if you both could agree on making this tournament a little more special, interesting. I've put up 4,000 of my own dinar up as a prize with entrance fees being added to the pot. However dinar isn't enough to encourage some warriors, perhaps in your generous hearts you might offer something more special.

With the aid, help with both of you I can see a fine future from running these games from the small dull circle within the Krak to grand games within the colosseum that even tourists from Baz'eel coming to see them. This is only a small stepping stone, and I hope you can see a bright future. With the right direction, these games will lead to a great economic growth, strong warriors who distinguished themselves within the fights, along with encouragement from the Voiced to endorse their own warriors into the games. Even gathering attention from the beloved Sultan should we be so lucky. Also I would wish to see the return of the blood sands with the Leagues having their champions fight once again.

Should you wish to speak, make a bellow or send me a letter. I look forward to both of your responses, feedback, and hopefully excitement for the future I envision.

Elise La Cour