Statement to Rhuk and Carrot

Started by TheAbyssalSight, August 17, 2024, 04:46:14 AM

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[A rather hastily scribbled note of paper handed off to Rhuk.]

Upon our travels yesterday, myself and a band of few others (Forgot their names) were going to clear out a nest of some sort of vermin for the workboard. Now before then, we handled a problem in the Granary however upon our return with a route passing by it, we found a pile of bodies in a ritualistic manner. Much like the one found in the Gutters, it wasn't spelling out any letter or number as I recall. Just a circle with the corpses facing outward.

Another ritualistic site of corpses was found elsewhere, however my memory fades. I cannot remember exactly what it was spelling out and it was more of a great beast twisted into some form of numbers or letters. Spit or Pit, something like that. Beyond that everything else is beyond myself and my companions at the time, we were not accosted nor did we see anything else beyond the handiwork of what I'm guessing is a brooker.

Elise La Cour