Tournament of Blade and Steel

Started by TheAbyssalSight, August 16, 2024, 08:07:06 PM

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Tournament of Steel and Blade

Event Hosted by Elise La Cour

Sponsored by Zina Zizzo's Enterprises, be sure to get your vials and gear from Zizzo's!

Wonderful people of the Well, for too long has it been since the competitive games of Wit, Strength, and Luck have been put on display. I bring a return to these games, hosted within the Krak upstairs in the small spar pit. With the grace of the Banda Ross, I shall be offering a grand prize for the winner. I encourage all who seek to show off their strength to partake in this event, for the chance to be known as a real champion. With a popular demand for this sport to return, I hope to bring a swift return to the Bloodsands and the colosseum's seats to be filled.

For now while we use the Krak's as a venue, we will be extremely limited to close quarter combat. Unfortunately this will make it difficult for magic users, and archers, or any other combat style to thrive.  Should success come from this, my intention is to find a better venue that will suit the needs for all, and level the playing field.

  • The Entry fees for combatants shall be 500 dinar, if you are unable to cover this cost you may find one who will sponsor you. Sponsorship can be done by anyone willing to cover this cost, any dealings made between these two parties is their own and isn't under management. The 500 dinar fee will be added to the pot along with a small 10% cut to help cover the management's and staff cost.
  • Sponsorships, want us to promote your shop, services? Maybe you're seeking to recruit fine soldiers for your cause? We will make announcements of sponsorships throughout the fights, promoting services or recruitment for a fee of 250. These costs will go fully to management and staffing, and future endeavors.
  • Donations, perhaps out of the kindness of your heart, promote the games for potential, or other reasons. We will accept donations with the same 10% cut and the rest shall be given into the Prize Pot.
  • Gambling, the management of Elise La Cour's enterprises will offer a secure way to handle 1 to 1 bets. A small 5% cut in fee for security. Third party gambling is of your own risk, if you are cheated or stolen from in this manner it is not the responsibility of management.

    Rules of the Tourney

    While we operate in the Banda Ross's grace, they shall have final say on anything that occurs within their grounds. And see whatever punishment fit to those who cross the boundaries and hospitality offered by our generous host.

    • Both Combatants must stay within the ring, if one flees outside of the ring they are disqualified.
    • Combatants may use whatever means they choose, or agree on conditions before the bout. However if either cause harm to bystanders or damage to the Krak, they shall be disqualified.
    • A combatant shall not kill another if both parties have not agreed to it and certainly not within the Krak. Such actions will lead to disqualification, and the extent of the law that the Magistracy might see fit.
    • Combatants shall not rob one another after subduing one, this also lead to being disqualified and whatever law the Magistracy see fits.

    Duels to the death are not encouraged, should a duel to the death be agreed to between two parties. The fight shall take place outside the Krak's gates. The dead combatant will forfeit his possessions to the winner, and will be dragged to the Maqbara for funeral services.

    Any questions, concerns or other regards may be addressed to Elise La Cour in letter or person.


Tournament Concluded.
Prize: 10,000
Winner: Asherisa Myl