[Argent Argyris]

Started by Pandip, August 14, 2024, 02:12:45 PM

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I am stuck with you for nearly another month. I have come to terms with the reality that I will receive absolutely nothing from you legislatively. I would be delighted for you to prove me wrong. I am certain you will not.

Nonetheless! I am stuck with you. And you, with I. And I believe I have thoroughly demonstrated what a nightmare I can make this for you.

So let me extend an olive branch of peace: Arrange for me the trip we discussed in the College with the exclusive attendance of the Cinquefoil Rose and mayhap we can come to further arrangements.

    -- Aubrey Domergue
       Lyrist of the Lost Hearth

big metal rod

This has been received...



You love Ephia's Well. I love Ephia's Well. This is the joining thread which binds us together, whatever our differences. And I believe, as well, that Fiordelise loves Ephia's Well.

I have been much maligned over your use of palatial titles and the looseness with which you have utilized the treasury - this is true. But an opportunity stands before us! One easily taken; one unmarred by the mire of politics.

Let us take this opportunity to empower someone who loves Ephia's Well and her People as we do.

I believe we should uplift Fiordelise to the position of the Palatial Physician and see her distributed a stipend so that she might continue her efforts to better our home.

Sometimes, these decisions are mercifully obvious and simple. I say we embrace such ease; there will be many more difficult decisions for us to argue over in the future.

Truth in Action,

    -- Aubrey Domergue
       Lyrist of the Lost Hearth

big metal rod


I have reached out my hand and put all matters in motion.  As you have so succinctly put, with ease.  Expect official announcements to follow.

As to your prior letter... anticipate an answer in the course of time.
