Letter to Emilia Laurentis

Started by TheAbyssalSight, August 11, 2024, 06:10:33 PM

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As requested,

QuoteThe Krak will be used to hold a small series of tourney, with the limited space it offers it will be one on one close quarter combat. Anyone might enter as long as they offer the fee, or find someone endorsing them to cover said fee. The fee, donations will be added to the prize pool. For now anyone can endorse anyone, long as the dinar is paid in full. The competitors are responsible for their own gear, supplies, and health before the games start. During the tourney, they will find the comforts of the water, and services of a professional healer to treat any, and all wounds. The tourney will run in a bracket like manner, with the winners advancing. These bouts will end when one of the combatants is subdued. Duels to the death aren't advertised or encouraged, however if two combatants choose such a duel it shall take place outside the gates of the Krak. The dead comatant will forfeit his possessions to the winner, and the dead will be dragged to the Maqbara.

As agreed upon, the Management shall pay 500 dinar a month to the Banda Ross for access to the second floor arena to ensure no interference occurs.

Entry Fee - For a combatant to compete they must pay 500 dinar to enter the tourney, if they cannot afford this they might find a third party and make a contract with them to pay for their entry. Whatever agreement between the gladiator and the third party is between those two, and not the Tournament Management. The fee will be added to a total of the pot for the prize, with a 10% cut for the organizing and marketing of the Management.

Gambling - Gambling should be done through the Management and not a third party. For this security, we will take matching bets 1-1, records will be kept for payouts to the winners. The winner will recieve their payout with a 5% cut for handling the security of the dinar.

Marketing - Advertisement will be offered during these games, merchants, factions within the Well, or more exotic ventures may pay Management. These advertisements will be made between bouts of the rounds. These will advertise merchants, push recruitment, or more miscellaneous services.

Donations - Some people may wish to donate out of the kindness of their heart, or to get their name out there to the public, or perhaps a way to endorse the games themselves. These donations will take a 5% cut for Management to help funds for future ventures, the majority will be added to the prize pot.

The Rules

While we operate in the Banda Ross's grace, they shall have final say on anything that occurs within their grounds. And see whatever punishment fit to those who cross the boundaries and hospitality offered by our generous host.

  • Both Combatants must stay within the ring, if one flees outside of the ring they are disqualified.
  • Combatants may use whatever means they choose, or agree on conditions before the bout. However if either cause harm to bystanders or damage to the Krak, they shall be disqualified.
  • A combatant shall not kill another if both parties have not agreed to it and certainly not within the Krak. Such actions will lead to disqualification, and the extent of the law that the Magistracy might see fit.
  • Combatants shall not rob one another after subduing one, this also lead to being disqualified and whatever law the Magistracy see fits.

If any changes are needed, suggestions, or anything else. Please feel free to revise as needed, and I shall review it.

Elise La Cour