Prominent Figure: Zina Zizzo

Started by Runic, August 06, 2024, 06:13:31 PM

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Zina Zizzo

"I believe myself to be a great admirer of all things beautiful. Be it fashionable clothing and stylish accessories, the many peoples who adorn them, or even extending further still into the arts. Be it painting, music, or dance. I believe it to be a noble thing, to try and live a beautiful life. A life where beauty surrounds you and envelops you. That, is what I strive for. I may deal in magical wares, but the real magic? Why, it is the beauty created by talented peoples." – Zina Zizzo, quote from interview.

Zina Zizzo hails from the Floating City of Il Modo, where she was born into a prominent mercantile family. Her aptitude for crafting small blades and knives, a tradition passed down her line by the many strong and cunning businesswomen who came before her. Knives, being a staple of Modini culture, mean her family does quite well for themselves. But how does one differentiate themselves? How does one stand out in a place where one can only go so far with the talents they have? Simple. One diversifies the market. Thus, Zina Zizzo graces the citadel of Ephia's Well as one of the Souk's most prominent merchant lords.

A woman of ambition and guile, she has taken on the role of political backer to the Gold League, using her ever expanding funds to finance projects and back other notable citizens in their endeavours. Always is she looking to diversify into new business ventures, to test the waters and bring fortune and finance to Ephia's Well. A place and a people who have given her so much, and whom she wishes to help in return, via the sale of quality wares at affordable prices. Why, there are few merchants more well-known than she.
Now, many might ask, how might I impress upon a woman as remarkable as Zina Zizzo? She says it best.
"Be they caravaneer looking to sell their spoils of war, for which I will pay handsome prices. Be they my loyal customers, who I will always place first and foremost. Be they aspiring merchants or Gold League advocates who wish to prove themselves through their wits and graces. I shall always be willing to host a most suitable negotiation, and to treat them with the dignity of a potential business partner."

Zina Zizzo has transformed the Souk's Trade Hall from the Maestro's Hall to Zina's Emporium after careful and tactful business negotiations. No small feat of mercantile prowess. However, her gilded smile and affable personality leave no doubt in this authors mind that she will succeed at her future business ventures, and that her wealth and fame be an inspiration to anyone who comes to our fair citadel. That anyone can strike gold in Ephia's Well. 

Given her ownership over the Trade Hall, she has since been awarded the title of Master Merchant, to show her prowess as a mercantile powerhouse.

Full Disclosure Notice: : Legate Argent Argyris vouched for Zina's nomination, and provided 1,500 dinars of funding. Zina herself provided 1,500 dinar additionally.