A Letter to Qari

Started by VanillaPudding, July 27, 2024, 05:26:50 AM

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The tablet property is of interest to me and I understand you had a hand in the taking of it. As a favor between old friends, I need it cleared out and rented to Fiordelise Foscari. Whatever you and the guildmaster resolved there is not of my concern. I'm sure that you can make this happen for me?

Balestriere Emilia Laurentis.


Dear Balestriere,

I'm uncertain which property you refer to. I have no interests being conducted in the tablet at this time. I am happy to continue to exchange favors, but if there is a desire to see this property change hands..? I will need to know more about what it is you desire.




I am told the property will be exchanged in short order.  Do let me know if you require anything else.




I've reviewed the contract you provided with the individual in question.

I expect they will sign.

Do let me know if you require further negotiations as a third party.
