Inspector Kalen Viluin

Started by Random_White_Guy, February 04, 2014, 08:54:15 AM

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With huge thanks to AMB for finally motivating me to pursue this I was able to pursue a dream concept of mine for EFU. For almost a decade now I have pursued the development and cultivation of a concept that so purely embodied what it is I hoped to accomplish in EFU.

That concept's name was Kalen Viluin. I had made assassins many times and ways but each time it ended up ending very poorly.

In a few short weeks Kalen rose to be my best PC in EFU history bar none. The intrigue, the conflict, the strife, the espionage.

There was really no greater time had.

The concept was based upon four chapters of EFU and the Assassin PRC. I grew tired of seeing the endless treadmill of Assassin PRCs that were earned, publicly flaunted as prices were raised, and ultimately met their untimely end. So I set about the pursuit of creating, to quote James Bond in Casino Royale's remake "You want me to be half monk, half hit man?" to which M replies "I want you to take ego out of the equation".

The idea was a simple one-

I wanted to start a guild of assassins who were killers that had proven they were more than killers. That there was a special something they could bring forward that could result in actual prestige being associated with the Prestige Class. It wasn't for ego, it wasn't for swagger, it was for the simple act of slaying.

Due to intense spoilers I have no screenshots of Inspector Kalen Viluin for the sake of other PC's activities.

I wish to offer special thanks to AMB, Vlaid, D_I and most improtantly Magister for helping me craft this dream into a reality. I also wish to thank Fitzwilliam for the wilds fun, Irith for the lower fun, Tobit for the awesome interactions leading up to his demise, and a litany of new EFU players who I had the priveledge of interacting with.

Like Icarus I flew too closely to the sun but for the briefest of moments I lived my EFU dream.

An Assassin Guildmaster on EFU.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


A very cool character.




The Old Hack

An awesomely cool character. He will be missed.


Too soon. It didn't have to end, not at all, and certainly not now.

His influence will not be soon forgotten.


I'm sad to see you go RwG, and I'm sad I never got to fully interact with Kalen.


Damnit RwG,

Baby come back.... seriously though, great character and I hope you come back with an amazing concept in the near future.


I regret that we never got to hang out more, though in truth, you were an assassin and I had very few friends. Always had my suspicions that you had something to do with Tobit, but how would I prove it?

Take it easy bro.


Divine Intervention

We had some awesome schemes and times.  I suppose in an ironic way it's fitting the last pc of RwG should be ended before his time.  Well played.

Jayde Moon

We now return you to your regularly scheduled merry-go-round of PCs.

Well played, my friend.  Let's go for longer on the next!


Tobit's was a good death RwG;  Creepy, memorable.  I wish I could look into all that went on with Kalen behind the scenes - I suppose that pleasure goes exclusively to the DMs.  Looking forward to your next.


he was an ASSASSIN?
and Oya yelled at AN ASSASSIN?!

ugh... now I'm scared.

a shame... I loved the part in which you were all silent and mournful. it was something I really wished to see on our PCs.