The Lily Resurgent, C/O Miro Lac-du-Manse

Started by Hierophant, July 18, 2024, 12:17:45 PM

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Good evening, esteemed Miro of the Sibylline Sisterhood and fellow of the League of White;

I pray this letter finds you well and I do apologize for its speediness in pursuing your hands albeit I was short on time and you know how inspirations might turn for the fickle mind. It must be invoked before the thought is lost on us.

With that being said, I should like to meet with you soon in private to discuss a number of policies and ideas for the League that given your commitment to the Lily, you should find quite appealing.

I surmise you and I share a budding familiarity betwixt our goals and if this is true, then I have high hopes for the future of Asterabadian values. I have been writing feverishly into the night ever since our last meeting, and I am keen to see Ephia's Well governed with compassion and commonality.

Yours truly,
Scribe Barend Hoensbroeck
Colleague of the Lily
How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?


Scribe Hoensbroeck,

I would be delighted to speak on such matters. I am unable to convene today, but the day following should be suitable for such a discussion. I share your assessment of our mutual goals.

Miro Lac-du-Manse,
Acolyte of the Sibilant Vine
Redemption! Redemption!


Dear Miro,

The war is over. Now we musn't feel that nag in our gut when politick at hand. The time is now to rekindle the flame of the League and make it iron, not within a personality but an exact philosophy, unrelenting.

The reality is that our tenets, they are no mere political aspirations; they are livelihoods. No mere dreams, but the olive branch of tomorrow. Our peace at last.

In time it should spread far and wide from these old walls, but such are ambitions for another; today, we must unite and stand tall.

I reinforce my plea that you call upon me should you require my services. Until then, I shall be keeping my eye upon the candidates with hopes of steering them upon the righteous path.

Yours truly,
Escribe Barend Hoensbroeck
Colleague of the Lily
How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?


Dear Barend,

Your words cheer me. You see lucidly the essence of our League and its immortal principles.

I encourage you to meet with Ahmet Yildrim, a newcomer in our citadel of some promise. He may be our candidate in a future election.

At present he, myself, and Elara Stormblade have entered into a discussion of the holding of a People's Assembly a week hence. It shall be a protest, an impromptu Assembly where Prince and pauper alike shall attend before the Pyramid, which shall legislate, which shall issue demands before the State. Whatever service you might offer to such an end, I shall appreciate.

Miro Lac-du-Manse
Acolyte of the Sibylline Vine
Redemption! Redemption!


Penned in a bolder and more stoic lettering, with little to no flourishes.

My newest friend Miro,

Your words posted within the offices, you may have realized by now, did much to convince me this was the League I was fated to inquire upon and draw on my countenance forever.

Now we dream of the future, when the memories of old tenements only make the heart sigh. Some never lift their chin from those thoughts, while others, like you and I; we cherish instead of mourn our past, and we invoke those experiences, those memories as pitch for the flame to make us stronger, wiser, sharper.

All to better our fellow, our friend, our neighbor, our people. The Ephian Republic can be established if the willful of the city lend themself to the heart required in its working, and we must be its shepherds. We must set examples and policies that which bring proud nods and smiles, not shame nor guilt.

An Assembly requires an agenda. I shall report back soon with scholarly and thoughtful inquiries into many questions aching at the minds of Ephians, Voiced and Voiceless both. For it is as you say in your writings, to abolish a Voice. A mockery of our plight, and now rubbed in checkered faces as the price for one far exceeds the common man's purse. Ephia's Well has become a dinarcracy, fallen from grace, so far from Asterabadi's wishes that it makes me sick to my core.

Yours truly,
Escribe Barend Hoensbroeck
Colleague of the Lily

How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?