Letter to the Fourth Legion

Started by WriterX, July 11, 2024, 06:41:57 AM

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 I heard the Dwarven Prince was murdered. I would request a report on what transpired, including the parties involved.

Legate Marcellus Saenus



My soldiers report that the Prince Zosmere was captured by the Banda Rossa and dragged before the Gate of Roses to be executed for his crimes-- those crimes being inflicting both you and Legate Argyris with a blood curse. I assumed he was dragged forth from the Creep. Balestriere Laurentis and Recluta Danebluff were present for the execution. Former Soldier Shane Kenthur attempted to free the Prince, but was subdued. When the Prince was killed by a spear through the neck, the resulting curse harmed nearby refugees huddling in the wall's shadow.

I am informed that for some reason, a band led by Balladeers Niraniel and Aurelio went to Kulkund, hoping to purify and then bury the dead Prince amongst the land of his ancestors. Once there, they were taunted by dark whispers of the hordes of Iakmes, who then attacked the group and stole the corpse in the chaos.

Lt. R. Colmes