Samton Ashworth

Started by Karp, July 07, 2024, 02:58:03 AM

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Daoud al-Maaz

Samton was easily one of the most human and believable characters I've had the pleasure to roleplay with. The Janissaries won't be the same without him. I'll miss Samton, but I look forward to whatever you play next, Karp. You're a legend. :)


Samton was hands down my favorite Janni, one who earned respect not only IG but OOC as well. From the first interaction of standing against the full might of the Rose together in a stand off, to Catapult Training, I loved every moment of time with Samton and I'll always regret not getting that heal off in time.

You're one of the best Krapie!

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

Excellent work! I loved our interactions.

It amused me to no end that Samton went from sucking in his gut around the Sisters to eyeing them with grave suspicion. Not that such a shift was warranted in the slightest.


Walrus Warwagon

Objectively one of the most seen janissaries.
One last time, Samton... Objection!


Really enjoyed our limited interactions on opposite sides of the Accord. <3


A really iconic Sergeant of the Fourth, excellent job! But now we know you can play longer lived PCs!
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


Thank you for executing multiple of my PC's ❤️. Samton was great.


Samton was a god among men...

Don Nadie

Goodness, poor Samton. Gone, but not forgotten, I'm sure :)


I will miss Samton. He was fun to RP with.