Testing Slaver Perk

Started by PhoneyPriest, July 01, 2024, 08:03:22 PM

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With the help of some players we were able to check some of the actives that the Slaver perk gives fighters. There's a couple issues (?) we found, mostly with how their function is documented.

First is the perk's Active ability, wording below:

Tested this with the assistance of three other players, screenshot here (Plus a tanglechains attempt, to be discussed later):

As you can see, it caused three Reflex Saves (the fourth one if from the Tanglechains), which is already inconsistent with how its documented on the wiki. It should only be two. Also, the Wiki does not mention that the perk Active causes a save? The effect is extremely weak, and the enemy having to fail a Save for it to work makes it... I don't know, maybe the worst active in the entire Fighter list? It's a bad slow that will work maybe sometimes.

I'd suggest including the fact that it forces a save on Slaver's wiki entry, so people are forewarned on how weak this feature really is. Or increasing the slow percentage dramatically, if it's going to require a save.

The second element we tested was the Tanglechains, description below:

So, we tested whether it affects two characters and it doesn't appear to.

It's a higher DC tanglebag, which is fine but not consistent with the IG description of the Item.

And that's it.