Sandstone Audit

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Tabbah 7788 Sandstone Audit
By Celebyuin Hui'nalyw

Scribe of the Sublime Garden
Office of Means and Measure

There stirred a growing concern among the populace, namely a few white league partisan firebrands, that the trade of favor with the Ex-Legate Balstan Gloamingdaith and the Dragon Legate Argent lead to exceeding favors with the Legates to ensure the Dragon's wild, sweeping declarations in the final three days of the Gilded Pyramid.

To contest these matters I was cordially invited to an "Audit" of Sandstone College. Therein a number of discoveries made but among them the emphasis was upon the Student Dormatories - For the former Legate only had access to such a room.

Therein I inspected matters and made inquiries. And therein I found a number of books, a great deal of furniture, and further.

Enclosed in this report are my findings.

Goods and Storage:
Beastman Shield
Potion Cauldron
Exemplary Chain Shirt.
Dune Wolf Pelt
Hunter's Quiver
Baz'eel Tailored Suit
Mistletoe Berry,
Sturdy Warrior Boots
Campfire Oil sold for 4 Dinar
Enchanted Robes, for favor
Additional tools and armors, for favor.
Potions, for favor
Additional private storage of adventuring goods by the students, mundane and not worth noting but likely valued at 2-350 dinar upon the market.

Interest though came in the list of Books, as it is of course a wide repository of the Scholars of the City. Herein is their Catalog. A few volumes were checked of value at the famed emporium of illustrious scholar Rashid al-Rashid.


Student Works:
A Comepndium to Ephia's well- Chapter1: Ephia's Well
A Deliving into the Fall of HIgh Kulkund, Vol 1
The Science of Magic.

ASsorted Works
The Duty of Philosophy - 136 Dinar
Codwick Almanack 2nd Edition
Calendar of the Great Ash 13 Dinar
Codwick's Alamanac of the Rings, Third Edition 9 Dinar
Three Cannonical Text.

Anthropology and Xenobiology
Book of Spiders
The Curse of the Stonefolk
Eye for Eye
Encounters with the Ayyabasim
The Latent 591 Dinar

History - The Great Ring
Of Sand and Sea Excerpt 1
The Five Ages of the World 131 Dinar
A Treatise on the True Character of the Great Ash Desert

History - Al Maribid
Lives of the Maribid, Fifth Edition, Volume II
Volume I
Volume III
Life of Osman - Volume II 318 Dinar
Life of Osman - Volume I - 345 Dianr

The Tale of Eleven Kailahs
Memoirs of a Young Warrior
In Errantry upon the Sands
The Magus and the Shepherd
Velan Volandis and the Flight from the Serpents Budoir

History Ephia's Well
The Long Pretence, Volume II
The Long Pretence, Volume I
The Heresiarch Sirhandi
The Democracy of Ephia's Well
Ibtihal, the Pilgrim
On the Names of the Well
City-States of the Great ash

Matikh on Property, Volume 3, Vandalism
The Making of the Law: Necromancy and the Trial of Al'vatikh
Penal Code for Ephia's Well
Matikh on Property, Volume 1, Tresspassing
Matikh on Property, Volume 2, Theft.

Creative Writing
Praise of the Forest
Strange Poem
Exhaltation of Vahd I
The Fable of Salhin
The Birdyay of Marina, Day of Frolics and Fools: Libretto and Score

A box of many things
Annals of the Successros' Court
Camel Care & You
Account of a Wagoneer
The Vanishing Maribid
Q'tolip: A Genius for Lies?

The Wheel
Truisms of the Wheel
The Tenets of the Magi, Izdu, by Marcellus Seanus
Hymn to B'aara
The Origins of the Wheel

Q'aim, A Voyage - Volume I
The Banal Librettos of Fornato 31 Dinar
Q'aim a Voyage - Volume II
Fornato's Principles Excerpts II - Unknonw

Noble Arts
Exerpt from the Diamond Junket 108 Dinar
The Caliph's Cork to HIs Perfect Vessel 36 dinar
The Ash 181 Dinar
Annals of the Successor's Court
Coinage of the Caliphate 241 Dinar


On the Deception of Cults 59 Dinar
The Curse of Osman I
Prophecy of the Risen Palace
Who Are The Marishyen
The Vanishing Maribid

The war of Pearls
Volumes I, 50 Dinar
Volume II 86 dinar
volume III 90 dinar
volume IV 69 dinar
volume V unknown
volume VI unknown

All in with comparison to the Legal texts and Rashids, an estimated sum of 6-7000 dinar in Books given the rarity and condition of some of the earlier edition works of the Library. A fine collection cultivated by dozens of students since the Institution opened its doors to the public and began taking in tution and students.

The only matters of concern was twofold:

Firstly a number of "Black Market" tomes, circulated often among the Creep and by less savory sources. That is a cause of concern but it in fact adds some value to the collection to have rarer additions to the collection which did catch my eye.

Secondly: A number of tome son the so called Ninth Spoke. Very grim to see take hold in such an institution. However it is not a matter of dinar so once more - having rare and esoteric black marketries in fact adds to a collection's value.

The only other expenses laid upon by my eyes were of Furnishing and Furniture.


10 Chests, valued at 500 dinar - Total of 5,000 dinar.
2 Brazier - valued at 150 dinar, 300 dinar
1 Statue, valued at 5,000 dinar
4 Armoir varied at 500 dinar, 2,000
2 Cabinets valued at 500 dinar, 1000
2 Bulletin Boards, one at 500 one at 300, 800
One Table, 500 dinar
One Couch, 800 dinar
12 Bookshelves. varied at 1,000 dinar a piece 12,000
1 table, wood, 260 dinar
2 chairs, wood, 200 dinar
1 stool, wood., 50 dinar

While the grand total of this collection of furniture sit at 27,910 Dinar by most estimates, that puts roughly the net sum of 33-34,000 dinar of combined books and furnishings.

However it is so too important to note that this is an accumulated collection over months. A great deal of donations made in 7787, from Baz'eelan students such as Faisal, eccentric scholar such as Caster Cro, and many others.

As shared in final word from Former Legate Balstan Gloamingdaith -

"The Sandstone College is a private institute ran by the Benefactor and other donors from Baz'eel.  As we are cognisant that certain baseless allegations have been laid before us, however, we have humbly invited the audit to prove - our continued commitment towards the touchstones of transparency and service to Ephia's Well."

May this bring transparency to affairs.

End Report.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips