To the Astronomers of Q'tolip!

Started by big metal rod, June 21, 2024, 10:18:50 PM

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big metal rod


Kindly send me the name of the Apothar you wish to be appointed to the position of Magistrate.

Live and drink,

-The Dragon Argyris,
Lord-Protector of the Garden,
Master of the Second Seat,
Legate of the Well


Dear Dragon,

I will confer with my fellow Astronomers and see who would serve the Tower best in this way.

Out of curiosity, would you also find a Nadiri an acceptable choice?

As a Fatespinner, I do my best work from behind the curtain rather than up on the stage.

Estellise Azimi

big metal rod


So long as they can be trusted to serve our mutual interests, I am content with a Nadiri.

-The Dragon Argyris,
Lord-Protector of the Garden,
Master of the Second Seat,
Legate of the Well