Change how carrying bodies works

Started by Blue41, June 20, 2024, 04:55:58 PM

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Carrying the body of your fallen should be a heroic act. It should be something that imparts an actual sacrifice, and right now the biggest detriment to carrying a body is encumbrance. I think it might be a much weightier decision if carrying a PC body applied a different penalty altogether.

Negatives to AC: -5/10?
Negatives to AB: -3/6/9?

During last night's event I carried the body of a PC for a bit and if I hadn't been so far behind my group, I would've been just fine doing it, and I don't think that should be the case. Eight PC's died, six bodies were recovered and that feels crazy because it easily could have been a full recovery. Again, that shouldn't be the case.

Reduce the weight of a body to 20-30 lbs, I don't even care about the encumbrance anymore. Bringing a body back to safety should be a matter of risk instead of convenience. Kidnapping PC's should be possible, but being able to fight and defend yourself expertly while spiriting someone away also feels out of sync. Instead, it should be a team job, with the kidnapper crew defending the kidnapper.


I agree.

Though I think the full weight of the person should be a consideration.
Maybe not heavily encumbered but, atleast regularly encumbered with an AC/AB loss.


Oooh, this is an exciting idea!

Events where you can drag bodies around functionally turn into Non Perma currently so I assume it must be pretty negligible for folks

Harsher penalties for dragging bodies around also feels more realistic to me


i'm in favor of this, though if carry weight for dead bodies is lessened it becomes easier for mages to carry bodies which might be an unintended design thing. though 20-30 lbs is still pretty rough on a wizard, and the ac penalty would still be bad even if ab penalty is less so

I love cats

This is a terrible idea that mainly benefits lugging out bodies via stealth and invis. I am all for AB and Damage penalties but keeping the weight as is or increasing it. Lets not make it easier than it already is to run around with corpses.


What if it also gave a stealth penalty to carry them?


I like this idea. I would suggest lowering the weight of a body (but not removing it!) and making the minuses based on encumbrance level.


Really against the premise of being able to run off with a body, or struggle less, and honestly the idea/image of people being able to drag 8 corpses out of a warzone is cringey and removes any sense of gravity to the situation.

It should be a challenge, and in its current format it's still heroic if you do it, because you're literally risking your life to do it. If you're dropping it, it's down to your desire to live vs the idea that its ooc that it's heavy to carry a corpse.


I don't know if I'd call an event where two people died as functionally non-perma. Dragging people was definitely a risk because more enemies were being spawned constantly, making it costly and dangerous to do so. I am aware of at least one person who went down because they lagged behind dragging someone.

Body dragging is a nice compromise for some events, especially when someone might just eat a 98 damage spear crit out of stealth during it, and if the event is structured around it (it was).

-ac/ab might just change the calculus of who should be carrying bodies. Moves it from strong guys to expertise guys or people who don't swing at things. Which is okay, maybe! Slow just makes more intuitive sense to me even if it is a giant hassle for kidnappers.


To be clear, I don't really care too much if the weight goes up or down. People tend to carry corpses invisibly or in stealth if they can already. All a kidnapper with stealth needs to do is transition and they become invisible with their body in tow, which is dumb.

But to speak to the war zone scenario, I just feel like if you have 8 deaths and 8 people who take the time to carry those bodies out, things should be actively getting worse for the rest of the group, because you're essentially down 16.


Having witnessed a PVP where a guy slow walked a corpse out of Upper Sanctuary into Lower Sanctuary carrying a blacked out guy with multiple PCs wailing on him, I think this would be a good change but does have some implications to kidnappings.
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Just want to add that whether or not a body is recoverable isn't the deciding factor (always) as to whether a DM event is perma.

This is decided by the DM(s) running the event, and usually has a few caveats.

- Some DMs run things where any death at any point is perma.
- Some DMs run things where players have a set number of "lives" to lose before their final one.
- Some DMs run things where perma is only an outcome if players fail under certain conditions.