Lyrist Aubrey

Started by Ser Shroom, June 14, 2024, 09:55:15 PM

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Ser Shroom

Noble Lyrist

To my lament, the Vizier defeated me in the primary by no more than a vote.

I write only to commend the people - amongst Gold, Purple, and White - who hastened to support my words of support for the refugees. My condemnation of conscription.

There is support there.

But it was not enough. The White Astronomers of Q'tolip - numbering 5 - voted in bloc to support the Vizier. Doubtless in exchange for rewards to come.

Sadder still, your Sisters delayed and equivocated. In the end, only one Acolyte would lend their support. Others made a pretense of not voting. Though my whispering spies suggest they secretly put much of their support behind the Vizier themselves and gave him the votes he needed to overcome my popular support.

I am disarmed by the indifference of the Accords to his history of corruption. Yet I will continue to shine a magnification upon it all the same.

I am resolved as the election itself: - An honest defeat is preferable to a victory won by compromise.

Yours ever

~Vesryn Aradan



I am saddened to hear this. I hoped we might confer during the week but the separation of our schedules damned that effort. Know that I made every attempt to sway the hearts of the White League whensoever I saw them. Alas, though the Priory did not express a fondness for Arymathras, it appears the only Sister one who lent their signature did so to your opponent.

There is, nonetheless, work that must continue to be done. Let us have hope that our efforts today, difficult though they may be, will lay the seeds for a more verdant future.

    -- Aubrey Domergue
       Lyrist of the Lost Hearth



Know that in spite of our inability to meet, I continue to be an advocate for you in public and private.

Continue to do the work you are doing. You are poised to take center stage at the next election. Trust not the insidious advice of Balstan and his associates in the Gold League; stay true the course that you and I began with the refugees on that fateful day.

We approach the horizon from different angles, but there is a bright hope that awaits us once we crest that hill.

    -- Aubrey Domergue
       Lyrist of the Lost Hearth