Letter to Nadiri Zain

Started by WriterX, June 11, 2024, 12:46:41 PM

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Nadiri Zain,

 I have pondered for a lengthy time about how we can pursue this war, what our weaknesses are, and what strengths our enemy possesses. As such I wanted to share with you some idea I had, with their possible short comings and issues, which may, yet, aid us in some of our battles or help in modifying our current strategies.

 While I agree some of these may be very primitive, sometimes the simplest solution is also the most effective one.

 Firstly, when I pondered the matter of the besieged Dwarves, it is clear that we lack the strength to smash through the besieging force and offer relief to the Hold, or at least that is what I continue to hear. Yet in my desperation to offer the Dwarves hope, and succor I considered what can and cannot be done. If we cannot strike at the Orcs with such force that we would shatter them then we must consider method of weakening or assailing them without greater risk to our own forces.

 Thus the following ideas address the notion that the Orcs are too well dug in, and we cannot offer them enough strength to smash them aside.

Mobile Catapults - While Catapults can of course be moved around, it takes time to construct them, bring in the necessary ammunition and then to aim and fire them. A lengthy process which does not permit mobility, or speed. The question becomes, may we be able to sacrifice accuracy or even range, for the sake of mobility and potential destructiveness. Catapults that could be pulled by horse or camel, firing on the move, or perhaps when standing still, without the need for lengthy deployment.

Our enemy is numerous and eager to come in close. The desert is vast. If we were able to continuously fire while on the move, or even out-maneuver their own siege engines to fire from directions they cannot prepare for it could all be a boon to our side.

There are obvious down sides, such as lack of accuracy and even limited amount of amunition that such a carriage or sleigh could transport.

Which is where we must begin to ponder on another question. Whether we wish to kill Orcs, or destroy the means by which they wage war. The Orcs may be tough, and strong, but they are still mortal. They need water and food like any. Instead of firing as one would expect solid ammunition we should instead focus on causing pestilence and fires. Projectiles that would attract all manner of insects to swarm around the Orcan camps, not only consuming their food, but causing diseases as well.

Fire bombs, even if fired blindly, could hit tents, wooden structures, or any stockpiles, causing limited destruction.

The Orcs are more numerous so we must think like the Orc. Strike from ambush, sabotage, poison the wells, poison their food, cut off their supplies, and so forth.

We ought look for ways to cause discord within the camps.

Which brings me to my next idea, as abstract as it may sound, Fire Lanterns. There did exist, perhaps some still continue to use them, lanterns that drift with the wind, that can be lifted up by it, or drop. The use of such lanterns, if we managed to turn them into effective fire bombs could have a dramatic impact on the decision making of the Orcs, especially if it was combined with our own assault.

The slowly descending rain of fire would theoretically allow the orcs time to gather their belongings, supplies and so on, and move them to safety, but if delivered with enough numbers, or in conjunction with our own attack, it could sow chaos. On one hand the Orcs have to fight us, on the other if they do not tend to the impending fiery doom they will lose their camp. The slow descent of the lanterns would give the orcs an illusion of choice, and thus make them split their attention. When the lanterns would land it would still cause chaos in the camp itself.

Even if we retreated the damage would be done. As long as our side did not fall into a complete route, we could consider it a victory.

Despite what some of the Gold League may think, this is not a War that will be won through a single battle, but a thousand small cuts. I fear we have delayed much in regards to such operations, so if you still hold some sway among your fellow Astronomers, or in the War Council, advise them that while we will have our great battles, our focus should also be on the smallest cuts and pricks.

An infection from a tiny cut upon a toe may, after all, reach the heart.

Live and Drink,

Marcellus Saenus