The Queen Kan'zuzu

Started by Random_White_Guy, June 04, 2024, 01:34:38 PM

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The Queen Kan'zuzu
A Xenobiological Study
By Celybuin Hui'nalyw

The capture of the Kan'zuzu Hive Queen by Warmaster Rennik Colmes & Ephian Expeditionary, Maribeh 7788

In assisting Professor Flint with his studies, Warmaster Rennik Colmes assembled a party. The mission parameters were simple: A pattern of local colony-efforts had shown a dramatic shifting in pupation as a result of an invasive species introduced to the ecosystem. In charting the course of these scent patterns, there was equally a monumental shift in pollination. Both factors indicating that predatory and prey species of insects were sent askew by something new - something different. Something very large had upended the balance of the local insect community. Green Tassels were dispatched and it was confirmed - Tell tale signs. Royal birthing jelly, large quantities of consumption. A Kan'zuzu Hive Queen was introduced to the region.

Favored by the Melek as pack animal and war mount alike such a Queen is a cherished prize. Not one they would part with easily and so the Warmaster and his force were dispatched. Given the preoccupation with studying the so called "flintal balance" of the royal jelly, I was given the unenviable task of assisting.

Though I am far from a Green Tassel, there is something to be said for field experience. My previous works with the Sibilant have made me no stranger to the Melek (See - The Sibilant Myth, Vol I), as well as previous encounters with their Kan'zuzu in my works at Kl'syyk. They are terrifying beasts of varied size, shape, and pincer strength depending upon their level of pupation.

The Larval Stage

The Larvae are limited threat but an overwhelming nuisance - comparable say to the Kobold. In small quantities they can be put down by your average human child with a crossbow or cudgel. However as they begin to take on a Swarm-mentality once scent-triggered matters change swiftly. The young during a scent-trigger episode are capable of dismantling a human child in under six seconds time. As shown in the following diagrams.

[Omitted for decency, limited to Sandstone College Students]


As Kan'zuzu Pupate they become a massive threat. Septupling in size a fully matured Kan'zuzu is capable of moving large quantities of earth, shifting cargo across massive distances, and bearing six numerous fully aged Melek (Or 3.4 Dwarves) depending upon the situational harnesses and speed by which the Kan'zuzu needs to travel. Predominately though in traversing the Great Ash a singular Rider shall mount while Melek Herders assist in moving the caravan of beasts across the desert.

Of particular note is their alacrity in burrowing - capable of using their massive maws not only to render an armored man in twain but passing through sand like an Il-Modi through diplomatic circles. Given enough time their spittle and pincers can even breach sandstone and granite. With even more time given it is theorized that they may deconstruct any earthenwork substance making them a curious consideration for siegefare.

Maturity & The Hive Queen

As any novice tasseless will tell you the nature of insects roots in the Colonial Hive. From the many lower-board offerings of the Scorpionoid to the dreaded Khiz'shazha Birthlings the average boardworker develops swiftly an understanding for scent-markings, hive-movement, and cluster breeding. However when considering the Kan'zuzu this takes another form together entirely. For a Mature Kan'zuzu is the size of a Palatial Pyramid Apartment. Able to rip through magical armor, able to crash through walls, and able to spew spittle of a distressingly corrosive phlegmatic.

A Kan'zuzu Hive Queen sits roughly four times the size of the Males of the species, not uncommon practice among insect. Adding to that the Egg Sack and we are looking at roughly the distance from the Souk Stall opposite the Great Pyramid to the Alley Stall on Palm Avenue in terms of size. An entire Block of space taken up by the Queen and her Offspring-Satchel.


While this is a primer on the Kan'zuzu, it is worth noting some of the statistics shared by Professor Flint the Second.

  • With the acquisition of the Kan'zuzu Queen from the Melek it is estimated upwards of 2,000 Larvae may be produced for the War Effort.
  • If the Larvae are given time to pupate they shall grow even more a utility able to caravan soldiers, cargo, and more across the Great Ash southward.
  • If the Larvae are given time to fully Mature they may prove possible for Siegeworks burrowing into fortresses, crashing enemy lines and walls, or similar to the Melek as a cavalry-based shock troop for utilization in the field.

  • Quantity of food becomes swiftly an issue for 2,000 growing pupa and the logistics therein to keep them satisfied. At the same time we are facing an influx of Refugees this may become contentious unless one potentially became a source of proteins for the other. Armies after all march on their stomachs.
  • Control of the creatures by the Melek Herders remain obfuscated by the workings of the Coded Parchment which lends its own implications.
  • Battlefield Presence - The Kan'zuzu are untested with the Ephian standard dispatch tactics so it is difficult to say how they shall work with the Boardworkers and Accord Forces.

Ultimately these efforts the Professor has dedicated a great deal of his time to.

End Research
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips