From the Silver Drake To the Golden One, Azarmidokht

Started by big metal rod, June 02, 2024, 05:22:53 PM

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big metal rod

Golden Vizier,

Greetings from a fellow sojourner on the path of sorcery, and a true admirer of your work.

I go by the name Argent in the Ash, for one's true name should rarely be given, and I will thank you for upholding that deceit.  I have had the displeasure to serve at the pleasure of princes, and have the great fortune to rule now as Legate of Ephia's Well. 

It has been my desire for some time that our two states strengthen our ties; that Ephia and Kha'esh be like twin giants, standing astride the Great Ash Desert and casting a binary shadow that eclipses even the wonders of the past.

Thus far that desire has been threatened unceasingly by the schemes and pride of mortal men; men without our Gift, rough men who ply the trade of the sword and being given to war see enemies all around them.

To set aside pretentious poetry and speak plain:

Our generals cannot get along.  I think you and I can.  Name a time and a place, and I will come to meet with you for Tea and Tawula.  I'll bring my pieces if you provide the board.  Perhaps the game will reveal secrets enticing as we play on.



A single coin is returned, a Kha'eshi golden lire. It shows the profile of the Emir, Jaiyan Ibn Sharev. No matter the light of the day, it shines golden.
i walked one morning to the fair