Yataghan: Letter of Protest [Legates of the Well]

Started by DangerousDan, June 02, 2024, 10:45:21 AM

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To the Legates of Ephia's Well,

It grieves me to begin our correspondence in such a manner, and the grief is doubled that it should pertain to a man who in any sane world would be a comrade, a confident and a brother.

However, the outrageous conduct of Lieutenant Rennik Colmes must be met with official complaint, lest his ill sentiments fester into outright mutiny.

My honour as a soldier was repeatedly impugned, my motives questioned. My strategem, whose lofty motive is Victory, was debased by his great contentions. He played as-if to the Asterabadian gallery, to some audience of outraged notables.

Such a disgraceful display has no place in a council of war.

Contrast his impudence with the great dignity of the Prince Zosmere, who bore the terrible price exacted of his people! Think upon it.

If this gross behavior is to become habit, then I fear our Union shall fall into suspicion and contempt. What then of the field of battle?

Were I a cruel man, I should have ordered him subject to court martial upon the spot. However. I am gracious, and with great respect for the martial prowess of my ally-state.

Therefore, allow me to register a note of protest, and beg that my honoured ally censure and contain their General.


Commandant of the Wild Brethren
Subjugator of the East
Great Serdar of the Union of Kardesler
i walked one morning to the fair

big metal rod


Circumstances conspired to keep me from our appointed meeting.

Woe to demagoguery if I had been at hand.

This matter will be swiftly addressed, and with unyielding prejudice.